December1st, 2011 @ 7:00 pm
Councillors Present:Ruth Murray
Mike Hinchey
Bruce Third
Trevor Thiessen
Bill Ginter
Absent: Scott Crick (excused)
Also Present: Chris Janke, Assistant CAO
Jeanette Bergstresser from SEJ
Reid Turcotte, Morris Mirror
Presiding: Mayor Gavin van der Linde
01/12/11Moved by Councillor Ruth Murray
AgendaSeconded by Councillor Mike Hinchey
BE IT RESOLVED that the Agenda for the December 1st, 2011 regular Council meeting be approved as amended.
02/12/11Moved by Councillor Bruce Third
MinutesSeconded by Councillor Trevor Thiessen
RegularBE IT RESOLVED that the minutes of the November 10th, 2011 Regular Council Meeting
Meetingbe adopted as presented.
a)Rural Dev InstituteNeeds Analysis Workshops InviteReply-Ask for
dates of sessions
a)Mb Emergency MeasuresSeminar #03/12/11
b)Red River Basin CommissionConvention#04/12/11
03/12/11Moved by Councillor Trevor Thiessen
MEM Seconded by Councillor Bill Ginter
Seminar NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that 2 Staff/Council members be authorized to attend the Emergency Measures Organization 2 day seminar on January 11th and 12th, 2012 in Steinbach, Manitoba.
AND FURTHER that expenses be reimbursed as per Bylaw 01/09.
04/12/11Moved by Councillor Bill Ginter
RRBCSeconded by Councillor Ruth Murray
ConventionNOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that 1 additional staff/council member be authorized to attend the annual Red River Basin Commission convention held in Winnipeg, Manitoba January 24-26th, 2012.
AND FURTHER that expenses be reimbursed as per Bylaw 01/09
a)November List of Accounts#05/12/11
b)October Financials#06/12/11
c)Personnel Committee – 2012 Wage Recommendations#07/12/11
d)Minister of Local Government – Gas TaxNoted
e)Tax Sale – December 6, 2011-12-02#08/12/11
05/12/11Moved by Councillor Bill Ginter
List ofSeconded by Councillor Ruth Murray
AccountsBE IT RESOLVED that the accounts, being Cheque #’s 11658 to 11760 in the amount of $298,659.17 and Payroll Direct Deposits in the amount of $27,575.71 be approved as presented.
06/12/11Moved by Councillor Mike Hinchey
OctoberSeconded by Councillor Bruce Third
FinancialsBE IT RESOLVED THAT the Financial Statements for the month ending October 31st, 2011 of the Town of Morris be adopted as presented.
07/12/11Moved by Councillor Bruce Third
2012 WageSeconded by Councillor Ruth Murray
ReportBE IT RESOLVED that Council adopt the report from the Personnel Committee and approve the recommendations contained therein.
08/12/11Moved by Councillor Trevor Thiessen
2011 TaxSeconded by Councillor Mike Hinchey
SaleWHEREAS pursuant to S372 of The Municipal Act a municipality may set a reserve bid in the amount of the tax arrears and costs in respect of the property;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Morris place a reserve bid on all properties in the amount of all arrears and costs in respect of each property.
a)Eastman Tourism – 2012Noted & discussed
b)PVDC – Banner OpportunityNoted & discussed
c)Cargill Agreement#09/12/11
09/12/11Moved by Councillor Trevor Thiessen
CargillSeconded by Councillor Mike Hinchey
AgreementBE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Morris agrees in principal to enter into an agreement with Cargill in consideration of the Town selling Cargill certain lands legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, Plan 16733 WLTO;
AND FURTHER that the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and CAO be authorized to sign same.
10/12/11Moved by Councillor Bill Ginter
HandivanSeconded by Councillor Ruth Murray
PurchaseBE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Morris approve Morris and District Handivans purchase of a new van.
a) By-Law 05/09 Zoning By-Law Waiting for approval
from the Province
a)CAO ReportNoted & discussed
Councillor Trevor Thiessen reported on the following:
- Economic Development & Housing
- Public Works
- SMCC Meeting
- Personnel – performance reviews
- Annual AMM Convention
- Cargill Meetings
- Volunteer Appreciation
Councillor Bruce Third reported on the following:
- Personnel Meeting – Performance reviews & evaluations
- Housing and Economic Development
- Protective Services
- Meeting with HD Graphics re: Main Street
- Recreation Committee Meeting
- MASS Meeting
- Public Safety meeting regarding firehall
- Public Safety meeting regarding winter storms
- Planning Session
- Annual AMM Convention
Councillor Bill Ginter reported on the following:
- Highway Beautification meeting – discussed brickwork being done in spring and possibilities for new Christmas lighting.
- Annual AMM Convention
- Lighting and drainage at Fairview Place
Councillor Mike Hincheyreported on the following:
- Planning Session for Economic Development and Building Inspector.
- Protective Services
- Rivers West AGM – St. Norbert.
- Meeting with HD Graphics to discuss street signs
- Economic Development meeting
- Meeting with Protective Services and Fire Chief
- Protective Services and EMO meeting
- Council Planning Session
- Annual AMM Convention
- Dekalb Sponsorship evening
- Hwy 75 Beautification
- U of M Disaster Research Session
- RRVPCC Annual Meeting
- Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
Councillor Ruth Murray reported on the following:
- Personnel evaluations and wage proposals
- Finance meeting
- EMO Meeting
- Chamber Meeting
- Library Meeting
- Chamber Executive to discuss AGM
- EMO meeting to discuss recommendations for the Fire Hall
- Town Planning Session
- Annual AMM Convention
- Dekalb Bonspiel Opening Ceremonies
- Highways meeting regarding Main Street Beautification
- Appreciation Dinner for volunteers
- U of M Disaster Research projectResolution #11/12/11
11/12/11Moved by Councillor Ruth Murray
U of MSeconded by Councillor Bruce Third
ResearchBE IT RESOLVED that Mayor van der Linde, Councillor Murray and Councillor Hinchey Project be authorized to attend the University of Manitoba Disaster Research Institute project Focus
Group Discussion held November 29th, 2011;
AND FURTHER that expenses be reimbursed as per Bylaw 01/09.
IN CAMERA ITEMS: Tax Sale Proposal
12/12/11Moved by Councillor Ruth Murray
In CameraSeconded By Councillor Mike Hinchey
BE IT RESOLVED that Council go “in camera” to discuss the following issue:
Tax Sale Proposal
13/12/11Moved by Councillor Trevor Thiessen
ResumeSeconded by Councillor Ruth Murray
MeetingBE IT RESOLVED that Council resume its regular Council meeting.
14/12/11Moved by Councillor Mike Hinchey
Tax SaleSeconded by Councillor Trevor Thiessen
AgreementBE IT RESOLVED that Council approve the following proposal brought forward by the owner(s) of Roll 31400;
1)A signed agreement
2)Payments of $500.00 per month
3)All future taxes be paid in full by the due date
4)If any payment is missed the property will go back into tax sale
5)The owner is responsible for water bills being kept current
AND FURTHER that an agreement be drawn up by Taxervice reflecting these terms and/or any changes deemed necessary by Council and that the CAO be authorized to sign same.
Next Meeting Date:December 15th, 2011
Adjournment:There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:13 p.m.