Mansfield University of Pennsylvania

Student Government Association


SGA Constitution | Page 1

Table of Contents

Article I. The Senate

Section 1: Senate

Section 2: Senate Duties

Section 3: Executive Board Duties

Section 4: Attendance Policy

Article II. Student Government Association Committees

Section 1: SGA Committees

Section 2: Functions of the SGA Committees

Article III. University Standing Committees

Section 1: University Senate Standing Committees

Article IV. Recognition of Student Organizations and Activities

Section 1: Attaining SGA Recognition

Article V. Expenditure of Senate Funds

Section 1: Expenditure Guidelines

Article VI. Elections

Section 1: Election Regulations

Article VII. Vacancies

Section 1: Guidelines for SGA Vacancies

Article VIII. Senate Meetings and Voting Procedures

Section 1: Protocols

Article IX. Definitions

Section 1: Defined Terms

Article X: Revisions

Section 1: Revisions Record

Student Government Association


Article I. The Senate

Section 1: Senate.

A.  The legislative body of the Student Government Association, hereafter referred to as SGA, will be the Senate.

B.  The Senate shall have the final decision making powers regarding the business of SGA unless otherwise stated.

C.  The Senate shall function as a unifying entity for all student organizations.

Section 2: The Delineation of Senate and House of Representatives Duties and Responsibilities.

A.  To promote the participation of the student body in the business of Student Government.

B.  Actively discuss and seek opinions regarding the business of SGA.

C.  Represent the interests of their constituencies for the duration of their office.

D.  Aid in the orderly business of SGA.

E.  Assist any Senator in adjusting to the performance of his/her duties and work to maintain good morale within the Senate.

F.  All representatives are required to serve on at least one committee, and are given the opportunity to choose from either an S.G.A. or university committee.

G.  Have a copy of the Mansfield University SGA Constitution.

H.  Have a copy of the Mansfield University SGA Bylaws.

I.  Have a copy of the Mansfield University Committee on Finance Policy Manual.

J.  Have a copy of the Mansfield University Committee on Finance Bylaws.

K.  Fulfill any other appropriate duties designated by the SGA President and/or Executive Board.

Section 3: Executive Board Duties.

A.  President:

1.  The individual holding the position of President will receive a $3,000 stipend from SGA at the end of each semester unless he/she is removed from or leaves the office of President.

2.  Schedule and be available for at least 420 hours per semester for office and meeting hours.

3.  Schedule and be physically present in the SGA office for a minimum of 10 office hours per week for the duration of the semester.

4.  Definition of office, meeting, and service hours:

i.  Office hours include hours spent in the SGA office in the course of the semester during which the individual will be available to answer questions and provide help and support to student organizations, student leaders, members, advisors, various faculty, campus administrators, and staff.

ii.  Meeting hours include hours spent meeting for SGA and/or University related purposes with meetings taking place outside of the SGA office or outside of scheduled office hours.

iii.  SGA related meetings will include but not be limited to meetings with any and all students, potential students, student organization student leaders, members, and advisors, along with campus administration, faculty, and staff members, as well as community members and leaders from the town, businesses, and local communities.

5.  Provide written officer reports to the SGA Secretary 24 hours before each SGA Senate meeting.

6.  Preside at all Student Government Association and Senate meetings.

7.  Represent Student Government Association at all public functions or designate a representative in the event that he/she is unable to be present.

8.  Coordinate and oversee the operation of Student Government Association and Senate committees and the Senate as a whole.

9.  Serve on the Committee on Finance and CCSI Board of Directors.

10.  Attend all Mansfield University Board of Trustee meetings.

11.  Submit a plan of action and intent to the Senate and Student Government at the first meeting as President, make periodic updates, and do a final report at the last meeting as President.

12.  Check the SGA email and respond to any questions, comments, concerns, or complaints relating to students, SGA, the University, and student organization matters.

