20th October 2017 01406 350205

Topics for next week

We would like to encourage parents to support their child with their learning at home. Should you want more information, please speak to your child's class teacher after school. Please find below the

information forthe week commencing 31stOctober.

Class / English / Maths
China / Firework Safety. / Measure.
Japan / Firework Safety. / Measure.
Australia / Explanation –
Firework safety. / Addition & subtraction.
France / Explanation –
Firework safety / Addition & subtraction.
Italy / Recount – Safety Week. / Addition & subtraction problems.
Brazil / Instructions,
persuasion & poetry. / Place value.
Mexico / Instructions,
persuasion & poetry. / Place value with
addition & subtraction.
Canada / Instructions,
persuasion & poetry. / Place value with
addition & subtraction.
USA / Writing
instructions. / Multiplication.
Spain / Safety week –
Instructions. / Multiples & factors.
Portugal / Safety week –
Instructions / Division.

Non-Uniform Day - St Matthew’s Church

A total of £170.00 was raised for St Matthew’s Church in Sutton Bridge. Reverend David says a huge thank you for your support.

Old Pound Coins

We will no longer be able to accept old pound coins in payments made to school.

Parking on Anne Road

We have been informed by a neighbour of the school that cars are double parked on the road and in front of the residents’ drive ways or drives. Can we remind you to be considerate to residents who live on Anne Road. Some of the residents are disabled and need carers to visit them throughout the day. We would also like to remind you that if we needed an

emergency vehicle at school, they would have great difficulty in getting to us. Thank you.

Swimming Lessons

All of Mexico Class children will be going swimming in the second term of the academic year 2017/2018. The first session will be on Monday 6th November 2017 and they will continue swimming each Monday up until Monday 18th December 2017. Please make sure that yourchild has their swimming kit with them

every Monday. Girls will need to wear a one piece swimming suit and boys must wear close fitting swimming trunks no longer than mid-thigh in length. We will need to ask for a voluntary contribution of £2.20 per session. Please send this with your child on the days they go for their swimming lesson.

Meet the Teacher Parent Evening

We will be holding the first parent evening for this academic year on Wednesday 1st November. This will be an informal meet the teacher evening. We will

also be holding a book fayre on this evening, 3.30pm to 6.30pm. The books are very reasonably priced at £2 each or three for £5.

After School Clubs

Due to the ‘Meet the Teacher’ parent evening on 1st November, the Cross Stitch Club with Miss Carter and the Netball Club with Miss Larkin will be cancelled.

Friends of Westmere

Non- Uniform Day – 10th November 2017

On Friday 10th November, there will be a non-uniform day. We would like to ask you for donations of chocolate to go towards prizes for the Christmas Fayre. Thank you.

Christmas Bingo – Thursday 7th December

On Thursday 7th December, there will be a Bingo

session at school. The doors open at 6.00 pm with eyes down at 6.30 pm.

Christmas Fayre

Our Christmas Fayre this year is on Friday 24th

November. It will start at 3.30pm and finish at 6.00pm. In preparation for the Christmas Fayre, we would like you to please collect and send into school clean empty 2 litre plastic bottles and any unwanted cuddly toys. Thank you.

Flu Vaccinations

This year China, Japan, Australia, France, Italy,

Brazil, Mexico and Canada Class pupils will be offered the flu vaccine in school on Tuesday 21st November. These children have brought home a consent letter. If you have not received one, please collect one from the school office. This needs to be returned to school no later than Friday 13th October.

Cultural Day

Term 2 Cultural Day will be on Wednesday 15th

November. The country we will be looking at is

Portugal and the afternoon’s activities and lunch will be themed around this country. We would like you to encourage your children to have the lunch on this day so that they will be participating in the day’s events and be able to try new foods.

Open Morning—Thursday 16th November 2017

We would like to invite the parents of new intake

pupils for September 2018 to Sutton Bridge

Westmere C. P. School on Thursday 16th November 2017 at 9.30am. This will give you the opportunity to come and have a look around our school. The primary school application form will be available on web site from Monday 13th November.

Dates for Diary

20thOct – End of Term 1

31st Oct – Start of Term 2

1st Nov – Meet the Teacher Parent Evening/Book Fair

10th Nov – FOW Non-uniform Day

15th Nov – Cultural Day - Portugal

16th Nov – Open Morning New Starters September 18

21st Nov – Flu Vaccinations for Reception to Y4 pupils

24th Nov – FOW – Christmas Fayre 3.30pm to 6pm

2nd Dec – FOW – Breakfast with Santa

6th Dec – Christmas Production – KS1

7th Dec – FOW – Christmas Bingo

12th Dec – Pantomime – Corn Exchange, Kings Lynn PM

13th Dec – Carol Service – KS2

14th Dec – Christmas Lunch Day

18th Dec – China & Japan – Lunch with Santa, Rand Farm Park

19th Dec – End of Term 2

Yours sincerely

Miss K Wiles


Swimming Sessions

Child Name:______Class: Mexico

I give permission for my child to attend the swimming lesson on Mondays starting on 6th November to 18th December 2017.



5.00 PM TO 5.30 PM
6.00 PM