Early Years Initial Teacher Training

(Birth to 5 years)

Guidance Handbook for Professional Tutors and Setting Based Mentors of Early Years Teacher Traineeson the School Direct route

2016 - 2017


Items / Page
Introduction / 3
Key University Contacts and Areas of Responsibility / 4
An Overview of Roles and Requirements / 5
Useful Documents and Links / 8
Appendices: Templates:
  1. Individual Training Plans
/ 9
  1. Reflection of Weekly Meetings
/ 11
  1. Joint Trainee, Professional Tutor and Mentor Observation Record
/ 12
  1. Programme Timetable
/ 14
  1. EYTS Trainee Performance Criteria
/ 18


Thank you for agreeing to support our Early Years Teacher Trainees on their journey to gain Early Years Teacher Status, specialising in child development and the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (birth to 5 years).

The success of the trainee is greatly dependent upon the level of support and partnership working provided by the Professional Tutors, Mentors, settings and trainees. It is therefore important for you to understand your own role and that of others, including an overview of the requirements and expectations of the trainee to understand how you can best support them.

We recognise how difficult it is to give time from your job role to support a trainee but hope that you will be able to attend our training sessions, to provide you with the tools and information you need.

We look forward to working with you,

Lesley Castling (EYTS Programme Lead) and Joe Sonnenfeld (Durham Teaching Alliance Manager)

Key University and School Direct Contacts and Areas of Responsibility

Kim Holt – Head of Department, Northumbria University /
Lesley Castling - Programme Lead, Lead Module Tutor /
Leslie Patterson- Etherley Lane Nursery School, Headteacher and Lead Professional Tutor for SD
Durham Teaching School Alliance /
Kim Hall – Northumbria University Graduate Tutor and Lead Professional Tutor for SD Newcastle /
Joe Sonnenfeld- Durham Teaching Schools Alliance Manager /
Jo Madgwick- Lead Setting Based Mentor and Dept. Headteacher, Etherley Lane Nursery School. /
Justine Gallagher- Recruitment and Marketing /
Pam Graham – Module Tutor and Director of Programme. /
Sharon Finlay – Senior Administrator Programme Support /
Diane Balsillie- Administrator Programme Support(Wed – Fri.) /
External Examiner / Dr Mioka Drummand (Grimsby University)


Requirements of each placement - An overview:

Placement 1 Begins Monday 19th September 2016 (for approximately 12 weeks)

All Trainees will be placed in fourdifferent schools/settings during the course of the programme to experience teaching and learning with children:

  • Birth to two
  • Two – Three
  • Three to Five (including Reception)
  • Key Stage 1 and 2
  • The Professional Tutor follows their designated trainee throughout all of the placements. The Professional Tutor initially meets the trainee to have a discussion about trainee knowledge and experience. Targets and actions are agreed and they meet again towards the end of the placement to review the training plan and agree a grade which is recorded on the Early Years Teacher Status Trainee Performance Criteria. The School/Setting Based Mentor will be consulted about the grade awarded. A new training plan is created containing targets for the following Placement. Further observation dates are agreed at this meeting. The Professional Tutor keeps a copy of the completed Early Years Teacher Status Trainee Performance Criteria.

The School/Setting Based Mentor (SBM) facilitates the placement for the trainee liaising with the Headteacher/ manager, and class teacher / room leader. The SBM organizes the timetable for the trainee. The SBM holds a weekly tutorial with the trainee. The discussion from this meeting is recorded on the Mentor Meeting Form. The SBM looks at the trainees evidence file and monitors tasks. The SBM carries out formative teaching and learning observations of the trainee and some jointly with the Professional Tutor (summative assessment). Observations are recorded on the Observation Proforma. (observations could focus on: key group activities, child initiated activities, working in the baby room observing interactions) The SBM completes Early Years Teacher Status Trainee Performance Criteria.

The Lead Professional Tutors (Leslie and Kim) will organize a termly meeting for Professional Tutors for the purposes of training and moderation.

The Lead School Based Mentor (Jo) will organize a termly meeting for School Based Mentors for the purposes of training and moderation.

