Venue: Near Central London (except weekend away).
Saturdays:22nd September 201823rdMarch 2019 (9.45am – 4.30pm)
Mondays:17th September 2018 – 18th March 2019 (7pm – 10pm)
Weekend Away:20th – 21st October2018 (Sat. morning – Sun. lunch)
No Meetings:22nd October, 17th, 24th & 31st December 2018
Cost: £630.00 which includes venue hire, weekend away, workbook, materials & weekly refreshments.
Instalments: Payment can be made in instalments if required, e.g. 9 x £70.00, 6 x £105.00, 3 x £210.00. Please contact the office for further discussion.
Sponsorship: Some people raise all or part of the fee from their church or friends.
Please read through these notes before completing your application
All answers should be completed in full, regardless of your position within the church or journey uk. Each application is taken on its own merit.
When returning your application to us it should include:
▪The reference page (see page 6) completed by your pastor / priest / minister, or someone who knows you pastorally, e.g. home group leader.
▪The same person should also supply a brief letter on headed notepaper confirming they wrote the reference. Alternatively, they can email the reference page directly to us:
▪A page containing your life’s journey so far - see page 5.
▪A £15 admin fee which is a non-refundable sum to cover administration costs whether or not your application is successful: Cheque payable to ‘Journey UK’ / Bank transfer to Journey UK – 40-52-40 – 00004919 or PayPal to
Sending in an application does not guarantee a place on the programme. If we do take your application further you will be required to attend an informal interview at our office. We will contact you once your form is received.
Applications should be sent to:
Journey uk, PO Box 62807, London, SW12 2DE
please ensure you use the correct postage as this causes delays. If you prefer, you can email us your form.
Please contact the office if you have any questions:
020 7799 2200 /
Private and Confidential Application Form
Please be as open as possible when answering the questions. The form is strictly confidential.
Name: (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Rev/Other)
Date of Birth: Age:
Post Code:Country:
Telephone: (home) (work)
(MOBILE) ______email: ______
Marital Status: Single ( ) Engaged ( ) Married ( ) Separated ( ) Divorced ( ) Widowed ( )
Do you have any children? Please tell us how many and their ages.
How did you hear about journey uk?
Do you profess to be a Christian? Yes/No For how long?
Give brief details of how you became a Christian
Name of your church:
How long have you attended?
Details of your involvement in your church & any leadership responsibilities:
Explain your reasons for wanting to attend the programme. (Please use a separate sheet should you need more space)
Looking at the material this programme covers, how is your reason for applying relevant?
The purpose of the programme is for discipleship. in what ways have you pursued this in the past?
Are you currently in a relationship which involves ongoing sexual contact?
Have you ever had counselling or psychiatric help?
Please give details including the organisation, the dates & reason for seeking help:
Have you or are you currently on any prescribed medication? Please give details:
Have you or are you currently chemically dependent? (e.g. drugs / alcohol):
What are your expectations of the programme?
please tick the areas in which you need help. tick as many as apply:
◻ Relationship with Mother
◻ Relationship with Father
◻ Relationship with Siblings
◻ Relationship with Peers
◻ Heterosexual Relationships
◻ Homosexual Relationships
◻ God as Father
◻ Receiving
◻ Other (Specify)......
◻ Co Dependency
◻ Emotional Dependency
◻ Fantasy
◻ abuse
◻ pornography
◻ compulsive masturbation
◻ Sexual Addiction
◻ Other Addiction
What pastoral care do you have in place for continuing your journey after the programme?
Names of three people who will intercede for you during the programme if you are accepted:
1. ______2. ______3. ______
Names of any others from your church who are applying for the programme:
How do you feel about being in a small group with other delegates who’s issues may be different from your own?
Are you willing to share your story & receive healing prayer in the small group?
I have enclosed:
◻ a page with my life’s journey so far.
◻ A reference from my pastor / person with pastoral responsibility for me.
◻ a non-refundable application fee of £15 (sterling only).
◻ I confirm I can make all of the dates.
I understand that my participation in the programme requires my taking part in a small group in which self-disclosure and personal sharing will be expected of me.
my life’s journey: (key events / relationships in your life so far)
Reference for The Journey of Grace 2018-19
Please complete the candidate’s box and forward it to your referee. They also need to send a brief note on headed paper or alternatively can email the reference directly to:
Candidate’s name:
Referee’s name:
Tel: email:
We realise that the degree to which someone is really known within their church varies, so may we ask you to just answer these questions as you are able. Thank you.
How long have you known the applicant?
In what capacity?
Do you know of the ministry of journey uk?
Are you aware of why the person is applying for this programme?
What do you see as their key issues?
Are they able to receive from God?
How will they function in a small group setting?
How well are they integrated into the ongoing life of the church?
The programme runs weekly from September to march. how will your church be able to support them:
From what you know do you recommend them for this programme?
Would you like us to contact you to discuss what Journey UK can offer yourchurch?’______
Signature: Date:
if you would like more information about journey uk please do contact us or see our website:
020 7799 2200 /