Prison Bowl II

By Hunter College High School and Walter Johnson, edited by Guy Tabachnick and Daichi Ueda

Round 3


1. One side in this incident responded by arresting people in Operation Jock Scott and more people in Operation Anvil after Oliver Lyttleton authorized Governor Evelyn Baring to declare Emergency. Ian Henderson was notorious for torturing prisoners, and the opposing side from the Aberdare Mountain resorted to guerilla warfare after the arrest of “General China” and the execution of Dedan Kimathi. The rebels were also known as the Land Freedom Army. Although the British had fewer casualties than the Kikuyu Central Association, its cost caused Britain to give up the colony. For 10 points, name this uprising in the 1950s, a manifestation of Kenyan nationalism.

ANSWER: Mau Mau Uprising (accept Rebellion, Revolt, etc.) [DU]

2. In this novel, Captain Jacobi of “La Paloma” delivers the title object just before he dies of gunshot wounds. It can be traced back to a Russian general, who at the end of the novel turns out to have made a fake and kept the original for himself. Effie Perine announces the arrival of a customer who reports that her younger sister Corinne is missing and that she may be with Floyd Thursby. Thursby and Cairo turn out to be hired by Gutman to retrieve the title object along with Miss Wonderly, who is actually Brigid O’Shaughnessy. For 10 points, name this novel about the detective Sam Spade, written by Dashiell Hammett.

ANSWER: The Maltese Falcon [MT]

3. This phenomenon is exhibited by the evolution of wild rye caused by the artificial selection of wheat crops, first noticed by Nikolai Vavilov. The Mertensian type allows predators to be injured non-fatally by a less harmful species, allowing them to learn that pattern. One type occurs when two or more harmful species both share each other's warning signals, while another type occurs when a tasteful species imitates a distasteful species. Exhibited by snakes and butterflies, for 10 points, name this biological phenomenon, whose best-known types are Müllerian and Batesian, in which one organism resembles another for protection against predation.

ANSWER: mimicry [LC]

4. One of their songs says to “Tell the people that arrive, / We don’t need to multiply”, while in another song, the singer is being taken away from “the strangest places” by “sweet Danny and Lisa.” In addition to “X” and “Radio/Video”, the title track of one album ends with the line “When I became the sun, / I shone light into the man’s heart”. In addition to “Prison Song”, “Chic ‘N’ Stu”, and that one, “Toxicity”, one song says, “Why don't presidents fight the war? / Why do they always send the poor?” For 10 points, name this Armenian-American alternative metal band headed by Serj Tankian, whose song include “B.Y.O.B.” and “Chop Suey!”

ANSWER: System of a Down (prompt on “SOAD”) [LC]

5. His father Haran was burned to death in a fire by the builder of the Tower of Babel, Nimrod. He gets captured by Chedorlaomer, king of Elam, and is saved when 318 men defeat that king at Damascus. In a cave of the mountains next to Zoar, he fathered Moab and Ammon, and proceeded to become the patriarch of both the Moabites and the Ammonites. He supposedly offered his daughters to a mob demanding to see angels that he had given refuge to, resulting in his eventual survival of catastrophe. For 10 points, name this nephew of Abraham, whose wife Irit was turned to stone for looking back while the family escaped the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
ANSWER: Lot or Lut [KK]

6. In one of his paintings, a smiling young woman in a white dress with brown spots stands on the left and a somber old woman in a black dress stands on the right while dancing couples fill the rest of the painting. The moon and its phallic reflection in the water appear in several of his paintings including Moonlight and The Dance of Life. His Madonna is nude and has long black hair and is surrounded by a red halo. It appears in his series, Frieze of Life, along with a painting called which depicts his sister dying of tuberculosis, The Sick Child. For 10 points, name this Norwegian painter whose most famous painting depicts the titular action beneath a swirling red sky, The Scream.
ANSWER: Edvard Munch [MT]

7. Works in this language include The Maias and Message. One novel in this language is written as an autobiography by a dead man, and was influenced heavily by Tristram Shandy. In addition to the author of Philosopher or Dog? and Epitaph of a Small Winner, an epic poet wrote about the Isle of Love and Adamastor, the spirit of a cape, who harrasses sailors trying to round it. Another writer in this language wrote Tieta, the Goat Girl and Dona Flor and her Two Husbands, Jorge Amado. For 10 points, name this language of The Lusiads by Luís de Camões and the author of Blindness, Jose Saramago, spoken in Brazil and a country on the Iberian peninsula.

