Facebook Posts, week ending 09/13/2015

A new source of laughter, making good medicine, is the fact that the "Christian Separatism" doctrine has expired.

There are few fundamentalists that are taking their religious placebos, "Gos-pills," and struggling to keep their beliefs alive, despite that Science has overwhelming evidence, proving that all mankind are, and have always, been "ONE." And, “Hell” is a “Myth.”

It's funny, how many Christians, really believe in eternal punishment, after death.

It's is really funny, that punishment, in the Old Testament, was given, while living.

It's really, really funny that "Punishment" after death was originated by Paganism, in 800 BC, for controlling Pagans, by "Fear."

It's hilarious that Christianity copied Paganism, and for the same reason, "Controlling, by Fear."

And, it is really unspeakable that Christianity acts, as though Jesus was a part of, and approved this atrocity:

"Eternally burning in a fiery furnace," is really sickening.

My posts are designed to remember the blessings of Christianity, and move into the, "Subconscious Level" that has previously been unknown to mankind, and is the answer to universally manifest, "Heaven in Earth," while living, as Jesus taught.

A PERSONAL NOTE from May 12, 2009

When I stepped out of the shoes of a Pharisees that I had walked in for 55 years and stepped into the shoes of Jesus I can still hear my Daddy say, “Thank you son for receiving my nontraditional revelation”: “I did not send My Son into the world to condemn and judge; I sent him so all humanity could be made physically whole.”

John 3:17

I have discovered, in my sphere of influence, that the world hasn’t rejected Jesus. The world has rejected the condemnation message the church has added to Jesus’ teaching and without his approval.

Jesus is a love letter to humanity------The church just has not mailed it.

The world needs the perfect love of God that casts out fear.

Chuck Wardman

The "Separatism" doctrine was devised, by Christianity 25 years before Jesus conceived "His Church," written in the Gospel of Matthew.

"Jesus' Church" was to be created on, "Atonement," without any punishment, for anyone, for anything, anywhere, or at anytime.

I am, as are others, are aware of the current "Spiritual Awakening" that is occurring "NOW."

The "Apocalypse" has begun, where the "False Doctrines" of Christianity are being exposed, and the "True Intentions" of God are being released.

Science has overwhelming evidence, proving that all mankind are, and have always, been "ONE." And, “Hell” is a “Myth,” created by Paganism.

My posts are designed to remember the blessings of Christianity, because of Jesus, and move into the, "Subconscious Level" that has previously been unknown to mankind, and is the answer to universally manifest, "Heaven on Earth," while living, as Jesus taught.

What is happening in countries where Christianity has less negative influence is a precursor, for things to happen here in America.

An African Christian woman, doesn't realize that when Jesus multiplied a few fish and some bread to feed 5000 men, plus women and children that it wasn't applicable for today.

As a result of her lack of understanding the "Traditions of Men," she is daily, creating food and water to feed innumerable ones, in Africa.

Innumerable Christians in America do not have "Faith" that God can repeat what Jesus did, as an example for today, and are buying, and storing "Tribulation Food" from Christian organizations, and other sources.

In case you have forgotten, my name is Chuck Wardman, and I am a “Spiritual and Science,” coordinator, researcher, designer and editor, of six web sites that are reaching the world, via the “Internet,” with the “Good News,” of the “Gospel of Jesus.”

The “Gospel of Jesus” is, “How to live, free of sickness and disease, the cause of death, and experience “Joy Unspeakable,” and “Peace” that surpasses human understanding, all in an atmosphere of the “Kingdom of God.”

The word “Gospel” is mentioned 98 times in the New Testament, and consistently refers to the “Kingdom of God,” and never, once, refers to “Heaven or Hell.”

After Jesus was resurrected, He spoke for 40 days, only about the “Kingdom of God.”

The “Gospel of Christianity” is, unless you become a Christian, you will experience an “Eternity” in a “Burning Inferno.”

This is a “Nauseating Thought” that Jesus never spoke, suggested, or endorsed.

My web sites share the “Oneness of Humanity” that the knowledge of Quantum and Fractal Science has irrevocable evidence to prove, and confirms the “Intentions of God,” and are currently receiving innumerable daily views from over 75 nations.

After countless hours of research and study, I have become a, “Quantum Scientist,” and will make the evidence available, without any need to understand, “Quantum Science.”

I am not boastful, I, being alone, have unlimited “Spare Time,” 90 years of wisdom and experience, living in a 70 year, and counting down, body.

Psalms 120:2-5 are suggestions, given by God, for anyone that “Believes,” and as Jesus spoke to Mark, “Anything is possible, if I BELIEVE.”

Contrary to facts and logic, Christianity hierarchy maintains power and control by the promotion of “Separatists perception” opposing the fact that Jesus came to teach “Atonement perception.”

“Separatists perception” is the source of conflict, because it is "Fear based."

“Atonement perception” is the source of peace, because it is "Love based."

I believe the Christian church, starting in the first century, formed an “Exclusivity Mentality” that was first centered on “Separatists Perception” and that escalated to a “Separatists Attitude” towards Arabs and Palestinians because of a darker skin color.

The war between races was started in the 1st Century by Christianity and in the 6th Century Mohammad organized an army of Muslims, committed to killing their enemy, Jews and Christians.

And 3400 years later, the cause of the war is still being hidden by “Christianity Exclusivity.”

What would have happened if everyone knew they had the same Father, the Creator of all humanity?

Abraham's son, Ishmael, is the father of Arabians and Palestinians, most being Muslims.

