In my reading as I prepared for my Advent sermons I came across a wonderful essay by David Bennett about the nature of waiting. Christmas will come quickly, but still there is waiting to be done. Ask a child if there is painful waiting for the arrival of Christmas and you’ll get a dramatic ‘yes’! David Bennett writes”

“It seems that as the world becomes supposedly less complicated through technological advances, we still find ourselves waiting. Waiting for that package to arrive that we ordered online in record speed. Waiting in line at the self-checkout station at the supermarket, designed to eliminate the evils of waiting. Waiting for that great job to come along. It never ends. The average person will spend 5 years of his or her life waiting in line, 2 years playing telephone tag, and six months sitting at red lights. That is over 7 and a half years of waiting, at best doing nothing, or at worst experiencing great aggravation! The bottom line is that even in our fast-paced world, with postmodern conveniences, we are all waiting for something.

You think we have it rough, how about waiting thousands of years, not for something minor like groceries, but for the king whose eternal reign would end the oppression of the world? In the Old Testament we read of successive generations being born and passing away without a hint of fulfillment. The ancient Hebrew patriarchs, kings, prophets, and priests waited expectantly for the coming of the Messiah. The prophet Isaiah expresses this hope:

It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be raised above the hills; and all the nations shall flow to it, and many peoples shall come, and say: "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths." For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the LORD” (Isaiah 2:2-5, RSV).

Then, hundreds of years later, born in Bethlehem, a small town in the Roman Empire, their hope is finally realized, but with a twist, because Jesus is not the earthly warrior-king many expected. And even after waiting, the final realization of the Messiah's eternal reign is still yet to be seen, coming in the future, when the baby born in Bethlehem returns in power to judge the living and the dead.

During the Advent season we symbolically participate in the waiting of the patriarchs, kings, prophets, and priests, as we await Christ's final and glorious return. Through prayer, worship, and the signs and symbols of Advent, we groan with Isaiah for a day when weapons will be turned into agricultural instruments. We cry out with Zechariah, rejoicing that the dawn from on high is breaking upon us. We pray with the likes of Adam, Job, Hannah, Solomon, Micah, and millions of others, named and unnamed, many whose expectations of the future kingdom may have been hazy, yet who still yearned for something more complete and more "real" than what they knew.

We legitimately cry out Maranatha, Come Lord! with the Apostle Paul. When God the Word became man in Christ, celebrated on Christmas day, the world was sanctified. Something in the fabric of the cosmos shifted as creation became a fitting vehicle for God's redemptive work. Yes, as the season of Advent shows, even waiting finds a holy purpose.”

As we wait in long lines this Advent season, or as we wait for anything really, I think it is important that we remember the waiting of those expecting the Messiah, and always wait with patience, humility, and expectant hope. I know it is difficult, but especially during Advent, waiting prayerfully and patiently, is a good spiritual discipline. It seems like we're all waiting for something, so why not use these experiences to enrich our souls this Christmas by prayerfully waiting, joining our prayers with Isaiah, Zechariah, and all the saints?

I pray that as you and I move through Advent in anticipation of the birth of Jesus, we will wait with confidence that the great promise of John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he sent his one and only Son” has been and will be fulfilled in a baby born in Bethlehem.

Have a blessed waiting season and a merry Christmas.

Pastor Ray







CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL – 10:45 A.M. (during worship)

BRUDER GROUP – time varies


  • Disciples Class – Led by Ruth and Bill Pulley and meets at 9:15 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Sundays. They are currently studying the Book of James.
  • The HOMEROOM Group meets at 9:15 a.m and is led by Pastor Ray. The group is studying the LifeTogether book “Developing Your Shape to Serve Others”.
  • The BRUDER Group meets every other week as announced

1 December 2009


At the November 8th Fall Congregational Meeting, a vote was taken and the majority of the members present voted to change the Sunday morning schedule to the following, effective January 3rd 2010:

9:30 am - Choir/musician warm-up

10-11 am - Worship

10:20 – 11 am - Children’s classes (during worship)

11 – 11:30 am - Coffee Fellowship

11:30 am - Adult Sunday School Classes

(Adult classes may elect to meet at times outside of this schedule)


Our beautiful, inspirational candlelight Christmas Eve service will again be held on December 24th at 11:00 p.m. Please plan to attend and bring your family and friends. This is a great way to usher in Christmas and to remember the real reason to celebrate.


