Organisation / NamePRESENT
ARGE-Erziehungsberatung, Austria / Martina Leibovici-Mühlberger
International Association for Steiner / WaldorfEarly Childhood Education / Geseke Lundren
European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education, Brussels / Christopher Clouder
Secretariat / Michiel Matthes
DECET / Kathleen Mooren
The Kempler Institute / Claes Solberg Pedersen
The Linkedness Project / Gie Deboutte
The Experiential Education Project / Ludo Heylen
Verein mit Kindern Wachsen / Arbor Verlag, Germany / Lienhard Valentin
Sabine Heggemann
Legambiente, Italy / Vittorio Cogliati Dezza
Janusz Korczak International Society / Theo Cappon
Universal Education Foundation, The Netherlands / Marijke Sluijter
Center for Youth and Development, The Hague
University for Professional Education, The Hague
RooseveltAcademy, Middelburg (NL) / René Diekstra
University of Cordoba, Spain / Rosario Ortega Ruiz
Rosario Del Rey
International Association for Steiner / WaldorfEarly Childhood Education (Germany) / Oliver Langscheid
Michiel Matthes welcomes the participants and opens the meeting. The objectives of the meeting are:
- To explore what are the main components of our activities and strategy in 2008
- To decide on concrete activities.
Because Martina Leibovici is present for the first time the various persons introduce themselves.
Geseke Lundgren:
I have two functions in Stockholm:
- I am a lecturer of a seminary regarding teacher training for Steiner kindergartens; today you need in Sweden a university degree to teach at a kindergarten; the good side of this is that it proofs that society perceives the importance of this work;
- coordinator of the International Association for Steiner / WaldorfEarly Childhood Education.
Since last year I am also a member of the Alliance for Childhood European Network Group.
Geseke furthermore remarks, that it is important to recognise the value of the elements of care and pedagogy in the training of kindergarten teachers.
Martina Leibovici:
Explains that she has set up ARGE-Erziehungsberatung. She is concerned about the divorce rate in Austria of some 50% and the impact of it on children. As society we should pay attention to this, especially with regards to the children.
She furthermore states that the number of dysfunctional families in Austria is growing and as society we must address this challenge.
Network of journalists:
At the suggestion Martina Leibovici the group will make a mailing list of journalists and feed them the results and reports of our work.
The report is approved without comments.
Michiel Matthes recalls the main elements of the discussion with MEP Mrs Karin Resetarits on 8 January:
The booklet of the reports of the sessions in 2006 and 2007:
There is a clear wish to bundle the reports in a booklet, because of the following reasons:
- The presentations of the speakers are first class and they deserve that their stories are disseminated to a wider audience;
- When the reports are published in a booklet it will attract more attention and it will be more attractive for top level speakers to come and give a presentation;
- It is attractive for the Alliance for Childhood European Network Group and the Working Group on the Quality of Childhood within the European Parliament to present themselves to third parties with a booklet.
On 8 January the follow-up agreed upon was:
- MEP Karin Resetarits will ask the next trainee, who will shortly arrive, to find out various possibilities of funding for activities like our Working Group and the publishing of the booklet by the ALDE Party / the EP, including the procedures regarding the upgrading of the Working Group and the budget connected with it;
- The Alliance for Childhood European Network Group will also consider in its meeting of 9 January in what way to finance the booklet.
The program for 2008
Michiel Matthes informs the group that at present the following program for 2008 looks as follows:
January 8,2008 / ‘Attachment, what it is, why it is important and what we can do about it to help young children acquire a secure attachment? with Sir Richard Bowlby
March 4, 2008 / ‘A vision regarding children and the quality of childhood’ by Michiel Matthes*. This item was changed because Gert Biesta is not able to make it on this day, due to his new assignment in Scotland.