Have you ever wondered why Christianity never mentioned Ishmael as the son of Abraham and loved by God in the New Testament?

“And I say unto you, that many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.”

Why was Ishmael left out of the New Testament?

“I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?

God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.”

Why was “Ishmael” left out of the New Testament?

“And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. And Ishmael, his son was thirteen years old, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. In the selfsame day was Abraham circumcised, and Ishmael his son.”

That over-site, omitting Ishmael, in my opinion, was continuing Christian "Separatism," and the reason Islam was founded.

God made a covenant with Isaac and not Ishmael perhaps to demonstrate that God formed the flesh of man to obey his God like Spirit.

Ishmael was allowed to be created by Sarah, with cooperation from Abraham, doubting God and listening to their ego.

Isaac was created by Abraham listening to God.

God said, He would bless Ishmael and make him a great nation.

The "Exclusivity of Christianity" is without the approval of Jesus, and has done much harm.

Association with Jesus has done much good.

The result is "Blended Christianity" that has formed an emulsion like oil and water where the effectiveness of both is diminished or ruined.

God sent Jesus, as the last Adam, to restore the Garden of Eden that Adam lost, with the Kingdom of God, and abolish physical death that Adam introduced.

“It is now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who has abolished death, and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.” ll Timothy 1:10 speaking in a very clear manner.

Jesus said, "Moses wrote about me;" therefore, return to the time of Moses, Joshua’s benefactor, where God told me, via Joshua, the "Torah" contain "Creative laws" shall not depart out my mouth, but I shall meditate and speak therein day and night, that I may observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then I shall make my way prosperous, and then I shall have good success.”

Success is my personal responsibility and not the result of asking God for blessings.

Remember, Blessings accompany choosing "Life" and rejecting "Death.”

“God Offers Much More Than Christianity Does”

The "Torah" was omitted from the Christian New Testament, because it confirms that "All men are created equal," and have equal opportunity to create "Success."

"We and Them" does not exist in the "Realm of God."

I am making another attempt to abolish "Separatism," and leaving "Atonement" to remain, so the "Intentions of God" can flourish.

God sent Jesus to earth, as the last Adam, to abolish physical death that Adam introduced.

Even, as plain as English is in this verse, “But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who has abolished death, and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.”

When I mention this to a Christian I get the same response, Da,aa------.

This verse is the only time that the light or truth of the gospel is combined, and referring to, "Abolishing Death."


Everyone dies, caused by a sickness or disease, who believes in death.


Believing in death, because everyone dies.

Hell, the mythical location for eternal burning torture, was a Pagan design that was used to control and extract money from Pagans.

After death, a Pagan would have “Obels” put over his eyes or in his mouth while the ferryman, Charon, ferried the dead Pagan across the river Styx to Hades, the Pagan god of hell.

The money given was a hope for shortening the time in Hades.

A branch of the Christian Church is paid money for a dead family member to be removed from “Purgatory.” This is not a coincidence, but planned larceny to adopt Paganism as a Christian doctrine, hidden behind church insanity.

Paganism introduced Hades in the eighth century, BC.

The first Christian Church in Rome incorporated this Pagan concept of hell as a successful way to control and gain wealth in the first century AD.

Dante, an Italian artist and painter released his book, “The Burning Inferno” and “The Divine Comedy” in the 15th century. His paintings and books about a devil dressed in red with a pitch fork throwing people in a burning inferno augmented the Catholic belief in hell.

Not a poem, not a song, but the King James Bible printed this legend that is accepted as a fact inspired by God.

This is “Pop” history and when legend becomes a fact, print the legend.

It is almost certain that anyone reading my posts, could discard them as having any possibility for truth. But consider, there is not a single verse in scripture that suggests “Hell” is a burning location for eternal torture.

Jesus never suggested anyone to accept him to avoid hell.

In fact, Jesus is a Jew and like all Jews they don’t believe in hell. Jews accept Solomon’s analysis for the after death experience. “Then shall the dust (body) return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”

“Death and Hell” is a cultural conjecture that has been passed from one generation to the next without questioning scriptural evidence for proof. The only similar allegory was the “Flat World Conjecture” that was passed from one generation to the next without sufficient physical study or evidence for proof.

“Conjecture” is like a "Legend" and means to gather popular collective beliefs to prove a predetermined point.

My Posts today are going to be different, and humorous.

What is “Pop” history?

And when its legend becomes a fact, print the legend.

The hundred year war, between England and France lasted 116 years. The English had invented the “Long bow” with the ability to shoot an arrow 250 yards with deadly accuracy. They used the first and second finger to draw the bow string, but when a French soldier captured an English bowman, he would cut off the second finger, rendering the bowman useless.

Later, when an Englishman would meet a Frenchman in battle, he would wave his second finger in defiance, showing he was able to shoot. Thus, the second finger defiant salute.

This is “Pop” history and when legend becomes a fact, print the legend.

Paul Revere rode only 19 miles heralding, “The British are coming.” Israel Bissel (not a Jewish vacuum cleaner) the real hero, rode 330 miles, heralding, “The British are coming.”

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, choose Paul Revere because it rhymed better in his poem, “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere.”

This is “Pop” history and when legend becomes a fact, print the legend.

Yankee Doodle went to town, Riding on a pony, He stuck a feather in his hat and called it macaroni.

This is the state song of Connecticut, but is also a British song mocking the “Yankees.”

“Macaroni” was a local pub where homosexuals gathered, giving the inference, the “Yankees” are queer.

This is “Pop” history and when legend becomes a fact, print the legend.