The Keenagers Holiday Dinner will be held on Thursday, December 3rd at 12:00 noon at Ponderosa. We will have a private dining area and can order either from the menu or the buffet. Call Rolene at 72304397 for reservations by December 1st



Our congregation has been invited by the Mid-Michigan Baptist Association (formerly known as the North Area) to attend an Advent Celebration hosted by Judson Baptist Church on Sunday, December 6th. Activities include: dinner at 6:00 pm provided by Judson Baptist; church gift exchange, sharing of music and creative arts, and sharing of individual church’s visions and prayer needs. Contact Pastor Ray for more information


Church office hours during December will be from 8:30 am to 12:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. During the Christmas holiday, the office will be open on December 21, 22, and 23 and 28, 29 and 30.



Christmas Poinsettias – If you wish to donate poinsettias for Christmas, please fill out the form available in the Welcome Center and put it in the collection plate, or contact the office by December 17th to be included in the bulletin. Poinsettias may be dropped off on Saturday, December 19th by noon and picked up after the Christmas Eve service.

Pastor’s Christmas Love Gift - During December, Christmas Love gifts for our pastor and family will be collected. Please use the special envelope available in the pews and place your gift in the Sunday offering plate or in the decorated collection box on the Welcome Center table.

Christmas Offering – The Christmas offering for 2009 will be split between the Shiawassee County Hunger Network and the Shiawassee Child Abuse Prevention Council.

Food Baskets for the Needy – Again this year, in place of adopting a family, we are asking the congregation so support our Fellowship and Caring and Mission & Outreach Ministry teams with the project of providing food baskets for the needy. We are using the money we collected from the cookie sale, but could also use donations of canned, boxed and other non-perishable food items. These items can be brought directly to the church kitchen. Also, if you can help supply fresh produce, cash donations or other items, please contact Mary Johns or Laura Lee Strawser.


Collection boxes are located throughout Shiawassee County for the U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots program. Please help needy children in the area by dropping off a new, unwrapped toy to any drop-off location.


Cookie Sale - A “huge” THANK YOU to everyone who helped in any way on the Craft Sale Cookie booth. We had a busy, successful day. With what we sold and donations that were given, we raised $669.60 to use toward food baskets. Thank you for all of your support.

Prayer Shawls - Prayer shawls continue to come in. We ordered labels to sew in them. If you know of someone who would be comforted by a prayer shawl, please contact Mary Johns or Pastor Ray. If you want to make one and need either a pattern or yarn, contact Mary Johns.



Don’t forget the new policy regarding overnight parking in our parking lot. There will be no parking from 10:00 pm to 8:00 am from November 1st thru March 31st so that snow can be plowed efficiently during the winter months.



The Property & Finance Ministry Team would like to thank Richard Bruder for donating and installing additional heat tapes to the roof pipes. This will be a big help in the cold winter months to keep them from freezing. Thanks Richard!!


If you are enjoying the new worship bulletins, could you find it in your heart to make a small donation towards their purchase? Money for the last nine months of bulletins has already been donated, and we are hoping to continue using these beautiful scripture verses and bulletin pictures. Mark your offering envelope “Bulletins”. Thanks to those who have already pledged or sent money to help out.


In past years, a number of members and friends of the congregation have joined together to make one of the $1700 monthly “Welcome Center” mortgage payments in memory of Pastor Earl Skinner. If you would like to join this group or continue being a part of this effort to reduce our debt and honor Pastor Earl, please contact John Creighton and indicate what amount you will contribute. We are asking that your commitment be made for a 3-year period. Pledge forms are available and will be sent to you upon request.


Once again, our congregation did a great job in donating shoebox gifts for Operation Christmas Child. The children helped collect 46 boxes on Sunday, November 15th. Thanks to all who contributed boxes and cash. Special thanks to Shannon Sadilek and Heather Valley for their leadership on this project.