13.  Any other duties as assigned by the SGA Executive Board or Senate.

14.  Meet with student organizations’ counterparts at least once per semester.

15.  Meet with the SGA Advisor on a weekly basis.

B.  Vice President:

1.  The individual holding the position of Vice President will receive a $3,000 stipend from the SGA at the end of each semester unless the individual is removed from or leaves the position of Vice President.

2.  Be available for at least 420 hours per semester for office, meeting, and service hours.

3.  Schedule and be physically present in the SGA office for a minimum of 10 office hours per week for the duration of the semester.

4.  Definition of office, meeting, and service hours:

i.  Office hours include hours spent in SGA office available to answer questions and provide help and support to student organizations student leaders, members, advisors along with various faculty, campus administrators, and staff.

ii.  Meeting hours include hours spent meeting for SGA and/or University related purposes with meetings taking place outside of the SGA office or outside of scheduled office hours.

iii.  SGA related meeting will include but not be limited to meetings with any and all students, potential students, student organization student leaders, members, and advisors, along with campus administration, faculty, and staff members, as well as community members and leaders from the town, businesses, and local communities.

5.  Assist any Senator in adjusting to the performance of his/her duties and work to maintain good morale within the Senate.

6.  Be in charge of all recruitment in regards to SGA.

7.  Any other duties as assigned by the SGA President, Executive Board, or Senate.

8.  Serve as Chairperson of the Spirit Committee:

i.  Provide written committee reports to the SGA Secretary.

ii. In charge of the “Mountie” Mascot.

9.  Serve as Chairperson of the Programming Committee:

i. Provide written committee reports to the SGA Secretary.

10.  Give Committee Reports at all Senate Meetings.

11.  Meet with student organizations’ counterparts at least once per semester.

12.  Meet with the SGA Advisor on a bi-weekly basis.

13.  Must serve on at least one university committee.

C.  Treasurer:

1.  The individual holding the position of Treasurer will receive a $3,000 stipend from SGA at the end of each semester unless the individual is removed from or leaves the position of Treasurer

2.  Schedule and be available for a minimum of 420 hours per semester for office, meeting, and service hours.

3.  Schedule and be physically present in the SGA office for a minimum of 10 office hours per week for the duration of the semester.

4.  Definition of office, meeting, and service hours:

i.  Office hours include hours spent in SGA office available to answer questions and provide help and support to student organizations student leaders, members, advisors along with various faculty, campus administrators, and staff.

ii.  Meeting hours include hours spent meeting for SGA and/or University related purposes with meetings taking place outside of the SGA office or outside of scheduled office hours.

iii.  SGA related meeting will include but not be limited to meetings with any and all students, potential students, student organization student leaders, members, and advisors, along with campus administration, faculty, and staff members, as well as community members and leaders from the town, businesses, and local communities.

5.  Keep accurate and current records of all Student Government funds.

6.  Report the financial status of the organization including the Committee on Finance at every meeting of the Senate.

7.  Any other duties as assigned by the SGA President, Executive Board, or Senate.

8.  Serve as Chairperson of the Committee on Finance:

i.  Provide a written committee report to the SGA Secretary.

ii.  Check the COF email and handle any questions, comments, concerns, or complaints relating to COF or student organization financial matters.

9.  Give committee reports at all Senate meetings.

10.  Meet with student organizations’ counterparts at least once per semester.

11.  Meet with the SGA Advisor on a bi-weekly basis.

12.  Must serve on at least one university committee.

D.  Director of Public Relations:

1.  The individual holding the positions of Director of Public Relations will receive a $2,000 stipend from SGA at the end of each semester unless the individual is removed from or leaves the position of Director of Public Relations.

2.  Schedule and be available for a minimum of 270 hours per semester for office, meeting, and service hours.

3.  Schedule and be physically present in the SGA office for a minimum of 5 office hours per week for the duration of the semester.

