Food manufacturing: nutrition and health

The international food industry is continually researching and developing new processes to allow the industry to meet the needsof its consumers, including diet and health.For example, using research to improve understanding of food choice and eating behaviours, contributing to the design of foods that maintain and improve health, and exploring how food processing can be optimised to deliver healthier foods.

The following projects are indicators of the wide range of work being undertaken in Europe and beyond.

Chill-On project (Novel Technologies for a Safe and Transparent Food Supply)

This project looks at developing and integrating novel technologies to improve safety, transparency and quality assurance of the chilled/frozen food supply chain. For more information and project details click here.

CHANCE project

The CHANCEprojectinvestigates the development of attractive and affordable food products that can help prevent nutritional problems in people at risk of poverty in Europe.

For more information about the project, to view the CHANCE final leaflet and to listen to a podcast click here.

Bio-Tic – industrial biotechnology

This project focuses on the ways in which industrial biotechnology is used, including its use in food production. The programme looks at barriers and solutions to using industrial biotechnology. To view the project and find out more about the benefits of industrial biotechnology click here.

PLEASURE research project

The PLEASURE European research project addresses the challenges involved with producing food low in fat (saturated and trans-fatty acids), salt and sugar from the processing side. The idea is to identify and further develop (novel) processes and processing technologies which allow the reduction of the unwanted fat, salt and sugar but avoid or reduce the use of replacers like sweeteners by achieving an optimised sensorial perception of the sugars, salts and fats present in the products to be developed.

For more information and to view the video click here.

HealthBread project

The HealthBread research project aim was to create good tasting and nutritionally enriched bread products. The project produced ‘whole grain’ and ‘white’ bread products and assessed their commercial potential.

For more information and to see the Bakers manual click here.

Nanotechnology in food and drink manufacturing

Nanotechnology is used in the food industry and in the future, it could be used to deliver new food products and improve existing ones. It also has potential in processing and packaging, bringing benefits to consumers and industry.


1. Food manufacturers produce new foods in response to the changing needs of consumers, environmental pressures and technological advances. Research the use of technologies that can be used to develop and produce products that can benefit the consumer,e.g. by introducing or increasing health benefits to the product.

2. Select of one the projects outlined above and investigate further. Write a short case study outlining the project, the main outcomes and benefits for the consumer.

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