2016 AP European History Summer Project
Thank you for your interest in taking the Advanced Placement European History course. You will find this course to be challenging, informative, and rewarding. While a large portion of this class is geared toward learning material and skills that will help you pass the AP exam in European History, you will find that these skills will also benefit you throughout your high school and college education. (Note: Students enrolled in Advanced Placement classes are expected to take the AP Exam in May.)
Since there is a tremendous amount of material to cover, and a limited amount of time to cover it, the Summer Project is designed to give all of us a jump-start to the European history course.
Part I
Read Chapter 12 “The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages”, and complete Chapter 12 term sheet. This term sheet should be answered in your own words (neatly handwritten in ink, NOT typed) and in complete sentences. You may use outside information (web based, or other written sources) to help complete your term sheet if needed.
Chapter 12 Term Sheet due First Day of School in August = 50 points
Chapter 12 Test (M/C and Short Answer) First Day of School in August = 50 points
Part II
Using the outline map of Europe, the list of European countries, and a current map of Europe, fill in the names of each country. LEARN, STUDY, and KNOW map of Europe. You are not required to turn in the map-use it to study.
Map of Europe Quiz: During the First Week of School in August = 50 points
You will find that completing these assignments prior to our first day of class will be beneficial (both in your understanding of European history and your grade to start the year). While you will not be tested on material beyond Chapter 12 until we have completed our class discussions, you are encouraged to read ahead.
If you have any questions regarding the summer project, please contact me at , or 550-3400. Do not wait until August to attempt to complete these assignments. Thank you again for your interest in AP European History.
Mr. Faria
CHAPTER 12 TERM SHEET: “Crisis of the Later Middle Ages”
From your reading of Chapter 12, answer the following terms and questions on a separate sheet of paper. NOTE: Do not type your answers, but rather write them neatly using a blue or black ink pen.
I) In one to two sentence(s) define, identify, and/or explain the following concepts, terms, and people.
1. Pasteurella pestis
2. fur-collar crime
3. conciliar movement
4. vernacular literature
5. craft guild
6. Hundred Years’ War
7. Joan of Arc
8. Babylonian Captivity
9. Lollards
10. House of Commons (the “Commons”)
11. Jan Hus
12. John Wyclif
Part II) Explain in at least two to three sentences the importance of the following concepts of medieval life, and note what changes it was subject to in this period.
1. marriage
2. nationalism
3. chivalry
4. individual Christian faith
5. leisure time/recreational activities
Part III) Check your understanding of this chapter by answering the following questions in at least three sentences.
1. What were the causes of the population decline that began in the early fourteenth century?
2. What was the source of the bubonic plague and why did it spread so rapidly in Europe?
3. What impact did the plague have on wages and the demand for labor? What happened to land values?
4. Describe the psychological effects of the plague. How did people explain this disaster?
5. What were the immediate and other causes of the Hundred Years’ War?
6. Why did the people support their kings in war?
7. Did feudalism tend to encourage or prevent war? Explain.
8. How did the Babylonian Captivity greatly weaken the power and prestige of the church?
9. Why were there three popes in 1409? Who were they and how did this situation occur?
10. What was the conciliar movement and who were its advocates? Was this a revolutionary idea?
11. Why was Wyclif a threat to the institutional church?
12. What was fur-collar crime and why did it become a central feature of European life in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries?
13. Did peasants’ lives improve or deteriorate in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries? In what ways? Explain.
14. What were the reasons for the English Peasants’ Revolt of 1381?
15. Why did a great amount of conflict and frustration among guild members develop in the fourteenth century?
Part IV) Write a brief essay explaining what medieval life was like for the various social groups. Be sure to include an Introduction with a clear thesis statement (underline your thesis) and separate paragraphs for each group: Nobility, Clergy, and Peasantry.
*Please note: While you are encouraged to use additional resources outside of the textbook to find information to assist in answering these terms and questions, nothing can replace the thorough reading of your textbook.
1. Ireland
2. United Kingdom
3. Portugal
4. Spain
5. France
6. Belgium
7. Netherlands
8. Germany
9. Denmark
10. Norway
11. Sweden
12. Finland
13. Estonia
14. Latvia
15. Lithuania
16. Belarus
17. Ukraine
18. Moldova
19. Romania
20. Bulgaria
21. Macedonia
22. Albania
23. Greece
24. Italy
25. Switzerland
26. Austria
27. Czech Republic
28. Slovakia
29. Hungary
30. Slovenia
31. Croatia
32. Bosnia and Herzegovina
33. Montenegro and
Serbia (Formally Yugoslavia)
35. Russia
36. Turkey
37. Poland
38. Luxembourg
39. Iceland
Please Note: You will have a Map of Europe Test during the first week you return in August. Use the outline map to study. The outline map is not an assignment and does not need to be turned in.