Practise Notes for Grade Three Tap

Warm Up Exercise

Right foot first 3 springs 1 hop, 3 springs 1 hop, 3 springs 1 toe hop, 3 springs 1 toe hop,

3 tap springs 1 toe hop, 3 tap springs 1 toe hop, 2 tap spring toe hops, hop flap ball change

Barre Exercises

A. Shuffles 4 forward shuffles, 3 side shuffles, 4 back shuffles 3 steps turning away from the barre

Repeat other side

Repeat with heel beats on front and side shuffles

B. Cramp Roll Exercise 5 beat cramp roll, heels RLRL, 5 beat cramp roll, heels RLRL

Tap step to side heel heel, pick up step heel heel x 2

5 beat cramp roll, 5 beat cramp roll,

tap step to side heel heel pick up step heel heel

5 beat cramp roll, 5 beat cramp roll, 3 steps round (away from the barre)

C. Riff Exercise Ball R, heel R, heel L x 3 step ballchange to other side repeat on other side

repeat with back tap R and heel L

C. Pick up Exercise Facing the barre

Drop pick up change 3 times, spring (on toe) to change feet

Rhythm Section &1&a2 &3&a4 &5 - &7&8 Clap twice dance twice

Hop on Right foot, step on Left foot pick up spring step, hop step pick up spring step, 2 steps to face back

tap step ball change 2 next corner. Repeat

Compound Practise Steps the examiner will choose THREE of the following steps:

A Pick Up Hop Step Pick up Spring Step &a1 &a2 &a3 &a4

B Pick up hop shuffle step, Pick up spring shuffle step &1 &a2 &3 &a4

C Shuffle Spring travelling backwards &a1 &a2 &a3 &a4

D Pick up step ballchange from side to side &1&2&3&4 ( start with feet apart)

E i) Tap Step Stamp Stamp, Pick up hop toe hop ) to even eighth notes or accented eighth notes

ii) Tap Step Heel Heel, Pick up heel toe heel ) examiners choice

ABC - travel back on the diagonal D & E in place facing the front

Turning Steps

A In Place Step pick up ballchange 1 &a2 - &a6 turning on spot 2 clicks 78

B On the diagonal

Tap step pick up ballchange Tap step pick up ballchange making one turn &1&a2 &3&a4

Step turn step hop step 56 & - &8

Time Steps 2 double time steps and one break, Twice turning to corners


A Stamp Stamp, pick up step pick up step,

pick up hop step pick up spring step, pick up hop step pick up spring step

tap spring toe hop, tap spring toe hop ( turning )

tap step heel ( to back corner) pause

tap step heel, tap step heel, tap step heel ( sideways to front corner) step across in front

tap step pick up ballchange, spring shuffle, spring shuffle, spring shuffle, spring

ballchange stamp, step pick up ballchange (turning) step to side

B Shuffle spring &a1 &a2 &a3 &a4

Shuffle spring ballchange ( at side) &a5 &6 &a7 &8

Shuffle spring toe hop, shuffle spring toe hop

Stamp hop step hop step hop side Repeat all to other side

Free Work Steps arranged by examiner from compound steps and steps from previous grades


Bow Wait 12345678

Step to R side join feet 12 Bow 34 Step to L side 56 Arm out to piano 78