May 14, 2008 / 15.00 until 16.30: Presentation of the report of the Fundación Marcelino Botínon Social-Emotional Education by Mr Christopher Clouder and Dr. René Diekstra
July 1, 2008 / In principle a speaker from the German National Coalition on Children’s Rights or prof. Eichholz on Dialogverfahren Kinderfreunlichkeit or professor Biesta
September 16, 2008 / Dr. Diekstra about the core curriculum in the Netherlands regarding development and raising children
November 12, 2008 / Professor Boris Cyrulnik from France: what measures can we take to improve the quality of childhood?
* this subject is included, because the European Commission is soliciting after the Lisbon Treaty comments regarding its functioning and Michiel Matthes was encouraged by Mr Vasco Cal of the Commission at a session of the Civil Society Contact Group on 24 January to send in such a note. 4 March seems to be a good opportunity to present this vision for comments and discussion. The deadline for sending it in is 15 April 2008.
The program for 14 May:
15.00 / Opening by MEP Karin Resetarits15.10 / Christopher Clouder presents the report in general and the country studies that form part of it.
15.30 / René Diekstra presents the chapter for which he is responsible (see below)
15.55 / Discussion
16.30 / Closure
René Diekstra supervises currently three PhD students from ChicagoUniversity, who draw conclusions from 337 studies in the area of social-emotional learning. The result of this part will be presented by René Diekstra on 14 May.
After the session at 16.30 hours there will be a reception until about 18.00 hours, to be paid for by the Fundación Marcelino Botín.
A press release will be send out prior to the session.
Request from Geseke Lundgren:
Geseke would like to receive well in advance to the sessions a summary of the presentations so that she can distribute it in her own network. In this way more people may decide to join.
The wishes of the Alliance for Childhood European Network Group
The Alliance for Childhood European Network Group is very happy with the fact that MEP Karin Resetarits is hosting and chairing the sessions of the Working Group on the Quality of Childhood within the European Parliament. However, we are aware that MEP Karin Resetarits is not seeking a new term as MEP, and this implies, that she will leave the European Parliament in June 2009. This would automatically be the end of the Working Group in its present form.
It is therefore the wish of the Alliance for Childhood European Network Group to get some more Members of the European Parliament on board of the Working Group, so that these other MEP’s can ensure the continuity of the group.
The names of the following MEP’s were suggested:
- Jules Maaten
- Sophie in ‘t Veld
- Lissy Gröner (at this moment she is ill)
- Hiltrud Breyer
- Roberta Angelilli
- Mario Mauro
- Sylvana Kogmarin
Each person present is requested to look for and possibly to contact MEP’s that could be invited as a co-host for the Working Group. Please report back on this to both MEP Karin Resetarits and Michiel Matthes.
After the meeting:
Martina Leibovici-Mühlberger suggests the following names:
- Adrian Severin, MEP, Romania, Socialist Party, vice president of the European Parliament (agreed already in principle to co-host the Working Group)
- Gabriela Cretu, MEP, Romania, Socialist Party (agreed to co-host).
In December the Alliance for Childhood Secretariat submitted in time to Mrs Karin Resetarits’office the application for the financing of this brochure. Michiel Matthes had arranged that two MEP’s from the ALDE Party (Mrs. Karin Resetarits and Mr Jules Maaten) would sign the application.
However we received the reply from the ALDE Party, that the application was OK, timely sent in etc, but the sessions of the Working Group on the Quality of Childhood themselves were no official ALDE events and for this reason a publication of the reports in the form of a booklet was not eligible for a ALDE subvention.
After the meeting Michiel Matthes was again informed that another possibility for funding by the European Parliament is possibly found.
