Boulder Ridge Greens Property Owners Association
Annual General Meeting Minutes
Lake in the Hills Village Hall
November 12, 2014
7:00 p.m.
ITEM #1: Call to Order
Boulder Ridge Greens Board President Kathleen Rickettscalled the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.; representation of42of the 177 properties was in attendance byeither attendance or by proxy. This is the minimal amount needed to establish a quorum.
ITEM #2: Introduction of Officers
Kathleen Ricketts introduced herself, Treasurer Bob Seiser and Vice President/ARC Chairperson and Secretary Diane LaCalamita.
ITEM #3:President’s Report
Kathleen Ricketts noted how we are running a tight budget. We do watch for short sales and foreclosures. Kathleen mentioned that the Board does utilize a collection agency for past dues collections. Kathleen also noted how we collect unpaid assessments with foreclosures; results have been good. Resident Eileen Olson questioned how many foreclosures at this time; Kathleen did not have an exact number but said they are within our development and we are not exempt to them. Eileen Olson questioned the number of rentals at this time; Diane LaCalamita noted seven. Eileen Olson shared that she favored the turning off of residents transponders when behind with dues and she also noted the Gate Key application works well.
ITEM #4: Financial Review and 2015 Budget
Bob Seiser mentioned that we had a $12,000 loss due to extra billings for snow removal and for owners that are in the rears for paying their dues. Bob mentioned we still have about another $3,000 coming for snow removal but we still are looking good financially at this year end. Bob Seiser continued as he reviewed the lines items of our prepared 2015 Budget.
ITEM #5: Architectural Review Committee
Diane LaCalamita mentioned that 103 Architectural and Landscape Applications have been reviewed this year; most being re-roofing from past hail storm(s). Resident Eileen Olson mentioned that she wished people would learn how to drive. Diane LaCalamita reviewed the snow removal contract costs. Resident and ARC member Donna Collins mentioned that they are working witha landscape architect on necessary revisions with our current failing plantings in the commons areas. Diane noted we have many Ash, Spruces and Austrian Pines in our common areas that need to be removed and replaced. An inventory is being completed of necessary work. Resident Frank Freimuth suggested a group rate option for the many people needing to conduct tree replacements and recommended people share the vendors to save costs. Diane reminded that the ARC conducts routine walk-thru’s of the Greens to monitor those needing painting, high grass weeds violations, debris accumulations, holiday lights and other items that are in violation of the covenants. Diane mentioned that the Association is beginning to assess fines for violators. Diane noted that one section of Ridgewood Circle near Long Cove Drive was repaired this year. Diane noted that Ryco will be our snow removal contractor again this season; we are in a three-year contract with them. Creekside Landscaping will be our grass cutting/pruning contractor for next year. Diane noted that we still collect funds for the street reserve fund but we are only halfway there and there still seems to be lots of life left for our roadways. Diane finished by noted that McCloud will continue to service the pond.
Boulder Ridge Greens Property Owners Association
Annual General Meeting Minutes
Lake in the Hills Village Hall
November 12, 2014
Page Two
ITEM #6: Introduction of Candidates and Vote for the 2015 Board of Directors
Kathleen presented the candidates for election which included; Jim Cyr, Brad Pomeroy, Kathleen Ricketts, Bob Seiser and Diane LaCalamita. Resident John Olson motioned to accept these candidates for election, Brad Pomeroy seconded the motion. Voice vote noted all ayes and the five candidates were voted in.
ITEM #7:Questions and Answers
Resident Donna Collins asked we the Board knew of any issues with ongoing robberies in the area; Kathleen Ricketts responded none that she was aware of.
ITEM #8: Adjournment
Resident Brad Pomeroy motioned to close the general meeting; resident John Olson seconded the motion. Voice vote noted all ayes and the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted By:
Diane LaCalamita, Secretary