Primary School
Feedback andMarking
Date: September 2014
Review: September 2016
Hillsgrove Primary School
Feedback and Marking Policy
The Principles That Guide the School’s
Approach to Marking and Feedback
Marking and feedback should:
- Relate to the learning objective, children’s targets and Success Criteria.
- Give recognition and praise for achievement and clear strategies for improvement.
- Allow specific time for pupils to read, reflect and respond to marking whereappropriate.
- Respond to individual learning needs taking opportunities to mark face-to-face whereappropriate.
- Inform future planning.
- Use consistent codes within Key Stages.
- Be seen by pupils as a positive approach to improving their learning so that pupils understand how to improve.
Pupils should work on the left-hand pages and use the right-hand page to edit and develop their work following the written feedback. Left-handed pupils may prefer to work on the right-hand page and edit on the left-hand page.
Lightbulb Moments – Awarda personal ‘lightbulb’ in the lesson for ideas/contributions/work which is of a high quality. The pupil is given a small personal ‘lightbulb’ to take home and share with parent/carer. The idea being that they explain what it was awarded for and that will generate a discussion between them.
Class Lightbulb - Add the pupil’s name to the large class’ lightbulb’ for the week. Pupils must be able to talk about why they have the award.
Certificates – Once agreed target is achieved award Certificate for achieving the target
(See appendices)
t notes – AFL – as assessment tool when working with children/during lesson ?????
Suggested Mark Schemes for each Key Stage
Marking Improvement Prompts
Lightbulb Moments
MARK / MEANINGVF / Verbal Feedback – use this to acknowledge conversation with a pupil.
Tickled Pink / You have met this part of the success criteria – use this stamp before a commentwhich identifies how the pupil has successfully met the learning objective or/and use a pink highlighter to annotate the area where this was met on the work.
Green for Growth / You need to develop this part of the success criteria – use this before a comment which identifies an area for development or the next steps for learning and/or use a green highlighter to annotate the area where this was not met on the work.
/ Task Set ( In pink highlighter drawn cloud) – use this in order to set a task for a child to either practice something new they have learned or to redo something they need to improve. This should be used for every piece of quality marking. (Twice a week in Literacy and Numeracy and Once a week in Science).
I / Independent work.
T/TA / Support has been given by a teacher or teaching assistant.
? / Something doesn't make sense. You need to read your work carefully and check it for mistakes.
SP / Incorrect spelling. Please copy out 3 times - identify 3 key spellings within their repertoire and write spelling out correctly for pupil to copy.
/ Replace or include a WOW word.
NP / New paragraph.
P / Punctuation.
CL / Capital letter.
/ Missing word.
Marking Improvement Prompt
- A reminder prompt
Most suitable for brighter children, this simply reminds the pupil of what could be improved.
Say more about how you feel about this person.
Add in the addition sign.
Most pupils need more support than a reminder prompt.
- A scaffolded prompt
Most suitable for pupils who need more structure than a simple
reminder, this prompt provides some support.
Can you describe A question
how this person is
‘a good friend’?
Can you explain how
You completed this sum?
Describe somethingA directive
that happened which
showed you they were
a good friend.
Answer this sum using the
Inverse in order to check
You are correct.
He showed me he wasAn unfinished sentence
a good friend when
...... (finish this sentence)
I know that this sum is correct
- An example prompt
Extremely successful with all pupils, but especially with average or below average pupils, this prompt gives the pupil a choice of actual words or phrases. In the case of maths this may give a choice of methods and ask which is more appropriate and why?
Choose one ofHe is a good friend because
these or your own.he never says unkind things
about me.
My friend is a friend because
he is always nice to me.
32 x 10
Should I use a mental method or grid method for this equation? Why?
Feedback Advice:
The crucial points when assessing are to:
§ use the Learning Outcomes to inform what is looked at
§ look for good points first.
§ say what is good about these and why they are good !
§ look for things that can be improved
§ say precisely how they can be improved !
§ look for things that are wrong
§ say how they can be put right !
§ Highlight ONE thing that can be done to make work better !
Clearly indicate whether objectives and expectations have been achieved, partially achieved, or not achieved.