ACER operates an Associates’ Register with the aim of creating a pool of specialist and skilled professionals to meet the fluctuating demands of the business. In order to ensure quality assurance and fair selection processes, contracts for associates will only be issued after acceptance onto the register.

ACER’s recruitment and selection of associates complies with equal opportunities legislation.

ACER uses the generic term ‘associate’ in the commissioning of associates, trainers and researchers. A contract for associates can only be raised against the relevant operating budget or against the relevant contract agreed with a customer/funding body. Purchase orders must be raised and authorised for all associate contracts.

In order to be accepted onto the register, you must complete this questionnaire and submit it to ACER together with a current CV. If ACER’s professional development services team feel you have the relevant skills and experience to support its portfolio of professional development and associate work they will telephone you for an informal discussion. Following such discussion you will be advised as to whether you have been accepted onto the register and if so what the next steps will be. Acceptance will be subject to receipt of satisfactory references.

ACER reserves the right to observe a training/consultancy session you deliver on its behalf.

Feedback for unsuccessful applicants is available on request.

The register is reviewed annually. ACER may remove your details if your services have not been used within the 12 month period. In this event a letter will be sent to inform you of this.

First name
Trading name which will be used to invoice ACER
Address from which invoices will be sent

Home telephone no

Mobile no
Email address
Are you VAT registered?
If employed - current organisation
If employed - current job title/role
Are you a registered inspector


ACER is asked to undertake project work, consultancy and training for colleges and organisations within the charitable, further and higher education sectors. The work includes some of the following areas, but ACER prides itself on responding to requests to support organisations and is always developing new areas of expertise to respond proactively to new government strategies. Please indicate below which areas you feel are your strengths and list any other relevant curriculum or support areas that you believe ACER would be able to utilise in the future.

AREA EXPERTISE (also see Subject Expertise below) / Tick
 / Where you have ticked an area of expertise please qualify your expertise, including relevant teaching and training/consultancy experience within the last two years
14-19 programmes
Coaching and Mentoring
Communication and team working
Curriculum design and development
Embedding (Functional Skills, KS, SfL)
Employer responsiveness
Equality and Diversity
Estates management
Funding, MIS and Data Management
HE Studies in FE
Health & Safety
Human Resources
Improving Teaching, Learning & Assessment
Information Systems
Initial Teacher Training
Inspection preparing for inspection
Leadership and Management
Learning resources/ILT/E-learning
Learner Support/Student Services
Marketing and Publicity
Quality Assurance
Research methodologies
Staff development and training
Strategic planning/target setting
Work based learning
Working with external agencies
 / Where you have ticked an area of expertise please qualify your expertise, including relevant teaching and training/consultancy experience within the last two years
Business Studies and Accounts
Construction and the Built Environment
Creative Arts
Early Years
Engineering and Manufacturing
English, Functional English (literacy)
Health and Social Care
Hospitality and Catering
ILT and Technology
Land and Environment
Leadership and Management
Leisure Industries
Learners with Learning Difficulties & Disabilities
Maths, Functional Mathematics (numeracy)
Modern Foreign Languages
Performing Arts
Social Sciences


ACER will take up references to gainanother judgement onyour suitability towork in the education sector, taking into account safeguarding children legislation. This information will only be used to assess suitability and references will only be sought once you have had a discussion with a member of ACER’s PDS team and been advised that your application has been accepted

References will need to be obtained before ACER allocates any work to you.

Please give the names and contact details of HR departments or Senior Managers in 2 organisations you have worked with recently. To avoid any conflict of interest concerns family, friends and ACER staff cannot act as referees.

Job Title
Relationship to referee
Job Title
Relationship to referee

Remember to attach your CV outlining your qualifications, career history and experience in the education sector.