UNU-IAS Yokohama Roundtable

“Observation and Alert in World Environmental Governance”

Date: Friday, 25 February 2005

Time: 2:00pm -5:00pm

Venue: United Nations University-Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS)

1-1-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-8502

Organized by UNU-IAS

Language: English and Japanese (simultaneous interpretation)

Roundtable Introduction

Environmental governance deals with complex adaptive systems subject to dynamic external forces exerted by political, economic, social actors or driven by nature itself. Strong stewardship is required at all levels, international, regional, national and local.

The devastating effects of the recent tsunami resonate with the global community in seeking how to cope with unprecedented catastrophe. The urbanization phenomenon is accelerating, 60% of the world population will live in cities in 2015 leading to more acute problems of air pollution, of clean water availability. Some regions of the globe are experiencing specific damages, for instance the ozone hole over the Antarctic. At international level, our utilization of renewable natural resources exceeds already today by 20% the threshold of nature’s equilibrium. Greater rates of change than those experienced in the past exacerbate the gravity of the issues; the loss of biodiversity is deeper each year, the frequency of extreme weather events such as typhoons, tornadoes, floods, is increasing.

Coastal zones are particularly vulnerable. According to the Centre for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), 1.147 billion people (about 20 percent of the world's current population) live in coastal ecosystems. Coastal ecosystems range from either 100 meter elevation inshore or 100 km from the coastline. Moreover, the coastal ecosystem zone has the highest human densities of all ecosystems, 175 persons/km² (compared to 119 persons/km² in cultivated ecosystems, 51 persons/km² in inland water systems, 36 persons/km² in mountain and dry lands and 27 persons/km² in forest ecosystems).

How can our World cope with such vulnerability? Trusting self-organization, accepting fatality are no answers to such situation. The recourse to advanced technologies can definitely help but alone, it is not sufficient. A global strategy of governance is required.

How can observation and alert contribute to the prevention of further environmental damage, to the mitigation of existing damage, to the reduction of environmental risk? The issues of governance and the organizational aspects should be the focus of the discussions. Technology and money are currently mentioned as the means for remedying the defects of the current alert system. They are of course necessary, but not sufficient. How to organize an efficient regional alert system? How to trigger an alert that would affect millions of people? Would any country be ready to delegate to a central body the responsibility of triggering the alarm? The roundtable provides a forum for lively discussion on how it could lead to better governance characterized by efficacy, relevance, transparency, equity, and foresight.

Tentative Program

2:00-2:10 Opening Remarks

A.H. Zakri, Director, UNU-IAS

Nobuhide Morita, Director, Office of International Relations, General Affairs Bureau, City of Yokohama

2:10-2:35 Keynote Presentation: “The contribution of observation and alert to risk governance”

Prof. Jean-Pierre Contzen, Chairman of the Board, UNU-IAS

2:35-3:00 Presentation: “Integrated Disaster Risk Management as a part of Sustainable Management: Challenges towards Implementation Science”

Prof. Norio Okada, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University

3:00-3:25 Presentation: “Preparedness and Education for Catastrophic Disasters:
A Participatory Platform of Disaster Risk Management”

Prof. Saburo Ikeda, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention

3:25-3:45 Coffee Break

3:45-4:50 Panel Discussion

Chair: Peter Marcotullio, Research Fellow, UNU-IAS

Prof. Jean-Pierre Contzen, Chair of the Board, UNU-IAS

Prof. Norio Okada, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University

Prof. Saburo Ikeda, National Research Institute for Earth and Disaster Prevention

(Ambassador, Embassy staff of the countries affected)

4:50-5:00 Concluding Remarks

A.H. Zakri, Director, UNU-IAS


Prof. Jean-Pierre Contzen

Graduated from "Ecole Polytechnique" of the University of Brussels as Mechanical & Electrical Engineer with a post-graduate certificate in Nuclear Physics at same University, Prof. Contzen currently holds positions as Chairman of the von Karman Institute of Fluid Dynamics in Brussels, IST Chair and Invited Full Professor at the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon; and Chair of the Board of United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies. He is also Co-President of the Nansen Scientific Foundation for Environment and Remote Sensing in Saint Petersburg and Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the International Centre for Science and Technology in Moscow.

Prof. Norio Okada

With a Dr. of Engineering from Kyoto University, Professor Okada currently holds positions as the full professor of the Integrated Management for Disaster Risk Division of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute at Kyoto University and Adjunct Professor of Systems Design Engineering at University of Waterloo, Canada.

Prof. Saburo Ikeda

With a Dr. of Engineering from Kyoto University, Prof. Ikeda is currently a Visiting Researcher, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention. He is also a Professor Emeritus, University of Tsukuba.



1.日時: 平成17年2月25日(金)14:00-17:00

2.場所: 横浜市西区みなとみらい1-1-1






沿岸地域は、特に脆弱で、被害を受けやすい。“国際地球科学情報ネットワーク”(CIESIN)によれば、現在の世界人口の約20パーセントに当たる11億4700万人もの 人々が沿岸部生態系で生活している。沿岸部生態系は、海抜100メートル以内又は海岸線から100キロメートル以内の地域である。さらに、沿岸部生態系は、全ての生態系の中で最も人口密度が高くなっており、1平方キロメートルに175人の割合である。(耕地においては119人、内陸水域系においては51人、山岳乾燥地域においては36人、森林生態系においては、27人である。)





2:00-2:10 挨拶

A.  H. ザクリ 国連大学高等研究所所長

森田信英 横浜市総務局国際室長

2:10-2:35 基調講演: 「監視及びアラートのリスク・ガバナンスへの貢献」


2:35-3:00 講演: 「持続可能なマネジメントの一部としての統合的な災害リスクマネジメント:実践科学の挑戦」

岡田憲夫 京都大学防災研究所教授

3:00-3:25 講演: 「破局的な災害に対する備えと教育:災害リスク・マネジメントについての参加的な共通の基盤」

池田三郎 (独)防災科学技術研究所客員研究員

3:25-3:45 休憩

3:45-4:50 パネルディスカッション


ピーター・マーコトゥーリオ 国連大学高等研究所 リサーチフェロー



岡田憲夫 京都大学防災研究所教授

池田三郎 (独)防災科学技術研究所客員研究員

4:50-5:00 閉会挨拶

A. H. ザクリ 国連大学高等研究所所長




岡田憲夫 京都大学防災研究所教授


池田三郎 (独)防災科学技術研究所客員研究員


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