Publicationproposal for authoredandedited books

We are keen to consider new-book proposals from potential authors and editors, discussing and promoting publishing new projects.

In case you have either a new book concept or a ready manuscript suitable for publication by Scientific Publishers, then please complete the proposal below providing as much details as possible, enabling our editorial, and marketing teams to decide whether we could consider its publication and also its commercially viability.

  1. AUTHOR(s)/ EDITOR(s):

(This section helps the publisher and the reviewer to relate to the underlying principle and motivation behind thechosen title).

3.1 Please provide in 100--200 words the contents of the proposedbook, detailing the subject and indicating its academic level.

3.2Briefly state the purpose of your book and the way in which this has been/will be achieved.

3.3 Would you classify the book primarily as a textbook or a researchmonograph or an edited multi-author volume or a referencework or a reportor a handbook or a manual or a field guide? Or any other category (Please choose one).

3.4If a textbook, for which coursesand subject areas will the bookserve?As a main textbook or abook forsupplementary reading?

3.5What will be the most important selling points and how will these features benefit the reader?


(This section helps our marketing team to identify, access, create, establish and generate the market for your bookeven atpre-publication stage).

4.1What would be the primary and secondary readership of the book?

4.2What are the competitive bookscurrently in the market? Please give author, title, publisher, date of publication, and the price, if known.

4.3How the present book proposed either differs from oris a better book over the marketed titles and explain how theproposed book will be different in approach, method, structure,and content? In other words, indicate the novelty of the book concept proposed.

4.4Does the book have a specific geographic focus? Are there any features you would like us to highlight to an international book buyer?

4.5How quickly is this field advancing and for how long do you think the contents would remain valid?

4.6Do you currently maintain your own website (or propose to) or a blog or any other online space, which could be used ineither supplementing or promoting the book? If yes, please give details (e.g., URLs).

4.7Will there be any companies, societies, or organisations that may wish to purchase multiple copies of your book?(If yes, we may be able to offer special prices to them.)

4.8How you can help promote and market the book?


(This section furnishes us your contact details, careeradvancement in the field as well as inpublications).

5.1Contact details, address, email, and telephone number (attach current CV, if available):

5.2Present appointment:

5.3Career to date (summary):

5.4Key Publications (no more than 10, and please include any either authored or edited books published with ISBN numbers):


(This section helps our production department to understand the requirements before typesetting and printing of your book).

6.1Please provide a summary of contents including the core topics and the approximate estimations (expressed as percentage)of chapter sizes.

6.2For multi-author edited volumes, please include the list of names and contact details of all confirmed chapter authors.

6.3 In print, how many total pages are there in the manuscript — estimated?

6.4Explain briefly the rationale in the arrangement of the contents?

6.5Approximately how many illustrations (line sketches, photographs) will occur?Any colour illustrations?

6.6What programme would you use to prepare the text and camera-ready figures (line sketches, photographs)?

6.7Provide a time schedule for completion and submission of the final manuscript and details of any deadlines we should be aware of (e.g. an impending conference, meeting or book launch).

6.8Please give names and addresses of 4--6 referees,who could comment on your proposal (we may not necessarily approach them). Likewise let us know if there is anyone you would prefer we should not approach.

6.9Have any of your professional colleagues seen this work, and can you share their comments with us?


7.1 Please submit 2--3 sample chapters and/or the introduction (the more material you can send, the better).

7.2 Pleasesubmit reference list (Cited list) (Preference to recent references, the better).

7.4Why do you wish to publish with Scientific Publishers?

7.5Have you submitted this proposal to any other publisher before or concurrently with submitting toScientific Publishers? If yes, please give details.

7.6I ______, certify that the information provided in Scientific Publishers Book Proposal Form is correct and valid on the day I submitted this form. Scientific Publishers is free to verify this information at its own cost. I understand any false submissions could render the relationship with Scientific Publishers void at any point of the publishing process. I also undertake not to submit the book proposal to any publisher whether in India or abroad for 60 days from the date of submitting this form OR unless Scientific Publishers communicates their inability to take forward the book proposal, before the period of 60 days elapses.

Submission Address:

/ Add.: 5A New Pali Road,PO Box 91, Jodhpur 342 001 INDIA |
t:+91 291 2433323/ 2624154 | f: +91 291 2613449 |
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1 / Book Proposal Form