Letter from Rick and Anita Gutierrez – South Africa

Dear Friends at First Baptist Owosso,

Hello from Rick, Anita, Marc and Paul in South Africa to this blessed fellowship. Thank you for allowing me to bring the message on August 30th, and to visit again on September 17th. You will always be easy to find now. Thank you for your very generous dealing with our mission, with donations totaling $923.54 in August!! Wow, that was a very important shot in the arm for 2009. Our prayers are with you as you go forward with the gospel and loving ministry in Owosso and beyond.

Yours in Christ, Rick Gutierrez


From: Secret Place for November 8, 2009

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it. Proverbs 3:27

My daughter saw a new printer box sitting in our living room this morning and asked me why it was there. I explained that our music and education leader had a quirky, slow printer, so my husband and I had decided to meet her need for a better one. “Shouldn’t the church have bought her a new one?” Miranda asked. “We are the church!” I told her.

I have heard so many people ask my daughter’s question: Shouldn’t the church do that? Shouldn’t the church create a program? Send a pastor? Take a collection? Appoint a committee? Sometimes the answer may be year. But how many of the needs in our churches could we step up and meet ourselves, with just a little time or money? A new printer was not a big investment for us, but it paid big dividends.

Prayer: Lord, forgive me for the times I have sat back and waited for someone else to take care of something when it was in my power to do it; in Jesus my Lord, amen.

,,,,,,Jennifer Aaron-Kelso, Washington



Are you interested, willing and able to offer your gifts in leading God’s people in worship on Sunday mornings? The Music and Worship Ministry Team and Pastor Ray are eager to begin using lay worship leaders for the worship services through the remainder of 2009 and into 2010. If you are willing to stretch your gifts and be used by God in worship leadership please contact Pastor Ray through the Church office.



Thank you so much for all the prayers, cards, and visits during my recent hip surgery and recuperation. What a joy to have a loving church family! God bless!

Marilyn Dixon




Six-year-old Lisa and her four-year-old brother Tim were sitting together with their parents in church, when Tim started giggling and talking out loud. “You’re not supposed to talk loud in church!” “Why?” Who’s going to stop me?” Tim asked. Lisa pointed to the back of the church and said, “See those two men standing by the door? They’re hushers.”


From: Daily Bread

Submitted by: Marilyn Dixon


Oswald Chambers once wrote” “It is not God’s promises we need, it is (God) Himself.” At Christmastime, we often say, “God’s presence is more important than presents.” But the amount of time and effort we spend on shopping for gifts may indicate otherwise. In certain parts of the world, people give gifts on December 6th. By doing so, they have the rest of the month to focus on Jesus and the wonder of His birth, God’s perfect gift to us. When we say we want God’s presence more that presents from others, perhaps we’re being truthful. But how many of us can honestly say that we want God’s presence more than His presents?

Often we want gifts from God more than we want God Himself. We want health, wealth, knowledge, a better job, a better place to live. God may indeed want to give us these things, but we can’t have them apart from Him. As David said, “In Your presence is fullness of joy” (Ps. 16:11). Presents may make us happy for a time; earthly gifts from God may make us happy temporarily, but fullness of joy comes only when we remain in a right relationship with God.

So, what would Christmas be like if we truly celebrated God’s presence?...... Julie Ackemman Link

Lord, we want to remember You and Your coming in

special ways this Christmas. Give us creativity and

thoughtfulness in our planning. Help us to focus on Your

presence and not on what we hope to give or receive





12/06Bob Johns12/06Angie Henderson & Carol Paksi

12/13Carol Paksi12/13Bob & Mary Johns

12/20Doreen Bouck12/20Mable Reid & Peggy Bucsi

12/27Betty Kelsey12/27Ruth Roszman & Lola Jean Smith


12/06Mable Reid & Heather Valley Fellowship & Caring Team –

12/13Carol Paksi Jeri Bandkau, Karen DeLong

12/20Lola Jean Smith Char Elliott, Mary Johns

12/27Rolene Zacharda & Karen DeLong

USHERS:Doug Sadilek, Shannon Sadilek, Chris Valley, Heather Valley