ANSWER: Portuguese [GT]

8. Due to this man’s economic policies, his entire party was dubbed the “Locofocos”. This president was elected over his eventual successor and Hugh L. White, two candidates put forth by the same party in different parts of the country. After time in the New York Senate, he founded the Bucktails nationally, a political machine which became the Albany Regency. He sent Winfield Scott to solve the Aroostook War, and worsened the specie circular problem. He ran unsuccessfully on the Free Soil ticket in 1848 after being defeated in his reelection bid by William Henry Harrison. For 10 points, name this vice president and successor to Andrew Jackson known as “Old Kinderhook”.

ANSWER: Martin Van Buren [GT]

9. In this period, the Ediacara biota from the previous period diminished greatly, which is possibly explained by the Snowball Earth or the Light Switch Theory. It is divided into Terre·neuvian and Furongian epochs, and the first species with compound eyes emerged. The supercontinent of Pannotia broke up at the beginning of this period, whose fossils are preserved in the Doushantuo Formation and the Burgess Shale. Named by Adam Sedgwick from the old name of Wales, it is also known the Age of Trilobites. For 10 points, what geologic period is known for sudden appearance of diverse species, its namesake Explosion?

ANSWER: Cambrian period (accept Age of Trilobites before mentioned) [DU]

10. In this play, a jester disguises himself as a priest to mock a servant who had chastised him for loud, drunk singing at night. Maria forges a letter about “M. O. A. I” causing that servant to wear yellow, cross gartered, stockings and smile randomly. The lady courted by both Sir Andrew Aguecheek and the Duke of Illyria ultimately weds a man whom she believes to be Cesario, and Antonio gives away his purse to a man he homosexually loves. Feste and Sir Toby mock Malvolio, and a sister of Sebastian hides her femininity to gain employment with Duke Orsino in, for 10 points, what Shakespearean play involving mistaken identities around Viola named for a Christmas holiday?

ANSWER: Twelfth Night, or What You Will [DU]

11. This man tried to defend against his death at the hands of a mob with a pepper pistol but was shot in jail. He and his 10,000 followers were forced out of Missouri and into Illinois during a war that saw the death of 22 people in 1838. In 1827, he married Emma Hale, and in 1831 he tried to move his followers to Independence, Missouri. He established the city of Nauvoo in Illinois, which was the site of another war in 1844. This caused his followers to again move, this time to the West, where later they would perpetrate the Mountain Meadows Massacre. For 10 points, name this man who supposedly met Moroni, the first leader of the Church of Latter Day Saints.
ANSWER: Joseph Smith [PM]

12. For the sake of this man, Yamagata Prefecture in Japan banned the name Sanzo because a man by that name tried to assassinate him. 1,389 people stampeded to death on his coronation celebration due to rumors that there was not enough free beer and bread to go around. Sergei Witte wrote the October Manifesto for him, declaring freedom of speech and establishing the State Duma in response to the Revolution of 1905, which included the Bloody Sunday and Potemkin Uprising. His son Alexei’s hemophilia was “treated” by the monk Rasputin. Rumors persist that his daughter Anastasia survived him, but he was assassinated in 1917. For 10 points, name this last Tsar of Russia.

