Improving Transition Outcome Project

(Draft) Minutes

February 11th, 2009

1:00 -3:00pm


Sophie Ng (Parent)

Paul Oglvie (GGRC)

Shelly McHugh (ARC)

Katherine Clapham ( ARC)

Jacy Cohen ( ARC)

Joyce Cho ( CCS)

David Wax ( SFUSD/ SELPA)

Regina Piper ( SFUSD/ TSA)

Dee Hayden ( SNIP)

Michael Mayer (GGRC)

Erin Burton ( BORP)

Sally Spencer ( Parent)

Robin Lewis Hampton (SFUSD / WorkAbility)

Linda Tung (SFCD)

John Weber (SFCD

Lanya Sammualson ( JVS)

Judy Doane ( DOR)



  • Member briefly introduced themselves. New visitors shared their interest of ITOP

Review and endorse minutes from last council meeting

  • The minutes for January 14th were unanimously approved.

Update from ITOP Coordinator –J. Weber

  • John announced the 3 month notification for securing a new job. After May 2009 will no longer have funding for the ITOP Coordinator positions. We are not sure whent funding might become available.

Standing Committee Report: HRC, Mayor’s Transitional Youth Task Force, ITOP Steering Committee :

  • John Announced that the Employment Advisory Committee has been merged with the Issues committee. Memember will need to re-apply by March 11, 2009.

Youth Council Report – Daisy /Ben & Youth Led IEP Project- Ben

John Reported on behalf of Daisy Ambia. He reported about the Youth Council Speaker Training for the Sidewalk is for Everyone Campaign. This project was a collaboration between ILRCSF Lighthouse for the Blind and ITOP. members of the ITOP Youth Council were trained on techniques public presentation to community member about keeping side walk accessible. . Youth may chose to do presentation in the community about side walk accessiblity and earn $50.00 for each presentation. 12 ITOP members participated in the training.

Ben was unable to attend. A written report by Ben McMullan is pending

Increase membership to 20 youth – D. Ambia

  • Daisy was unable to attend. A written report by Co-Chair Daisy Ambia is pending. John reported that the ITOP Youth Council is meeting and is going steady despite the transition in their leadership.

Old Business


Transition Dream Team Update (On-Site High School Resource Fair) Robin, Linda, Jack

  • Judy Doane and Robin Lewis gave a background on the Transition Dream Team and how the group cam about. In addition they provided an update one latest Adopt A School Project site this year. The primary focus of the Dream Team is currently focusing on ensuring the Adopt A School is successful for Cycle 2. Robin and Linda explained that we have expanded our Adopt a School to a total of five schools. The news schools are Thurdgood Marshall and MissionHigh Schools. Dr. Wilde has presented at 2 school to day. Mission and Thurdgood Marshall. Dr. Wax provided a brief overview of our Adopt A- School Process.
  • Yukari, shared with the council about the development of a Quick Guide Transition Book for Teacher, Youth and Parents. The Quick Guide Transition Book draft has been sent out the members to add resources and organization a contact in the areas they feel should be included. This is working document in progress. The booklet will also have a preface written by a parent that will outline the benefits and Challenges of A Diploma, Certificate of Completion and Certificate of Achievement. Linda Tung has been invited to write the preface.

Transition Track For SFCD I&R Conference, Linda T / Jacy C

The IRC Planning Group met on February 2, 2009. The track for Transition Aged Youth at the IRC conference is finalized. Linda, John and Chris, SFCD Information Manager are working closely together. Members of the various panel have been notified. The panelist BIO and workshop description have been emailed and compiled in the IRC booklet. The IRC booklet will be widely distributed at the conference electronic version will be posted online at .

II. Support & Opportunities

Adopt – A- School Project(AASP) In 3 Schools – Jack/Robin

  • Please see above report..

Quarterly Meeting With The Special Education, SELPA Dir. /Admin. Of Secondary – J. Weber

  • Our next schedule d quarterly meeting with the school district is February 11th at 3:30pm. We will continue to explore the success of the project and find new ways to work closely together on common outcomes. Linda Tung distributed the newly printed IRC program booklet to ITOP members.

III. Outreach

The Information Resource Conference is scheduled March 28th 2009 From 9-4pm. The hold the date reminder has be emailed to the ITOP membership and organizations. The IRC will have a Transition Track youth, parents and service providers.

Presentations Related To Transition At 3 Citywide Agencies – J. Weber & Daisy.

  • John reported that this task in full swing. He reported that the ITOP presentation to entire San Francisco DOR staff was completed on December 11th. There was approximately 25 staff members present at the participation. Daisy, the ITOP Youth Council Co-Chair also presented with John. Daisy received excellent reviews about her presentation as a young person with a disability and the positive impact ITOP has been in her life.
  • John also reported that he also conducted presentation for the entire staff at, Marin, San Mateo and San Francisco GGRC offices. Barry Benda, Lisa Rosene and Gabriel assisted John in scheduling the presentations. This occurred in the months of August and September 2008. The presentation focused on basic benefits planning, ITOP, and issues facing the transition aged youth populations. John W. is currently working with Ken Stein from the Mayor’s office on disabilities to conduct a presentation. The January target date has been delayed for March. He is also working with Marie Jobling- to schedule a presentation to the Long Term Care Council, and the Department of Aging and Adult Services. John will be inviting 2 other ITOP representatives to participate in these upcoming presentations. Youth representative are always welcomed. He a also mentioned that the Mayor’s Council On disability is televised on the city channel. This will help itop with public exposure.


Securing of Funding for ITOP Council – J. Weber.

  • John and Dee Hayden reported on the seriousness of ITOP Funding. It was reported that by June 2009, ITOP no longer have funding. There will be no additional funding for the ITOP Project. Members were encourage to offer any funding leads, no matter how small. Members were optimistic and express the urgent need to keep ITOP around and operating at full capacity. John Weber has been notified that the position of ITOP Coordinator may not be funded past April 2009. John announced that he will be in the entering the employment document.

The Found Generation – Jacy C.

  • Jacy Cohen provided a background of the Found Generation. The next Found Generation Meeting will be announced at a later time.. Members will further develop the proposal. Sandra Norton from the City Policy and Development will be on hand to assist with the proposal improvements.


Presentation By Kelly B. United Way of the Bay Area: Earn It, Keep It Save It Program

  • Kelly provided a overview of the Earn It.. Keep it… Save it Program. She provided the background about the importance of tax preparation and Tax incentives.
  • Presenter was unable to attend.

Review ITOP Year 3 goals

  • Member reviewed year 3 strategies. The coordinator reiterated the priorities are to the DCYF contract due to limited time and resources of our grant. However, together we should be vigilant of our year 3 strategies in our Comprehensive Strategic Plans.

Prioritize with existing DCYF Goals for 2009 Work Plan.

  • Member revisited the DCYF and 2009 Work Plan. Member felt that we should stay focused on our existing work plan with DCYF.



