Order forms for the 2011-12 yearbook will going home with the students in the next two weeks. The cost is the same as last year: $15 for soft cover and $20 for hard cover. Ads will once again be available for purchase. As always I will be accepting any photos parents have from this past school year that you would like to submit for possible publication in the yearbook. Any questions please email Christine Dopp or leave a message at 474-5484


Our Book Fair this year was a big success. We were able to purchase new books for our library and purchase books for use in our classrooms. We appreciate everyone support of the Book Fair and for making Family Night the biggest one we have had yet. Thank you to all the volunteers who came out to help us. We could not have done it without you.Mary-Ellen, Wendy and Annette


Campbell’s Labels For Education/ and Box Top Contest, April 16th -April 20th 2012 - During a week in April we will hold a contest to see which classroom can collect the most label’s and Box Top's. Collection containers will be in classrooms April 16th-20th. The winning classrooms will receive their choice of a popcorn or a popsicle party!! There will be a winner for both labels and box tops. We ordered some new educational items for the school and need your help to be able to provide more. Way to go Rice!! Just a reminder label’s are not just on soup cans but on many more products, Post cereals being the newest ! They are also on Pop-Secret popcorn, BIC pens, Goldfish crackers, etc for a complete list go to For info on Box Tops go to Any question please contact Terry Scott @ Please remember to continue saving, there will be a spring contest!! ****** Please clip and send in only the designated label/ box top and not the entire product label, this

would be a great help to the people helping count! ******


We have skate party scheduled for Thursday, April 5th. There is no school Friday, so stay late and have fun!

Location: Skateaway, Blackman Street in Wilkes-Barre 6:00 to 8:30. Cost: $3.00 (exact change is appreciated). Tickets are sold at the door. Rentals are available for $2.00 from Skateaway. Parties are for Rice Elementary students and families only. Parents are responsible for their children. There are nochaperones. Contact Pam McGovern at or

570-403-5355 with questions.


Recently with the assistance of the Fairview PTA, the Elementary Band & Strings Program held a sale of the 2012 Entertainment Books. As we purchased extras to get a higher % of return on our sales, we still have several left. We are selling them at our cost of $15 each (original price $30) on a first come-basis. This edition includes coupons for: Dick's Sporting Goods, Chuck E. Cheese's, Auntie Anne's Pretzels, Chili's, Pizza Hut, and hundreds of other businesses. In addition, there are coupons and % off deals that you can access with use of a key fob, included in the book, or by downloading an app to your smart phone. If interested, call Tanya @ 474-2606.


What a warm winter we have had, and Spring arrives more like summer! Welcome spring flowers and warm sunshine!!

March was another very busy month for Rice Elementary students! The Scholastic Book Fair began in February and ended in March with some weary, but happy volunteers! Thank you to MaryEllen, Annette and Wendy for chairing this important event, and to all of the volunteers for helping make it another success! Family night at the Book Fair was a highly attended event on Wednesday, February 29. In conjunction with the book fair, the Family Committee joined in to have a Family Fun Night called Leapin Luau. Thank you to all of the volunteers (and their children) who made this event such a huge success!! The kids really enjoyed the Moon Bounce! Rice Elementary students participated in the Odyssey of the Mind competition at Pocono Mountain West High School on Saturday, March 3. With five teams competing, spirits were high! Congratulations to all five Rice teams for successful solutions to their long and short term problems. Congratulations to the “You Make the Call” team as their first place at Regionals will advance them on to the state competition on April 14! A special congratulations to the Crestwood Middle School team for their second place finish at Regionals, who are also advancing to the state competition. Our Cupstacking, a favorite winter activity, returned to Rice and engaged kids of all ages in this afterschool activity. March also brought to Rice Elementary the PSSA Exam, with the Science exam continuing in April for the fourth grade. Congratulations to all students for a job well done! Hoops for Hope took place on Thursday, March 22nd at the high school with great attendance! Thank you to all who attended this event and supported such a worthwhile cause. The stars shined on Saturday, March 31st with the Rice Talent Show. What a talented group of children we have here at Rice! Congratulations – you should all be proud! Thank you to all of the PTA volunteers! Our students are so fortunate to have such a great group of parents, grandparents, and friends! Even though there is limited room to mention you all by name, know that we appreciate each and every one of you! The school is decorated each season, the PTA closet is neatly organized, and many volunteers behind the scenes keep the activities flowing! Our April PTA meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 3 at 6:00 PM in the library. We have had great attendance this year, and look forward to continuing this trend! We are always looking for your input and creative new ideas! As always, babysitting will be provided. Come join us as we look ahead to springtime fun! Events being planned include the ever popular Field Days! And as always, a huge thank you to Mr. Seyer our principal, Mrs. Cormier our school secretary, Mrs. Jones our head teacher and all of the teachers and support staff, Debbie and the custodial team for keeping our children safe every day and keeping them engaged in learning at Rice! Happy Easter! Annette Weiss

Nature Camp

The Fairview P.T.A. and the Nature Trail Committee are offering two Nature Camps this summer. The camps, run by Raelene Macking and Rich Zimmerman, are for any students in Kindergarten- 6th Grade. The camps willbe three days with 2 hour sessions. The camp runs from 9:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. The children will be grouped according to grade level.

In these difficult economic times, Mrs. Macking and Mr. Zimmerman are offering a discounted rate for families. Each child will pay a $30 fee. If more than one child from a family is planning to attend a session, the price will be as follows: $30. for the 1st child, , $25. for the 2nd child, and $20 for 3 or more.

Participants are required to wear long pants and sneakers, bring along a jacket, and be prepared to get a little wet and dirty. Classes will involve nature study and investigation, nature games, and nature crafts. Classes will be held rain or shine. It is essential that participants be punctual in arriving and leaving. Classes will begin and end next to the playground.

Please return the application below to Mrs. Raelene Macking, FairviewElementary School,

117 Spruce Street, Mountain Top, PA 18707. Applications must be received by Thursday, June 7, 2012, with a check made payable to Fairview P.T.A. Retain the top portion for your information and list the date and time of your child’s camp here: ______.

Remember, camps are limited, so get your application in as soon as possible. Your canceled check is your receipt, and your child is registered if your check is received and not returned. All checks will be not be cashed until June 8. Any questions, please email Mrs. Macking at .

Session A: June 12-June 14 (Tues.-Thurs.) 9:00-11:00

Session B: July 10-July 12 (Tues.-Thurs.) 9:00-11:00

Please enroll

______in session _____ (letter of camp) Grade completed____

______in session _____ (letter of camp) Grade completed____

______in session _____ (letter of camp) Grade completed____

Home address : ______

Home phone number: ______

Emergency Phone number during camp: ______

I understand that the CrestwoodSchool District and Personnel of the Nature Camp are not responsible for injuries incurred while on school property for the purpose of participation in the Nature Camps.

Signature of Parent or Guardian:______