Holcombe Rogus Parish Council

[29th October 2013]

Head of Planning and Regeneration,

Planning Services, Development Management

Mid Devon District Council,

Phoenix House, Phoenix Lane

Tiverton, Devon

EX16 6PP

By email to

Attention Miss Thea Billeter

Dear Sirs


Proposal: Erection of a 500KW wind turbine with maximum blade tip height of 77m, hub height of 50 m and associated infrastructure including turbine foundation, cabling and transformer/substation cabinets

Location : Land and Buildings at NGR 305095 117455 (Knowle Farm) Westleigh, Devon

I am writing to respond to your letter of 14th October 2013 inviting comments on the above application. The application was considered at a Council meeting on 24th October which was attended by members of public from this Parish and adjoining parishes.

1.  Our Council is aware of national and local planning policies and guidance in relation to renewable and low carbon energy and also policies that are designed to protect the countryside . The Council notes in particular that the impacts of a proposed development must be acceptable (or capable of being made acceptable) and that MDDC’s core strategy states that development outside settlements will be strictly controlled ‘enhancing the character, appearance and biodiversity of the countryside while promoting sustainable diversification of the rural economy’.

2.  MDDC have carried out an assessment of the impact of the type of development proposed in this case (in particular the height of the turbine) on the landscape in this area (described as ‘low rolling farmland and settled slopes’). In general terms, the assessment is that the impact will be moderate to high. This does not, of course, assess any specific development proposal.

3.  In our Council’s opinion, the impact of the proposed development at Knowle Farm will be very high.

4.  The landscape in this area is very attractive and quite intimate in scale and the erection of a wind turbine with an overall height of 77m (ignoring the height of the supporting structure) will dominate the local scenery and will have an unacceptable impact on the character and appearance of the surrounding countryside.

5.  To put the size of the proposed wind turbine into context, it is helpful to consider that the Wellington Monument has a height of 53 m and it would be ludicrous to propose a structure of this size in this area. The proposed turbine will be half as high again.

6.  I am sending with this letter some photographs (photo numbers [ ])which demonstrate the scale of what is being proposed.

7.  The Applicant has provided a landscape and visual impact assessment that, in our opinion, is of very poor quality and misleading. The photographs that have been taken are appalling and the locations from which they have been taken seem very selective. I attach photographs that show the true quality of the countryside in this area.

8.  In our opinion, the proposed development is likely to be far more visible than as suggested by the applicants landscape and visual impact assessment. The turbine will be seen by a significant number of people living in Holcombe Rogus and surrounding areas and as admitted by the applicants the turbine is so large that it cannot be screened.

9.  Holcombe Court is a grade 1 listed property that has been described as the finest Tudor mansion in Devon. The proposed turbine will be seen from the Court and will have an adverse impact on the setting of the Court as well as the approach to the village with its conservation area.

10. The Council recognises that MDDC in the application of its policies go to great pains to screen development in the countryside including chicken sheds that are constructed at Knowle Farm and elsewhere. It would be perverse to allow a development that would have an adverse impact as large as the proposed turbine.

11. Concerns have also been raised about the noise of the proposed turbine and the impact on the peace and tranquillity of this area. It should be noted that the neighbouring area is constantly frequented by walkers and cyclists and there is a public footpath that is accessed at the gates immediately opposite the entrance to Knowle Farm.

12. The turbine will have a serious adverse impact on the residential amenity of nearby properties

13. Low flying aircraft regularly fly this area and MDDC will no doubt consult the MoD

14. The contents of the applicant’s ecology report have been noted and it is understood that MDDC will consult Natural England. Our Council questions whether the bat population can be adequately protected by the measures outlined in the report and how compliance with protective measures can be satisfactorily monitored.

This Council does not object per se to wind turbines but the size of this proposed turbine in this location is wholly unacceptable and will damage the landscape to a disproportionate extent . The refusal of planning permission is consistent with planning policy because the adverse impacts in this case cannot, in our opinion, be made acceptable. We ask MDDC to refuse planning permission accordingly.

Yours faithfully

John Butler


Planning Committee

Holcombe Rogus Parish Council

[Note: Please respond to Leslie Findlay, the Clerk to Holcombe Rogus Parish Council