ANSWER: Nicholas II [DU]

13. This property is acquired not continuously, but in small discrete steps, as demonstrated by Barkhausen noise. It can be explained by the Ising model, and is exhibited by manganese-containing Heusler alloys. Materials with this property display coercivity and remanence, which are related to the size and shape of the S-shaped curves obtained by plotting H against M, the hysteresis loop. It is history-dependent and arises when dipoles align spontaneously, but when these Weiss domains are disrupted it can turn into paramagnetism above a certain temperature. For 10 points, name this type of magnetism exhibited at temperatures below the Curie point by cobalt, nickel, and iron.

ANSWER: ferromagnetism (accept word forms, prompt on “ferrimagnetism”) [LC]

14. In one hilarious scene in this movie, Coca Cola cans explode all over a man who tries to get some change by shooting the vending machine. Another character is obsessed with the “peace on earth” and the “purity of essence” of his precious bodily fluids. The pie fight scene was cut from its ending, which features Vera Lynn’s “We’ll Meet Again.” Major Kong gets excited when he falls from his aircraft, and Buck Turgidson insists that America should not allow a “mine shaft gap.” Lionel Mandrake, Merkin Muffley, and the title character are all played by Peter Sellers in, for 10 points, what Cold War satire by Stanley Kubrick?

ANSWER: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb [DU]

15. Conlon Nancarrow wrote about 50 studies for a special type of this instrument. In the Name of the Holocaust and Bacchanale are works by John Cage for the “prepared” type. Duets for this instrument include Brahms’s Hungarian Dances and Dvořák’s Slavonic Dances. Works for this instrument include Beethoven’s Tempest and Waldstein sonatas, Debussy’s Children’s Corner suite, and Frédéric Chopin’s Fantasie-Impromptu etudes. For 10 points, name this instrument which Tom Lehrer humorously called “an 88-string guitar”, famous for having a bunch of black and white keys.

ANSWER: pianoforte (I guess accept player piano until the end of the first sentence) [GT]

16. El Badi Palace in this present-day nation was commissioned by Ahmad al-Mansur, a ruler of the Saadi Dynasty. That palace is in a city which the victor of the Battle of Zallaka, Yusuf ibn Tashfin, founded: Marrakech, the second capital of the Almoravids. The 1975 Green March by this nation forced Spain to cede territories, long after it was made a European protectorate through the Treaty of Fez. The appearance of Panther in Agadir caused a diplomatic crisis in this nation, while an earlier incident occurred in 1905, when Wilhelm II visited Tangier, necessitating the Algeciras Conference. For 10 points, what nation, currently ruled by Mohammed VI of the Alaouite Dynasty, has its capital at Rabat?

ANSWER: Morocco [DU]

17. One member of this school of philosophy named desire, action, and assent in his outline of the “three topics” one must study. That man, who studied under Musonius Rufus, wrote two books compiled by Flavius Arrian, The Discourses and The Handbook. Its key concept was pneuma, the breath of life that gives structure to life, and its minor adherents include Panaetius and Posidonius. The pupil of Cleanthes, Chyrsippus of Soli, is said to be the second founder of this school, named for the painted porch that its teachers taught from. For 10 points, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius practiced what system of philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium?

ANSWER: Stoicism [DU]

18. One substance containing this element catalyzes the oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols to carboxylic acids and ketones, and is called the Jones reagent. Uvarovite garnet contains this element, and stichtite is an alteration product from serpentine that bears this element. With potassium, its hexavalent ion forms a potent oxidizing agent, sometimes used to clean glassware. Two atoms of this element can form a quintuple covalent bond. Stainless steel contains this element, and metal things are plated with it to make them shiny. For 10 points, name this namesake of some green and yellow pigments, with atomic number 24 and symbol Cr.

ANSWER: Chromium (accept Cr before mentioned, prompt on “chrome”) [SJ/DU]

19. One work by this writer, in which Laurent and the title character begin an affair and kill Camille, was his first commercial success, Thérèse Raquin. He wrote the autobiographical Confession of Claude and a novel cycle subtitled “The History of a French Family during the Second French Empire”. In addition to a novel about a girl who brings Georges Hugon to commits suicide with scissors, the high-class coquette Nana, the Rougon-Macquart cycle includes The Drumshop and Germinal. For 10 points, name this author who defended Alfred Dreyfus in “J’accuse.”