The Trainee will be based at Coach Lane Campus one day per week for face to face training. Trainees are entitled to half a day per week non- contact time. The remaining 3 ½ days will be spent in the placement . Over the course of the placement the trainee will increase their teaching responsibility, liaising with the class teacher/room leader and SBM. The Trainee will use planning proformas/assessment materials supplied by the placement school .(examples of templates are contained in the trainee handbook). The Trainee should use their non -contact time, (½ day), to arrange to visit the new placement prior to beginning their next placement. The trainee keeps theEarly Years Teacher Status Trainee Performance Criteria.The Trainees record of progress is highlighted on the document. The SBM highlights the document not the Trainee

The trainee Is required to carry out a ‘Professional Work Based Project’ with each of the three age groups that demonstrates their practice to meet around 10 to 15 Teaching Standards.The project is written up in the form of an academic assignment at Level 7, as part of the Post Graduate Certificate.

Placement 2 Begins Monday 9th January (for approximately 8 weeks)

The above process is followed again with the different age group of children.

Placement 3, Key Stage 1 and 2 Experience. Monday 13th to 24th March or 27th March to 7th April (2 weeks)

Placement in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 will be within Durham and Newcastle schools involved in the Primary ITT Programme. KS1/2 placements should involve contact with children under the direction of the class teacher with opportunities for small group observation. These placements are designed to experience the continuum of the EYFS into the National Curriculum and are not assessed.

The trainee should observe Maths and English throughout the school, supporting a group in each class each day. The trainee should spend some time with the class teacher prior to the lesson to talk through the lesson plan and to understand the activity they will be leading with their group.

The trainee should complete 2 focussed observations over the course of the placement with the contact person in school, the focus of the observations should be to look at the structure of a Maths and English lesson, also highlighting behaviour management strategies, planning, progress, assessment and subject knowledge In addition, trainees should be given the opportunity to observe a range of foundation subjects including PE and Science.

The trainee will also work alongside 2 class teachers as they undertake their PPA. The purpose of this activity is so that teachers can talk through with the trainee the planning process, highlighting use of assessment, previous knowledge, the National Curriculum etc.

The trainee will access two tutorials with the contact person throughout the course of the placement. Tutorials can be held after school or during the school day if appropriate.

The trainee should continue to complete their reflective journal for the two weeks they are in school, suggested areas for reflection will be discussed with the contact person on day 1 of the placement. The reflective journal may also be discussed as part of the tutorial with the contact person.

Two weeks are also spent back in placement 1 and are designed to provide an opportunity for the Trainee to work intensively on identified targets with their Professional Tutor. The Professional Tutor and Trainee agree targets using the ITP in preparation for Placement 4

Placement 4 Begins Monday 24th April for 5 weeks or until 120 days of placement has been achieved

  • The Professional Tutor meets the trainee towards the end of the placement. Training Plan 4 is reviewed and a grade agreed.
  • The School Based Mentor facilitates the placement for the trainee liaising with the Headteacher and class teacher or room leader. The School Based Mentor organizes the timetable for the trainee. At the end of the placement the SBM writes the Record of Progress. The SBM holds a weekly tutorial with the trainee. The SBM looks at the trainees evidence file. The SBM carries out teaching and learning observations of the trainee and some jointly with the Professional Tutor. The School Based Mentor completes the Record of Progress against the Teacher’s Standards on a weekly basis.
  • The Trainee as per placement 1 &2

The Manager/ Headteacher is expected to:

  • Provide a supportive environment for the trainee
  • Give the trainee the opportunity to enter into the full life of the school/setting during the placement, including where appropriate, inviting the trainee to attend staff meetings/assemblies
  • Engage in professional dialogue with the trainee related to their specific tasks
  • Allow the Mentor time out to feedback to the Professional Tutor following the 3 observations..
  • Ensure the Mentor fully carry out their role and meet the requirements of the placement in supporting the trainee teacher
  • Organise a timetable to allow the trainee to meet the teaching commitment.
  • Identify a suitable SEND pupil for the trainee to track
  • Allow the trainee to take full responsibility for the whole room and the general daily duties of a practitioner/teacher.
  • Provide the trainee with lesson objectives in advance as appropriate.
  • Provide the trainee with access to any bought resources which could be used to support the activities.
  • Check and sign all planning on a weekly basis, feedback to the trainee any concerns regarding pace, appropriateness of task or differentiation.

NB Should a professional Tutor and/or Mentor have any cause for concern about the trainees practice or welfare, they can contact the Lead Professional Tutor. A‘Cause for Concern procedure’is available to support a trainee, develop an action plan, address any issues and aim to get them back on track.Where this becomes necessary, the Professional Tutor and Mentor will be kept informed and work together to support the trainee in addressing action points.


