SemmesMiddle School

Health Science

Career Exploration


Instructor: Cynthia Gilmore, RN


Health Exploration

Course Outline

  1. Introduction to Health Science Classroom
  2. Rules / Classroom Safety
  3. Health Care Past, Present, and Future
  4. Health Care History
  5. Pioneers of Health Care - Current Tends - Prospects for the future
  6. Health Career Areas
  7. Therapeutic - Diagnostic - Informational - Support - Biotechnology
  8. Health Care Delivery Systems
  9. Hospitals / Clinics
  10. LTC / Rehabilitation
  11. Home Health
  12. Hospice
  13. Health Careers
  14. Therapy
  • Physical – Occupational - Respiratory
  • Diagnostics
  • Radiology - Lab tech – Ultrasound
  • Nursing
  • Nursing Assistant, LPN, RN
  • Physicians
  • Veterinarians, Dentists, Physicians Assistants
  • Dietary
  • Nutritionist, Dietitian, Cook
  • Information
  • Med Records – Administration - Unit Secretary
  • Environment
  • Equipment and Supplies - Plant Operations – Security
  1. Personal Skills
  2. Personal Characteristics / Strengths and Weaknesses
  3. Personal Qualities of Health Care Workers
  4. Career Planning
  5. Career Investigation
  6. Educational Planning
  7. Professional Skills
  8. Leadership
  9. Problem Solving / Conflict Resolution
  10. Communication in Health Care
  11. Effective Communication
  12. The Language of Medicine
  13. Health Care Ethics
  14. Patients Rights and Worker Ethics
  15. Safety and Infection Control
  16. Microorganisms – Handwashing - Isolation Procedures
  17. Health Care Skills
  18. Measuring Vital Signs
  19. CPR / First Aid
  20. Assisting with Crutches and walker
  21. Measuring Height & Weight

Health Exploration - Parent and Student Rules Contract

As the Health Exploration instructor, I want to welcome you to the new school year. It is my responsibility to see to it that each student achieves the maximum level of success in this class. I consider it an honor to help the student with his / her exploration of future careers and I take seriously the responsibility I have been given.

Classroom environment is extremely important to the learning process. The Health Exploration classroom is a unique one in which the student participates in typical classroom activities, hands-on skills, and performs a career research. The students will be exposed to many medical careers and a variety of skills performed by health care professionals as well as types of equipment found in the health care industry. The medical equipment used in the classroom lab is expensive and difficult to replace if lost or damaged. All supplies and equipment required for skill preparation will be supplied to the student and must remain in the lab at all times. Textbooks are not assigned and must also remain in the classroom; the student may under special circumstances check one out.

Health Exploration students are expected to consistently demonstrate professional qualities in the classroom that will help prepare them for their future educational experiences as well as their future career. Some of these behaviors include:

  • ResponsibleBe where you should be, when you should be, doing what you should be doing
  • RespectAdministrators, Teachers, Fellow Students and Themselves
  • CompetentCapable of performing a task, follows instructions
  • HonestFair, Faithful, Upright and Truthful
  • CooperativeWorks in teams, Participates
  • DependableAlways Does Their Part

If each student will remember these and strive to display these qualities then as a class we will not have to waste our time on discipline issues. The absentee, tardy, missed assignment and eating/drinking policies for this class are the SemmesMiddle School / Mobile County Schools Policies. Remember it is the students’ responsibility to turn in all doctor and parent notes and to get any missed assignments upon returning to class.

Although we will create rules together as a class there are some clear rules we have for our classroom that will be strictly enforced – The Student will:

  1. Enter the classroom QUIETLY, get their notebooks out of the cabinet, take their seat, and begin with their bellringer.
  2. Stay in their seat at all times, only getting up with permission (all trash MUST be thrown away when leaving classroom)
  3. Stay in their assigned seats and DO NOT move desks
  4. Stay in line at all times while traveling in the hallway
  5. Go to the restroom with the class (because this is their designated restroom period no routinerestroom passes will be written – This rule obviously does not apply in special circumstances


  1. Students will be awarded 100 points per week for their bellringer work and their conduct. A 10 pt deduction will be taken each day if the bellringer is not done for that day and a 10 pt deduction will be taken if the student does not meet the class conduct requirements for that day.
  2. Classroom detention will be given for each violation of rules after the first warning; this will also result in a deduction of points. (examples – uniform violations, talking excessively, not behaving appropriately when going to restroom, hallway, or lunchroom)
  3. Student will be referred to Mr. Tillman if they do not attend classroom detention or if the violation of rules warrants an administrative referral

Supply List: Paper, writing utensils MUST be brought to class every day

Class Fee:$10.00

Safety Pledge

______, who is enrolled in the Health Exploration Course at SemmesMiddle School as a part of his / her lab experience may operate equipment that requires instructions for proper use and safety. It is understood that each student will be given all required instruction in the use and in correct safety procedures concerning any and all equipment used in the clinical or lab setting. The student must assume responsibility for following safe practices, and we therefore as ask that he / she subscribe to the following safety pledge.

  • I promise to follow all safety rules for the classroom and lab
  • I promise never to use any equipment that I have not been trained to use
  • I promise never to use any equipment without having permission from the instructor
  • I promise to report any safety violation, accident, or damaged equipment to the instructor

Permission Form

Health Science at SemmesMiddle School is designed to give students the opportunity to experience as many medical careers and skills as possible. Therefore, we will be studying many different subjects. We will cover human anatomy, vital signs, CPR and first aid, safety and infections control, legal and ethical issues related to healthcare and many more relevant topics. Some of this material may be graphic in detail. The course will include guest speakers and tours of health care facilities. No student will be forced to do anything that is offensive to them. However, ALL students will be encouraged to participate in the various activities. As their parent or guardian your signature below signifies that you know and understand the content of the course that your student is enrolled in and have no objection to the content.

I have read the above and give my permission for my child to take the Health Exploration course at SemmesMiddle School. I also give my permission for him / her to use all the equipment required to complete all assigned tasks in the program.

By signing below the student and parent agree that the student will abide by all class rules. Remember in this classroom we always treat each other with respect, nothing less will be tolerated. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in following all SMS and classroom rules for conduct. I am looking forward to a great semester. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. ()


Cynthia Gilmore, RNParent SignatureStudent Signature