Framework for the booklet
Page / Use of the page / Who does what? / Remarks1 / Cover, logo of the European Parliament / Graphic designer
2. / ISBN number + disclaimer / Michiel Matthes with Christopher Clouder
3 / Page for the ‘patron’ Karin Resetarits / Michiel Matthes + Christopher Clouder; approval from MEP Karin Resetarits
4 / Approach of the Working Group on the Quality of Childhood and of the Alliance for Childhood European Network Group / Michiel Matthes / Comments from the Alliance for Childhood European Network Group members
6 / General story about the Alliance for Childhood worldwide, i.e. Europe, USA, Brazil etc. / Christopher Clouder
8 / Lecture 1
First page: summary in one column
Following pages: main text in two columns with a picture of the authors + pictures of children etc / The authors + Michiel Matthes + Christopher Clouder
14 / Lecture 2, ditto / The authors + Michiel Matthes + Christopher Clouder
22 / Lecture 3, ditto / The authors + Michiel Matthes + Christopher Clouder
28 / Lecture 4, ditto / The authors + Michiel Matthes + Christopher Clouder
34 / Lecture 5, ditto / The authors + Michiel Matthes + Christopher Clouder
40 / Lecture 6, ditto / The authors + Michiel Matthes + Christopher Clouder
46 / Books cited + general information / Michiel Matthes
48 / Alliance for Childhood European Network Group logo + all the members / Michiel Matthes / Approval and / or comments from the Alliance for Childhood European Network Group members
Price estimate
The price estimate is as follows:
The designing as such costs € 345,- + € 85 per page.
For the paper he has given two options (A4 format):
Option 1: zijdemat (shining in a silk way) paper of 135 gram
Option 2: offset paper of 140 grams
Number of copies
I am in the process of making an inventory of how many copies the various partners in the group request, and at this moment I reach a number of 2500.
Country / Name of organisation / Name / Number of brochures(to be updated)European Parliament / K. Resetarits / 785
J. Maaten
Austria / ARGE-Erziehungsberatung / Marina Leibovici- Mühlberger / 50 (to be confirmed)
Belgium / Project Linkedness / Gie Deboutte / 50
Kaat Pattyn
The Experiential Education Project / Ludo van Heylen / Waiting for reply
Denmark / The Kempler Institute / Claes Solborg Pedersen / 500
France / Université de Toulon / Boris Cyrulnik
(gradually integrating) / 1
Germany / Arbor Verlag / Verein mit Kindern Wachsen / Lienhard Valentin / 1
Sabine Heggemann / 1
Italy / Legambiente / Lorenzo Vicario / 1
Vittorio Cogliati Dezza / 1
Netherlands / various / René Diekstra / 1
Korczak Foundation / Theo Cappon / 10
Universal Education Foundation / Marijke Sluijter / 1
Spain / University of Cordoba / Rosario Ortega Ruiz / 1
Rosario Del Rey / 1
Sweden/ International / International Association for Steiner / Waldorf Early Childhood Education / Geseke Lundgren / 500
Germany / Oliver Langscheid / 0
UK / Europe / European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education / Christopher Clouder / 500
Secretariat / Ecology of the Child / Michiel Matthes / 100
Total / 2500
Estimate of the total costs is then:
Designing in general € 345,0
Designing of the 48 pages €4080
Paper + printing + delivery in Brussels € 6390 (2500 copies, choosing the paper of Option 1)
Totalcosts € 10815
English language supervisor Ed O’Sullivan to edit the text of 48 pages € 1000,-
Grand total of the costs € 11815,-(excluding VAT).
- In principle we continue with the project to publish a booklet;
- The various members of the Alliance for Childhood are invited to contribute € 1000,- per member to the project; Christopher Clouder, Geseke Lundgren and Martina Leibovici will discuss this matter with their chairmen / colleagues and report back to Michiel Matthes. The other members are invited to do the same.
- Other possible sponsors will be approached, such as the Bernard van Leer foundation and the Rabobank Foundation.
- The set up of the content is approved.
Various remarks:
- Christopher Clouder: we must look at how to shape the financial construction for the booklet, so that donations are tax deductible and no VAT has to be paid;
- Christopher Clouder : do we want to sell the book or do we distribute it for free? the group decides in principle to distribute it for free, because at this moment we do not avail of good distribution channels to sell it;
- The Planning sheet for the brochure is accepted with the following amendments:
- We put the logo of the European Parliament on the cover, but not the Alde logo;
- The patron only MEP Karin Resetarits;
Development after the meeting:
Michiel Matthes is invited by a publishing house on 12 February to discuss the possibility to publish it as a book and to let the publisher sell it as a normal book.
