Year 3 Mrs Oatham and Mrs King
Summer Term 2015 Curriculum Plan
The following topics will be covered by the majority of the children during the Summer term. We have provided this information to help you support your child at home, should you wish to do so.
Number and place value / · Investigate the place value of three digit numbers and practise rounding and ordering numbersAddition and subtraction / · Practise mental and written calculations skills to help add numbers with up to three digits
· Use mental and written methods to help subtract pairs of three digit numbers
Multiplication and Division / · Solve number problems using times tables calculations and partitioning moving to formal written methods
· Practise using mental and working towards formal written methods to divide numbers
Fractions / · Practise using mental and working towards formal written methods to divide numbers
· Identify equivalent fractions, practise calculating non-unit fractions of numbers and explore how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator
Measurement / · Measure the perimeter of simple 2d shapes
· Record and convert different measurements for length and mass and read times using Roman Numerals
Geometry: Properties of shape / · Explore the properties of shapes including parallel lines, perimeters and right angles
· Compare the properties of different 2D and 3D shapes including types of angles and parallel and perpendicular lines
Statistics / · Explore ways to present information and solve problems using graphs and charts
· Solve a problem by organising and presenting information in charts and tables
Grammar / In line with the recent changes to the Year 3 curriculum we will be putting greater emphasis on the formal teaching of grammar ensuring the use and understanding of the correct terminology; i.e. parts of speech, sentence construction and punctuation.Poetry: Structure / · Read different structured poems i.e. haiku, tanka and kennings
· Write haiku’s and kennings
· Recite favourite haiku or tanka
Persuasion / · Identify key features of persuasive writing
· Use formal language in letter writing
· Present a point of view in the form of a letter linking points persuasively and selecting style and vocabulary appropriate to the reader
Adventure Stories Report / · Identify key features of adventure/mystery stories
· Explore and discuss adventure narratives to write to understand its structure, vocabulary and grammar
· Explore narratives, creating settings, character and plot
· Plan and write an adventure story with opening, dilemma/conflict/problem, resolution and ending
Take One Book / · Reading and sharing a focus class novel: Charlie Small: Gorilla City
· Completing drama and writing activities based on the novel
Report / · identify key features of reports and different types of reports
· research and note-taking techniques using information and ICT texts on a subject and using a spidergram to organise the information.
· structure of reports
· write a report based on an animal of choice
Take One Poet / We will focus on Kenn Nesbitt, Children’s Poet Laureate wehre we will explore and discuss his poetry, as well as performing it.
Big Write / · Weekly extended writing time on a variety of topics to promote creativity
· Focused games to enhance use of Vocabulary, Conjunctions, Openers and Punctuation (VCOP)
Science / Animals including Humans
· Identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amounts of nutrition and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat.
· To be able to describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans.
· Identify that some animals, including humans, have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.
Helping Plants Grow
· Look at the function of the leaves, roots, stem and flowers of a plant in promoting healthy growth
· Carry out several practical investigations looking at the conditions that plants need to grow and thrive
· Be looking at how plants make their own food and how seeds are dispersed.
ICT / Keeping Informed: Using dataloggers to gather data from the environment, the children will understand the difference between data and information, download it to the shared area to analyse and learn about the differences in structure between branching databases and flat-file databases, also understand how to derive information from these sources.
R.E. / First Holy Communion: Whilst the children are prepared for their First Communions in the Parish, we maintain very close links with Sister Anita and Father Charles, visiting school to discuss and support the children’s preparation. This compliments learning as the children use their own personal points of view and experiences. As part of the Parish Community members of staff attend the First Holy Communions.
Easter and Pentecost:
· To explore how the Church celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus
· To know that Jesus appeared to some of his disciples on the road to Emmaus
· To know what Jesus said to Thomas when he did not believe he had risen from the dead
· To know that Jesus returned to heaven
· To know what happened at Pentecost
Being a Christian:
· To begin to understand what being a Christian involves
· To know what Jesus teaches us about helping others
· To know how St Paul had to learn how to be a Christian
· To know that the Sacraments are a meeting of Jesus
· To know about people who use their gifts to help others
· To begin to understand the importance of prayer
History / Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age
In this unit we look at our History chronologically starting in Prehistoric times, the Stone Age through to the Bronze Age and finally the Iron Age. The focus will be on chronology, Dinosaurs, Asteroids and Ice, the First People, Hunter Gatherers, Stone Age tools, Farming, Stonehenge, Bronze Age tools, Chiefs, Warriors and Raiders, Flag Fen, Bronze to Iron Age, Iron Age Jobs, Hill Forts, Settlements, Festivals and Druids, Iron Age Warriors. Also children will be drawing comparisons across the different Ages studies here.
Design & Technology / Healthy sandwich snacks
· Understand and apply the principles of a healthy and varied diet
· Understand seasonality, and know where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed
· Explore different healthy snacks (sandwiches)
· Evaluate different snacks
· Plan and make own healthy snack
Assess own healthy snack
Art / Related to History topic using pastels, paper, paint. Skills: Sketching, painting, smudging pastels. Focus on use of colour and symbolism.
· Cave paintings,
· Artist Focus
P.E. / Athletics:Throwing, jumping, sprinting and relays.
Striking and Fielding Games: Cricket: bowling, batting and directional batting, wicket keeping and different fielding techniques, defensive shots.
PE is on Monday afternoon and Thursday afternoons. Wherever possible PE will be outdoors this term.
PSHE / Democracy: Every child will write a manifesto to apply to be a candidate in our School Election. All children have an opportunity to discuss democracy and participate in our Election encompassing the principles of the General Elections, registering to vote, be Polling Station Officials and exercise their democratic right to vote.
Healthy Bodies, Healthy mind: To know the key elements of a balanced diet, to be able to plan a healthy meal, to know why exercise is important to our well-being and to be able to identify and talk about their feelings.