TUESDAY 14th JUNE 2011

Present:Mr. Paul Ashton, 1st year trainee

Ms. Ruth Baker, Clinical Lead

Ms. Claire Bazen-Peters, 3rd year trainee

Ms. Jenny Bunting, 2nd year trainee

Dr. Catherine Gallop, Academic Lead

Dr. Karen Gough, Chair of Southern Supervisors’ Committee Mrs. Liz Mears (secretary), Programme Administrator

Professor Eugene Mullan (chair), Programme Director

Dr. Tony Wainwright

Apologies:Dr. Heather O’Mahen

Dr. Janet Smithson

Dr. James Tonks

Dr. Carolyn Evans

Dr. Frank Burbach

Tim Hollingbery, Head of Services in Dorset has now retired from NHS – his successor, Dr. David Fitzpatrick Cockram will be attending DCPTC and Strategic Leads meetings in the future.

1.Minutes of the meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 22nd Marchwere accepted as a correct record with one amendment:

Para. regarding HPC requirements to read:

Ruth reported that the programme requires all clients/service users to be informed when they are being seen by a trainee to comply with HPC standards and good practice.

Catherine confirmed this would be included in the handbook for 11-14 intake.

Action: CG

2.Matters arising

3.Programme Liaison Committee – Heather to do a follow up ‘e’ mail to Jenny outlining response to the request for more support in gaining ethics approval.

Action: HOM

5. Supervisors’ Committee – consent for clinical material – Ruth explained that the discussion is ongoing and the outcome will be reported at the next meeting.

Action: RB

3. Programme Liaison Committee – no report as meeting had not taken place since last DCPTC.

4.Trainee Business

10-13 – nothing to report from this group.

09-12 – Jenny reported that teaching this year had been very well received and had been very interesting.

The group would find it very helpful to have major research submission and viva dates in 2012.

08-11 – nothing to report

5.Supervisors’ Committee

Karen reported there had not been a Southern Supervisors’ meeting since the last DCPTC in March.

Ruth reported from Northern Supervisors’ meeting held on 25th May. Placement capacity in LD was particularly difficult across the Region with LD services changing. Ruth is working alongside the Clinical Director of the Bath programme to provide adequate placements for Bath and Exeter trainees.


Nothing to report - no meeting held since last DCPTC.


Eugene reported that interviews were being held on 15th June for locum Clinical Tutor for Somerset to cover Emma Pillinger’s maternity leave and for Northern Clinical Tutor. There will be 7 people interviewed.

Academic – Catherine and Eugene are discussing ways of increasing academic staff for the programme.

Research – Nick Moberley to join the programme as full-time Research Tutor in September.

8.Programme Report

Eugene reported a very successful staff team Awayday where core programme aims were discussed and general themes emerged – staff working towards the same aims offering a programme where consultation, leadership, supervision and psychological therapies were key themes running through the 3 years of the programme.

9.Any Other Business

GTiCP conference 7-9 November – Exeter is hosting the conference and Eugene and Tony are putting together a programme- topics to include: Internationalisation, leadership – applied psychology in the future – issues and challenges to the profession.

Lived Experience Group to be involved in the programme.

10.Date and time of next meeting

Tuesday 15th November 9.15am-10.45am

Strategic Forum – 11.00am-12.30pm