Below please find a proposal for the set up of the Newsletter to be discussed in the meeting.
Objectives of the Newsletter:
- To inform the grass root supporters of what we as core group do and discuss;
- To strengthen and to stimulate the grass root supporters in their activities;
- To nurture and to keep up the network and to connect the different parts with each other;
- To develop and to disseminate a (new) vocabulary and language regarding the Quality of Childhood (break the silence, end the isolation, change the story);
- Build a knowledge system regarding the Quality of Childhood;
- To provide an interactive platform for the various parts to communicate with each other
- The Newsletter will be written in such a way that it can also be sent to interested people outside the network group, such as journalists and other interested parties.
Main sections:
- Highlights from the meetings of the Core Group
- Highlights from the QoC
- Highlights from the Alliance for Childhood in the US and Brazil and elsewhere (if feasible)
- Highlights from developments from the other NGO’s in Brussels (Euronet, Eurochild etc)
- Special Dossier
- Book Section
- Information from the member organisations and their grass root supporters
- Concrete results of the work of the Alliance for Childhood European Network Group
- The list of all the member organisations + their contact details.
Target Groups:
- The member organisations and their grass root supporters (internal audience)
- Other organisations and persons that take an interest in the subject of the Quality of Childhood (external audience).
- It should be written in such a way that member organisations can pass on the Newsletter.
Dissemination of the Newsletter:
- The Secretariat will make a mailing list and send it to the persons on this list;
- The members can pass on the Newsletter to their own membership base.
- It was decided to make a newsletter of one page with links to the website, where the various stories can be read in full.
- Michiel Matthes does not yet master this technique, but with his webmaster he will find this out.
Note by Christopher Clouder: the EA-organisation (adult education) provides an excellent newsletter concerning developments within the EU-institutions on children and education.
The group takes note of the memo prepared by Michiel Matthes. With reference to this and the subject at hand the following remarks are made:
Christopher Clouder:
- It is important to come together and just to meet with people who work in the same spirit;
- To create a warm inspirational environment / an open club event;
- Space for the spirit to develop;
- To have a Club event.
Geseke Lundgren:
- To meet with like-minded people;
- To address the problems regarding childhood and to assess together what is possible to do about it;
- To work together on solutions.
Martina Leibovici:
- We have this online counselling activity and in our contact with the parents we always try to orientate them in a good way.
- It would be good if the program is broad and would enable the atmosphere to develop.
- We should try with the conference to reach other people, for instance politicians, and not to let it only be an in-crowd.
Michiel Matthes:
We could ask each speaker to address a certain subject and at the same time try to come forward with concrete actions that can be taken by someone. It has not to be the full answer, a commencement of an answer can already be useful.
Theme For The Conference
The theme in 2000 was: Rights to children, a bridge for the future;
The theme for 2005 was: Wie Kinder Lernen / How children learn.
The general theme that we as Alliance for Childhood European Network Group have chosen for our work is the ‘Quality of Childhood in the European Union’. The group proposes to have within this general and overall theme for the 2009 conferencea specific focus on the topic ‘Change and Childhood’, which could imply the following:
- A child develops and changes; in the evening the child is another person than it was in the morning; the quality of this change process within the child is a theme; children at this moment are different from children 30 or 50 years ago; that is also a change process, which can be addressed; in this context Christopher Clouder remarks that Dutch children, who are the tallest in the world, and who grew every generation taller, have since recently stopped to become taller;
- The child lives and interacts within an environment, which is changing all the time; the quality of the ever changing environment is another element;
- the quality of the interaction between the growing child and the changing environment.
Target Groups:
- Grass roots membership base of the Alliance for Childhood partners;
- Other NGO’s working in the same field;
- Government officials;
- Members of Parliament , also European;
- Clients of the AfC-members.
We may expect between 200 and 350 participants.
Arhus, Denmark.
The Kempler Institute proposed as dates: Tuesday 29 September until Friday 2 October.