NVFSC Board Meeting

August 2nd, 2016; 7:00 pm

Duffy’s Tavern in Boalsburg

NVFSC Board Members in Attendance: Gary Mitchell, John Kalbach, Laura Biggs, Cathy Holsing, Krista Miller, Wendy Pearson, Jess Shulik, and Steve Tingley

Absent: Rachel DeRosa, Cari Gustafson, Tina Konrath

The meeting was called to order by Gary Mitchell at 7:06 p.m.

I.  Approval of minutes from June 6th, 2016 meeting:

a)  John Kalbach moved to approve the June 6, 2016 NVFSC Meeting Minutes; Cathy Holsing 2nd the motion; the motion passed.

II.  Abby Yeagley Memorial Fund: Gary Mitchell

a)  Three scholarship applications were received by the July 30, 2016 deadline.

b)  AYMF Committee will select the recipient by early September.

III.  Name Change Progress: Gary Mitchell

a)  Attorney Campbell recommends incorporation for liability reasons. We are currently an unincorporated athletic association and a 501c3 (must keep income under $50,000/year). Cathy will contact a CPA for more information about incorporation.

b)  IRS sent a letter confirming the club’s name change to Nittany Valley Figure Skating Club.

c)  Name has been changed with the Centre Foundation (AYMF)

d)  Review of Communication Policy drafted by Cari, John, and Krista. Subcommittee will edit policy based on board recommendations.

  1. Subcommittee recommends a small working group to review website, and another working group to review social media.

IV.  Test Session: Cathy Holsing

a)  Test results were reported to USFS.

b)  Note for next year – results must be reported within 21 days of test session to avoid late fee.

V.  Treasurer 2015-2016 Report: Steve Tingley

a)  John Kalbach motioned to approve the Treasurer’s report for June 2016, July 2016, and Fiscal Year 2015-2016; Jess Shulik 2nd the motion; all in favor.

b)  Donation to subsidize new club jackets has not been received by Steve. Gary will follow up with donor.

c)  Steve will change name with the bank now that club has received the IRS letter.

d)  Steve will contact IRS to correct treasurer information.

VI.  Jacket Order Progress: John Kalbach, Krista Miller

a)  John has provided new logo to Jammin

b)  First clothing order will include two styles of jacket (classic and contemporary) and long sleeve shirts for concession workers. A clothing order with additional options (vests, gloves, hats, pants, etc) will be placed in time for Christmas.

c)  Cari and Krista will research jacket options

VII.  Membership: Cathy Holsing

a)  58 members

VIII.  Ice Offer for 2016-2017 Season: Gary Mitchell

a)  Club ice will be on varsity rink most weeks. Rink will charge club community rink rate ($230/hr) because we did not ask for varsity ice.

b)  Rink has offered us ice on Sundays 1:30-3:30 p.m., immediately preceding group lessons. Wednesday night ice remains the same (8:00-8:45 p.m.). We will return ice on Nov. 27th, March 19th, and April 30th.

c)  Holiday Ice Show cast party – we will only pursue ice for this if it scheduled near the date of the show. Currently, we have not been offered any appropriate ice time. May need to explore other ideas (roller skating, bowling, etc.).

d)  The beginner program will need to be adjusted because of the ice time change. Gary will discuss options with Jess McCormick to keep the program running.

e)  Gary will ask Jess McCormick about National Skating Month event.

f)  Beth Eckert will put in sanction for South Atlantics send-off.

g)  Cathy Holsing motioned to set subscription fee at $220 for the fall, and $70 for the beginner program; Steve 2nd the motion; all in favor.

IX.  Fundraising: Jess Shulik

a)  Sweet Frog fundraiser in June raised $50. Jess will schedule the next one for Wednesday, October 19, 2016.

b)  Gary is organizing concession stands for hockey games.

c)  Terracycle collection is over; club may receive one more check.

d)  Beth Eckert will set up new Schwans fundraiser once name change complete.

X.  Secretary’s Report: Krista

a.  New board members need to complete appropriate clearances. Krista will follow up with those who need it.

XI.  Skating Community Building & Marketing: Jess Shulik

a)  Jess is working on Kayleigh Rine for the next Skater Spotlight.

XII.  Date of next meeting: 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 12, 2016 at Duffy’s Tavern.

XIII.  Adjournment around 9:20 p.m.: John Kalbach motioned to adjourn; Wendy Pearson 2nd the motion; all in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Krista Miller

NVFSC Secretary