April 2003

"I have neither wit, nor words, nor worth,
Action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech,
To stir men's blood: I only speak right on;
I tell you that which you yourselves do know"

-Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Act 3, Scene 2

Onyx et al.,

Everyone agreed at Rag to address this issue in January, as I recall. I remember most people being cool with that. That was significant and unprecedented leeway. The RWC's longstanding guidelines say that votes don't take effect until the following year. Now we're three short months away from this Ragnarok. January was stretching it. Now you want last year's War Council to vote this year about this year's event right before the event? That’s pushing unprecedented into unconstitutional. So much for that politics-free environment we all enjoyed so much last year.

My firm recollection of the Rag War Council consensus was that we'd revisit the issue "if the shit stopped." The shit hasn't stopped! On the contrary, it's still in full swing.

Kegg tried to form an illegal umbrella corporation over us and charge us all annual “national” dues just to be Dagorhir members. We said no. Failing to take over Dagorhir, Kegg tried to destroy it. And still is.

Here’s a little history lesson for the sake of those who were not there or can't remember.

Kegg and his friends launched a propaganda campaign aimed at building Aratar and the DBGA into the "enemy." He and his friends lied to us and lied about us. They still do. He broke copyright laws. He violated the rights of Dagorhir's founder. He encouraged other people to do it too. DBGA had to get attorneys and make him quit breaking the law. We wasted time, money and resources keeping Dagorhir alive despite his best efforts to kill it.

Kegg founded Belegarth. He and his friends were, and still are, trying to build up Belegarth at Dagorhir's expense. Kegg personally filed the paperwork for his Belegarth corporation.

Kegg continues using his Belegarth bulletin board to spread misinformation about Dagorhir and propaganda against Dagorhir. See the attachments I've included - potshots and misinformation. Just a couple of examples from just last month! Is this how the “shit” has stopped? Or is this what you meant when you wrote that this year he was guilty of "next to no slander?" ;-)

Kegg misrepresents Belegarth as having almost every Dagorhir Chapter in its membership, with the obvious exception of the Aratari of course. Kegg lied at first to say that everyone except the Kingdom of the Crimson Dawn had joined Belegarth, trying to convince everyone it was "the right thing to do." He misrepresents Belegarth as being 21 years old when it's almost a year old. Why? Because of Pent Wyvern. But Pent Wyvern is not a Belegarth realm either!

Belegarth members still troll the Dagorhir board regularly, trying to piggyback Dagorhir's success and recruit our membership by casting Dagorhir in a bad light.

Kegg's holding his anti-Ragnarok event the week before Ragnarok, encouraging people to go there instead. Kegg's Armageddon hasn't destroyed Ragnarok, as he hoped. If it had, he wouldn't care about coming to Ragnarok and I wouldn't have to waste my time writing this e-mail. Fortunately, Armageddon sucked. But it still hurt Ragnarok attendance. Encouraging Kegg's return enables that damage to continue. Anyone who supports this is clearly trying to help his anti-Dagorhir cause. My question to you is why are you endeavoring to help him destroy an event you've agreed to co-host?

You wrote in your last e-mail that you don't like or trust Kegg. Why are you working so hard for someone you don't like or trust? You said in this e-mail that you don't want him to be a martyr. But by nobly championing the cause of "poor Kegg," you're trying to make him a martyr. This stinks of a political game. This stinks of saying, "let's make Kegg a martyr right before Ragnarok so it's still fresh in people's minds," thus stirring up even more bullshit. "Let's pull this when the people who might disapprove will be too busy working on Ragnarok's success." We are working hard on Ragnarok. Why must you bog Dagorhir down in the mire of more Kegg politics for yet another year when our energies would be better spent elsewhere?

We have continued to successfully promote Dagorhir and throw great Dagorhir events. Dagorhir has prospered and grown despite Kegg's political machinations. Dagorhir's grown from over a dozen to about thirty Chapters nationwide. We're going to have LOADS of new people at Ragnarok this year. Why do you want them exposed to Kegg's brand of politics at their first visit to Dagorhir's premier event? By even writing this three months beforehand, you're ensuring that they are exposed.

If you want to say the “shit has stopped," fine. Let’s see it stop. Let’s see Kegg cancel his Armageddon event and encourage all the members of his Belegarth corporation to attend Ragnarok instead. He can close the schism he created after years of threatening to do so. He agreed to do so on his web board last year only if he could be a business partner and share credit for Ragnarok. But he won’t do it. There's no money in that.

Finally, are you currently a member of a Dagorhir Chapter, Onyx? You and yours resumed control of Dur Demarion late last summer. Dur Demarion is Tennessee's Belegarth realm. Gol-Dior hasn't held a single event since. It's gone defunct and fallen by the wayside in favor of your efforts on Dur Demarion's behalf. Technically you're the leader of the unit that runs the Tennessee Belegarth Realm. I don't mean to cast any doubts over your credibility, Onyx, and I sincerely hope we can still have a successful Ragnarok XVIII partnership. But these facts kind of call your motives into question. You haven’t fought these last two years to keep Dagorhir alive and well. These Dagorhir Chapter leaders have. Successfully.

In the meantime, Kegg's dick will be at Armageddon. If anyone wants to suck it, they can go there.
