OHIO University, Mechanical Engineering, Sr. Design

Designing to Make A Difference Project Demonstration Day
Saturday May 12, 2011, 10 am until 12:30 pm in Stocker 103 and the ARC Project Hangar

The “Designing to Make A Difference” Project Demonstration Day will be Saturday May 12th from 10 am until 12:30 pm. Eight teams of mechanical engineering seniors will demonstrate the projects that they completed this year to make a difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities and small businesses within our region. Teams will display their projects outside of Stocker 103 and in the ARC project hangar starting at 10 am. Starting at 10:30 am, each team will make a short presentation on their project in Stocker 103. Additional information on each of the eight projects is included below. Questions can be directed to Dr. Greg Kremer (, 740-593-1561), the faculty member who leads the Designing to Make a Difference project experience.

Team Name and Project Title (and team logo if desired)

Arrange following contents into a brief statement:

Team name and members

Project Partner Info

Basic need statement and brief background

Design solution description

Project status / results – were the customer’s needs met (or when will we know)?

Will it be able to help others?

Best current picture or CAD image of prototype (preferably of customer using product)

Demo Day details needed from your team:

1) Will you have your prototype or some physical mock up on display? Will the public be able to try out the prototype in any way?

2) Will you need any services (electricity, compressed air, etc.) to operate your prototype?

3) Do you have any special needs or requests in terms of location and characteristics of your team’s display area? Default locations are the hallway outside Stocker 103, or the ARC project hangar.

4) Will your customer be present at Demo Day?

5) Who will be doing your Demo Day presentation?

6) Any suggestions for making Demo Day better?