4.  Definition of office, meeting, and service hours:

i.  Office hours include hours spent in SGA office available to answer questions and provide help and support to student organizations student leaders, members, advisors along with various faculty, campus administrators, and staff.

ii.  Meeting hours include hours spent meeting for SGA and/or University related purposes with meetings taking place outside of the SGA office or outside of scheduled office hours.

iii.  SGA related meeting will include but not be limited to meetings with any and all students, potential students, student organization student leaders, members, and advisors, along with campus administration, faculty, and staff members, as well as community members and leaders from the town, businesses, and local communities.

5.  Promote all events that are sponsored by the Student Government Association by any means necessary.

6.  Create a calendar of all campus wide events that are funded by student activity fees.

7.  Prepare weekly press releases.

8.  Any other duties as assigned by the SGA President, Executive Board, or Senate.

9.  Serve as Chairperson of the Public Relations Committee:

i. Provide a written report to the SGA Secretary.

10.  Meet with student organizations’ counterparts at least once a semester.

11.  Meet with the SGA Advisor on a bi-weekly basis.

12.  Must serve on at least one university committee.

E.  Secretary:

1.  The individual holding the position of Secretary will receive a $2,000 stipend from SGA at the end of each semester unless the individual is removed from or leaves the position of Secretary.

2.  Schedule and be available for a minimum of 270 hours per semester for office, meeting, and service hours.

3.  Schedule and be physically present in the SGA office for a minimum of 5 office hours per week for the duration of the semester.

4.  Definition of office, meeting, and service hours:

i.  Office hours include hours spent in SGA office available to answer questions and provide help and support to student organizations student leaders, members, advisors along with various faculty, campus administrators, and staff.

ii.  Meeting hours include hours spent meeting for SGA and/or University related purposes with meetings taking place outside of the SGA office or outside of scheduled office hours.

iii.  SGA related meeting will include but not be limited to meetings with any and all students, potential students, student organization student leaders, members, and advisors, along with campus administration, faculty, and staff members, as well as community members and leaders from the town, businesses, and local communities.

5.  Take roll at all Senate meetings and report on attendance.

6.  Record accurately and distribute the minutes of all Student Government and Senate meetings.

7.  Post and distribute a phone and email list of the current Senate and Executive Board members.

8.  Keep a record of the current committees that the members of the Senate are serving on.

9.  Responsible for collecting and archiving all committee reports and Senate minutes.

10.  Monitor office hours of the Executive Board.

11.  Any other duties as assigned by the SGA President, Executive Board, or Senate.

12.  Meet with student organizations’ counterparts at least once per semester.

13.  Meet with the SGA Advisor on a bi-weekly basis.

F.  Parliamentarian:

1.  The individual holding the position of Parliamentarian will receive a $2,000 stipend from SGA at the end of each semester unless the individual is removed from or leaves the position of Parliamentarian.

2.  Schedule and be available for a minimum of 270 hours per semester for office, meeting, and service hours.

3.  Schedule and be physically present in the SGA office for a minimum of 5 office hours per week for the duration of the semester.

4.  Definition of office, meeting, and service hours:

i.  Office hours include hours spent in SGA office available to answer questions and provide help and support to student organizations student leaders, members, advisors along with various faculty, campus administrators, and staff.

ii.  Meeting hours include hours spent meeting for SGA and/or University related purposes with meetings taking place outside of the SGA office or outside of scheduled office hours.

iii.  SGA related meetings will include but not be limited to meetings with any and all students, potential students, student organization student leaders, members, and advisors, along with campus administration, faculty, and staff members, as well as community members and leaders from the town, businesses, and local communities.

5.  Read and be responsible for reporting the SGA Constitution, Bylaws, and Robert’s Rules of Order at all SGA and Senate meetings.

6.  Acquaint himself/herself with the newly revised Robert’s Rules of Order.

7.  Assist in the orderly conduct of SGA and Senate meetings.

8.  Create applications for and chair all discussions on membership of either the Senate or the House of Representatives.

9.  Any other duties as assigned by the SGA President, Executive Board, or Senate.

10.  Serve as Chairperson of the Administration Committee.

11.  Provide written committee reports to the SGA Secretary.

12.  Meet with student organizations’ counterparts at least once a semester.