Useful documents and links:

  1. Teacher Standards (Early Years):
  1. Early Years ITT Requirements and Supporting Guidance:
  1. Funding guidance:
  1. Early years ITT a guide for providers:
  1. Early years initial teacher training (ITT): a guide for employers:
  1. Get Into Teaching - early years detail: which includes our early years teacher video:
  1. Professional Skills Tests:
  1. Nursery World guide - In partnership with Nursery World we have produced a ‘Guide to Early Years Teacher Status’[1]. This is available as a downloadable PDF on Nursery World’s website, and was also distributed with the 27 July 2015 issue of Nursery World.

Appendix 1

Individual Training Plan (One to be used for each age phase)

Trainee Teacher:
Professional Tutor:
Name of Setting
Age group of focus:

Document to be completed by the trainee in conjunction with their Mentor/Professional Tutor to record trainee teacher progress at each phase of the programme. Each entry should be dated. This form should be used as part of professional dialogue within the Progress Review meetings.


  1. Identified strengths:
(Aim to document a minimum of 2 strengths for each standard or part standard, provide examples of practice evidence to support)
Standard reference: / Strength and evidence/impact on learning
  1. Targets/Professional Objectives:
Agree a minimum of 2 professional objectives each week, written as SMART Targets, directly linked to specific Standards.
Standard reference: / Professional objective / target / EYTS Performance criteria / Actions
  1. Current target review:
(Document whether current targets have been achieved, on-going, adjusted or not met. Provide evidence to support)
Standard reference: / Previous target review – evidenceof examples of practice achieved should be entered within section 1.

At end of age phase/placement:

Trainee teacher signature: / Date:
Mentor signature: / Date:
Number of days spent working with this age group:: / Start and finish Dates:
Professional Tutor signature following Progress Review: / Date:
Grade Awarded for this Age Phase

The trainee teacher should retain a copy as part of their evidence towards achieving the EYTS Teachers’ Standards and share with their Professional Tutor during Observation visits and Progress Reviews.


Appendix 2

Reflection of Weekly Meeting with Setting Based Mentor (can also be used to record meetings with Professional Tutors)

Focus of meeting
Reflection of discussion
Record thoughts and learning as a result of professional dialogue, link to theory and practice in setting / Standards addressed
Next steps/
Target set: / (Trainee should transfer these targets on to their ITP and update their evidence )
signed / Date
Mentor/Professional Tutor
signed / Date

Appendix 3


Trainee Name; / Names and Roles of Observers:
Setting: / Date of observation:
Age Range to be observed:
Start time of observation: / Finish time of observation:

(A ‘handful of Standards claimed, determined by the trainee)

To be completed by the trainee: summary of experience / activities /
interactions to be observed / Std
Activity observed:
Narrativ of activity observed:

Professional Tutor and/or MentorSignatures:


Appendix 4

EYTS Graduate Employment Route Programme Timetable

Programme is delivered at Coach Lane Campus East from 10am till 2.45pm and comprises of:-

  • 1 Induction day (Monday, joined by the School Direct, full time trainees.)

PGCert Modules (3 x 20 credit modules at Level 7, delivered on Thursdays, part and full timers together):

  • Module 1 – TE7037 ‘Understanding the Teaching Standards (Early Years)’
  • Module 2 –TE7035‘Integrated Working in the Early Years’
  • Module 3 – TE7036 ‘Policy and Contemporary Issues in the Early Years’
  • Focused time working with: with babies, toddlers, pre-school age, including 2 weeks with Key stage 1 and 2
  • Assessed Observations of Practice weekly formative observations tracking level of practice and a minimum of 1 assessed observation, each with babies, toddlers and pre-school children jointly assessed by Professional Tutor and Mentor for moderation purposes.
  • Individual Professional Tutor and Mentor support sessions