ANSWER: Emile Zola [YC]

20. This scholar’s gift for music allowed him to write “On Alternating Sounds.” He worked with Rudolf Virchow at the Royal Ethnological Museum in Berlin, and earlier, he analyzed the impact of geography on the Inuit in Baffin Island. He went to British Columbia to study the Kwakiutl Indians and learned about potlach. Believing that cultures are too complex to be analyzed from a singular perspective, he used archaeology and language in his four-field approach. For 10 points, what American author of The Mind of Primitive Man established the department of anthropology at Columbia and taught people like Zora Neale Hurston and Margaret Mead?

ANSWER: Franz Boas [DU]

TB. The secondary type can have dilated rays which result from localized anticlinal divisions. Specialized parenchyma cells such as albuminous or companion cells facilitate movements of particles into sieve cells, while apoplastic and symplastic loading allow translocation, a movement from sources to sinks driven by hydrostatic pressures and active transport. The primary type develops from the apical meristem, and it is generally considered the innermost layer of the bark. For 10 points, name this tissue concerned with the transport of food, contrasted with xylem.

Answer: phloem [SJ/DU]

Prison Bowl II

By Hunter College High School and Walter Johnson, edited by Guy Tabachnick and Daichi Ueda

Round 3


1. Nahum Tate, second Poet Laureate of England, translated a work by Fracastoro calling this “the Gallic disease”. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this sexually transmitted disease that, was thought to have come to Europe from the New World. It causes lesions called chancres, and may cause granulomas called gummas several years after the initial infection.

ANSWER: syphilis

[10] Syphilis was more or less incurable until the advent of this antibiotic accidentally discovered by Alexander Fleming.

ANSWER: penicillin

[10] Syphilis is caused by Treponima pallidum, one of this type of bacterium named for its shape.

ANSWER: spirochetes [GT]

2. In this work, everyone turns into the title creature except for the lazy man Berénger. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this play.

ANSWER: Rhinoceros

[10] This playwright wrote Rhinoceros, as well as other works in the Theater of the Absurd like The Bald Soprano.

ANSWER: Eugene Ionesco

[10] In this play, the Old Man and the Old Woman arrange the title objects for “everyone”, invisible guests, while an orator announces the Old Man’s discovery of the meaning of life, but too late, as the couple have committed suicide.

ANSWER: The Chairs or Les Chaises [YC]

3. During the Civil War, this man suspended the writ of habeas corpus three times, to much controversy. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this man who signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

ANSWER: Abraham Lincoln

[10] The constitutionality of suspending habeas corpus was challenged in this 1866 Supreme Court which decided that the suspension was lawful but trying civilians in military tribunals was not.

ANSWER: Ex parte Milligan

[10] This Civil War major-general from Ohio was one of the attorneys arguing for the petitioners of Ex parte Milligan. His own presidency was marred by the Star Routes scandal.

ANSWER: James A. Garfield [TC]

4. Name some of your favorite apostles in Christianity, based on the cool ways they died. For 10 points each:
[10] The leader of the apostles and Jesus’ first disciple, this man, also the considered the first pope, was crucified upside down as not to die the same way as Jesus. He also denied Jesus 3 times and received the keys of heaven from him.
ANSWER: Saint Peter (accept Simon Peter, Shimon Ben-Yonah, Shimon Bar-Yonah, Keipha, and Cephas)
[10] Probably the most well traveled of the apostles, he gets speared in India. He is also known for bravely agreeing with Jesus’ return to Judea and showing incredulity, as depicted by Caravaggio, about Jesus’ resurrection.
ANSWER: Saint Thomas the Apostle (accept Judas Thomas, Doubting Thomas, Didymus)
[10] This apostle was crucified on a diagonal cross, which developed into his namesake “cross”.
ANSWER: SaintAndrew the Apostle (accept Andreas Protocletos) [DU?]