Term 5 2017 - Class 2 Years 2, 3 and 4 Christian Value: Caring Gem: Amethyst- working with a partner British Value: Mutual Respect Teachers: Mrs Floyd and Mrs Lawrence

Week 1 - 24/4/2017 / Week 2 – 1/5/2017
Bank Holiday Monday and STEAM Trip / Week 3- 8/5/2017 / Week 4- 15/5/2017 / Week 5- 22/5/2017
Y2 SAT’s Week
Literacy – / Cold write
Fiction -Stories with humour / Fiction -Stories with humour / Hot write
Fiction -Stories with humour / Cold write
Non- fiction Persuasive writing / Hot write
Non- fiction Persuasive writing
SPaG / Yr 2
Writing questions
Using apostrophes
Writing exclamation sentence
Writing noun phrase
Yr 3 / 4
Indicating possession by using the possessive apostrophe with plural nouns
Using and punctuating direct speech / Yr 2
Writing questions
Using apostrophes
Writing exclamation sentence
Writing noun phrase
Yr 3 / 4
Indicating possession by using the possessive apostrophe with plural nouns
Using and punctuating direct speech / Yr 2
Writing questions
Using apostrophes
Writing exclamation sentence
Writing noun phrase
Yr 3 / 4
Indicating possession by using the possessive apostrophe with plural nouns
Using and punctuating direct speech / Yr 2
Writing commands
Commas in a list
Yr 3/ 4
extending the range of sentences with more than one clause by using a wider range of conjunctions, including when, if, because, although
using and punctuating direct speech
using the present perfect form of verbs in contrast to the past tense / Yr 2
Writing commands
Commas in a list
Yr 3/ 4
extending the range of sentences with more than one clause by using a wider range of conjunctions, including when, if, because, although
using and punctuating direct speech
using the present perfect form of verbs in contrast to the past tense
Handwriting / Following Letter join scheme
HL – sentences using eye and yell
DF _ sentences using jaw and jay / Following Letter Join scheme
HL – sentences using gag and going
DF _ sentences using quay and queen / Following Letter Join scheme
HL- sentence using bap and kept
DF – Sentence using apple and back / Following Letter Join scheme
HL- Sentence using vans and stars
DF – Sentence using rest and eves / Following Letter Join scheme
HL- Sentence using fox and zoo
DF - Sentence using oxen and fuzzy
Phonics / Spelling –Year 3 /4 spelling group 3 sessions per week
Year 2 spelling session / No Phonics/ Spelling session Monday this week
Revision of ‘ly’ straight onto Root Word
Possessive apostrophe / Homophones – Wednesday session only
Alphabetical order – Wednesday only / No Phonics or Spelling Groups this week due to Y6 SAT’s
Adding suffixes
Ful less and ly / Dictionary work
Contractions / Common exception word focus week
Words ending in tion
Whole Class Reading-2 sessions per week
Guided Reading support for less able readers
Yr 2 / Using Non Fiction Texts to retrieve information – Nesting Birds / How do structure and presentation on information add meaning to texts? – Chocolate Cake instructions / No Reading groups this week due to Y6 SAT’s / Summarising the key ideas in a text, paragraph by paragraph – Diwali / Non fiction reading comprehension informal assessment
Maths / Number
Y2 Arithmetic and Reasoning Paper Practice SW
Y3 Fractions
Y4 Fractions
Yr 2 Shape
Yr 3/ 4 – Shape – triangles / Number
Y2 Arithmetic and Reasoning Paper Practice SW
Y3 Fractions
Y4 Decimals
Yr 2 Shape
Yr 3/ 4 – Shape
Angles and turns / Number
Y2 Arithmetic and Reasoning Paper Practice SC
Y3 Problem Solving
Y4 Decimals
Yr 2 Measuring – reading scales
Yr 3 /4 Measuring
Problem solving / Number
Y2 Arithmetic and Reasoning Paper Practice SC
Test question practice Y 3 and Y4
Yr 2 – position and direction
Yr 3 /4
Translation / Number
Y2 Arithmetic and Reasoning Paper Practice SC
Test question practice Y 3 and Y4
And Problem Solving Strategies
Yr 2 – Position and direction
Yr 3/4
Position and direction
RE- Is forgiveness always possible ? / No RE children out at TAG Rugby Tournament / What is forgiveness ? / Christian Stories about Forgiveness / How can Christians show forgiveness ? / How should we treat each other ? Link with Christian Value of Caring and Amethyst gem power of working with a partner .
Plants / Knowledge Harvest and Co-Constructive planning for Plants unit of learning
Identify and describe the function of different parts of a flowering plant . / What do plants need to grow? How does this vary from plant to plant ? / How is water transported within plants ? / What part do flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants ? / Plants assessment
History / Dance
Timeline and key facts / Class trip / Dance
Rationing / Dance
Everyday life / Street Party
ICT- Yr 3 – Big Robots / Drawing using hopscotch / Drawing using hopscotch / Drawing using hopscotch / Drawing using hopscotch / Drawing using hopscotch
Composition / Archie Dobson’s War / Archie Dobson’s War / Archie Dobson’s War / Sing Up to Parents rehearsal / Sing Up to Parents Rehearsal
PE / Outdoor games session with Joe
DF – REAL PE Unit 6
9 children – Rugby tournament / Outdoor games session with Joe
DF – REAL PE Unit 6 / Outdoor games session with Joe
DF – REAL PE Unit 6 / Outdoor games session with Joe
DF – REAL PE Unit 6 / Outdoor games session with Joe
DF – REAL PE Unit 6
PSHCE:My Friends and Family (yr3)
including P4C / P4C / P4C / I can plan a balanced meal / I can understand why people exercise / I can empathise with other people
Art / South Africa inspired Art Work
Homework / Spellings and CEW lists
Maths at home book
99 test and multiplication tables
Busy Ants Maths Games / Spellings and CEW lists
Maths at home book
99 test and multiplication tables
Busy Ants Maths Games / Spellings and CEW lists
Maths at home book
99 test and multiplication tables
Busy Ants Maths Games
Newspaper homework
Trips / visitors / Monday - Hula Hoop workshops
Wednesday afternoon – Rugby team - 9 children
Friday afternoon – Rugby Tournament – 9 children / Monday – Bank holiday
Tuesday – STEAM class trip / Monday – Class Photographs
Wed Squash lessons 1:05- 2:05- Yr3/4
Fri – 2:00 Basketball Yr 4/5 and 6 / Wed Squash lessons 1:05- 2:05- Yr3/4
Whole School Drivers / KS2 - assessment week
Health and safety inspection / Christian Aid week / KS1 SATS
South Africa Day
Sing up to parents – Friday