Academic Week Number / Session / Date / Venue / Title/content / Work to be Submitted
for Marking / Type of Assessment and Expected Return Date
7 / Induction Day / Monday
12th September / Northumbria
CLC East
G112 / Introduction to the Programme andPGCert
Modules.Getting to know each other and preparing to work together.
Preparing for Study and Reflective Learning at Level 7
Using the Library and Resources available to support study skills.
Identifying areas of interest to research
Reflective Diaries
Focus Age Group 1 Starts week beginning 19th September until Christmas break (Approx. 12 weeks)
Semester 1 / Core Sess.1 / Thursday
22nd Sept / CLC
G103 / -Module 1 Session 1
Preparation for Module 1 – Programme Handbook
Individual training Plans
9 / 2 / Thursday
29thSept / CLC
H113 / Module 1 Session 2
10 / 3 / Thursday
6th Oct. / CLC
G112 / Module 1 Session 3
11 / 4 / Thursday
13th October / CLC
H113 / Module 1 Session 4
Identifying programme reps.
12 / 5 / Thursday
20th October / CLC West
B214 / Module 1 Session 5
24th to 28th October Half Term/Reading Week
Focus Age Group 1 –Assessed Observation 31st October to -18th November (Professional Tutors and Mentors observe the trainee together)
14 / 6 / Thursday
3rd November / CLC E
G112 / Module 1 Session 6
15 / 7 / Thurs, 10th
November / CLC
G105 and G106 / Module 1 Session 7
Formative Assessment – Presentations (2 groups) / Individual Presentations / Formative Assessment. Feedback from peers and tutors received on same day
16 / 8 / Thursday
17th November / CLC
G112 / Module 1 Session 8
17 / 9 / Thursday
24th November / CLC
G112 / Module 1 Session 9
18 / 10 / Thursday
1st December / CLC
H113 / Module 1 Session 10
19 / 11 / Thursday
8thDecember / CLC
G114 / Progress Review 1 / Submission of 3000 word Assignment 1 / Summative Assessment
Returned by 4th Jan
University Chistmas Break 12th December to 3rd January
23 / 12 / Thursday
January / CLC
G114 / Module 2 – Session 1
Introduction to Module
Focus Age Group 2 Begins Monday 9th January to 10th March (approx. 8 Weeks)
24 / 13 / Thursday 12th January / CLC
G114 / Module 2 – Session 2
S1 and 2
a.m Partnership with Parents and Weaning Case Study - JG
Start of Semester 2 / 14 / Thursday
19th January / CLC / Module 2 – Session 3
S3 Delivering Phonics Sessions in practice – Jo Madgwick
26 / 15 / Thursday
26th January / CLC / Module 2 – Session 4
S4 / Formative Assessment Exercise / Formative Feedback provided by peers and tutors on the same day.
27 / 16 / Thursday
2nd February / CLC / Module 2 – Session 5
28 / 17 / Thursday
9th Feb / CLC / Module 2 – Session 6
29 / 18 / Thursday
16th Feb / CLC / Module 2 Day 7
Half Term/Reading Week – 20th February
Focus Age Group 2 Assessed Observation –27th February to 10th March
31 / 19 / Thursday 2nd March / CLC / Progress Review 2
32 / 20 / Thursday 9th March. / CLC / Module 3 Day 1
Identifying gaps in meeting Standards
Preparation for Assignment
Engaging in KS1 and 2. / Submission of Assignment 2 / Summative Assessment returned by 30th March
Between 13th March and 7th April, Focus age group 3, 2 weeks in Key Stage 1 and 2 and 2 weeks back with age group 1 or 2. Professional Tutors make contact and, age group 4 is arranged and assignment 3 discussed and planned. (No University Sessions for these weeks)
Focus Age Group 4 begins 24th April for approx. 5 weeks
Easter Holidays 10th – 21st April
39 / 21 / Thursday 27th April / CLC / Module 3 Day 2
a.m. Impact of deprivation upon the under 3’s JG
Addressing gaps in meeting Standards
End Semester 2 / 22 / Thursday 4th May / CLC / Module 3 Day 3
Addressing gaps in meeting Standards / Formative Assessment Activity / Formative Feedback provided by peers and tutors on the same day.
Focus Age Group 4–Assessed Observation 8th to 19th May
41 / 23 / Thursday
11th May / CLC / Module 3 Day 4
Addressing gaps in meeting Standards
42 / 24 / Thursday
18th May / CLC / Module 3 Day 5
Addressing gaps in meeting Standards
43 / 25 / Thursday
25th May / CLC / Progress Review 3 and Exit Interviews / Submission of Assignment3 / Summative Assessment returned by 8th June
Half Term Week 29th May
Trainees who have deferred or require additional time will continue to work with the required age group until Teaching Standards have been met.

Timescale of events leading to the award of Early Years Teacher Status: