FEMA’s Higher Education Program Bits and Pieces

National Emergency Training Center, Emmitsburg, MD

5 November 2012

Hi Ed Website (to be submitted to webmaster for posting next week):

v  Nothing to report for this week.

All comments concerning website materials should be emailed to .

16th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference Update

16th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference is scheduled for June 3-6, 2013. A call for papers/proposals will be posted to the HI Ed website conference section after the first of the year.

College and University News:

Hi Ed Statistical Update for October 26, 2012:

·  Emergency Management Higher Education Programs – 258

65 - Certificate, Diploma, Focus-Area, Minor in EM Collegiate Programs

49 - Schools Offer Associate Degree Programs

47 - Schools Offer Bachelor Degree Programs

88 - Schools with Master-Level/Concentrations/Tracks/Specializations/Emphasis


9 - Schools Offer Doctoral-Level Programs

·  131 - U.S. Homeland Security/Defense and Terrorism Hi Ed Programs

·  16 - U.S. International Disaster Relief/Humanitarian Assistance Programs

·  31 - Public Health, Medical and Related Program

·  29 - Listing of Related Programs

v  All-Hazards Articles in the Scholarly Literature (ALL-HAZARTS) – NETC LRC


An index to the scholarly periodical literature (some with full text) - This resource page allows you to search and explore the unique collection of over 18,000 scholarly/peer-reviewed articles covering All-Hazards topics.

California State University, Fresno - Homeland Security Certificate of Advanced Study

A New Online Graduate Level Program from California State University, Fresno

The Homeland Security Certificate of Advanced Study is designed to fit the busy schedules of working adults. As the threats to security are both national and international concerns, many potential students can benefit from the online course delivery mode.

The program consists of four courses, for a total of 12 units of graduate level academic credit. The online classes begin in August, 2013. The deadline to apply for graduate admission is April 1, 2013.

Courses are offered by Dr. Keith Clement and Dr. Kenneth J. Ryan from Fresno State’s Department of Criminology. For more information, please contact the program coordinator, Dr. Keith Clement, at , 559.278.1011, or visit the website:


Citrus College – Associate of Science Degree in Emergency Management and Homeland Security

Citrus college is pleased to announce that it has delivered its 12th class under the new Emergency Management and Homeland Security program approved by the California Chancellors office in 2009. Citrus was the first Los Angeles County Community College established in 1915, it is also the first California community college approved to award an Associate of Science degree in this discipline.

Currently, the college offers two classes each semester with 30-40 students enrolled. Students come from a wide range of backgrounds and interests, federal, state and local government employees to first time students. Citrus faculty are current or retired Emergency Management mangers with many years of experience, and graduate degrees. Citrus has had a long time relationship with federal and local law enforcement training many of their sworn officers have been trained and certified as Emergency Medical Technicians in Los Angeles.

Citrus College 2013 goal is to articulate with accredited four year institutions of higher learning to provide an academic pathway for students to obtain their undergraduate degree. Citrus College is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

2012 DHS/FEMA Grant Guidance for Colleges and Universities

All current grants information can be accessed at the following link: http://www.fema.gov/government/grant/index.shtm. Moreover, you may contact them directly with questions or comments using the contact information below:

DHS/FEMA Grants Directorate Customer Service:

Telephone: 1-800-368-6498

v  DHS/FEMA Job Opportunities – from Tracey Batacan, Private Sector Liaison

Visit DHSStudent Programs and Services on the web at www.dhs.gov/student-opportunities. Also, sign up for our e-mail alerts at the following link: http://www.dhs.gov/subscribe-free-e-mail-updates.

Information regarding DHS and FEMA Career Opportunities can be found by visiting www.USAJobs.gov and using the key terms “FEMA” and “DHS”.

The Secretary's Honors Program (SHP), announced by Secretary Napolitano in October 2012, is a new recruitment initiative for exceptional recent graduates. SHP offers professional development and training opportunities for talented entry-level people focused on DHS careers in cybersecurity, information technology, management, emergency management, policy and law.

Check the DHS website at http://www.dhs.gov/job-opportunities-recent-graduates for additional career opportunities.

v  Emergency Management Higher Education Community Facebook group that people are welcome to join. (When in Facebook, just type in that descriptor.) About 220 members now belong and newcomers are welcome. The site has been active for about 2 years.

FEMA Student and Career Opportunities

Students: Review information regarding the new Pathways Program Internships, Recent Graduates and Presidential Management Fellows on OPM.gov at the following link: http://www.opm.gov/hiringreform/pathways/.

Career Opportunities


·  Review each announcement carefully to determine a skill match

·  Update your USA Jobs.gov resume and profile with your

o  Current resume

o  Cover letter

o  Transcripts

o  Writing samples

o  Any additional documents required based on the job announcement requirements

o  If you have questions regarding any opportunities listed in this announcement, please contact the hiring point of contact on the job announcement for more details

Emergency Management and Homeland Security News:

v  Autumn weather has arrived across the nation. Check the FEMA website when preparing your home, car and work place for seasonal weather emergencies. Important information can be found at http://www.ready.gov/ Contains information for your family and community in addition to fun aids when teaching children the essentials of emergency preparedness.

v  Central Minnesota Emergency Management Advisory Committee Grant/Policy Sub-Committee

Request for Proposal - Regional Planner

The Central Minnesota Emergency Management Advisory Committee Grant/Policy Sub-Committee is accepting proposals for professional services to coordinate grant and project management and development for HSEM Region IV.

Duties include, but are not limited to:

Project Coordination: Develop timelines, set goals and objectives, coordinate activities and maintain communication as necessary between counties within the region, between the region and the State of MN, and between the region and other governmental entities.

Examples of projects may include:

– exercise planning, coordination and reporting

– research and data collection

– development of funding sources.

The position will be expected to generate quarterly reports, with a weekly activity log, for the HSEM Region IV quarterly meetings and be in attendance.

Maintain and enhance THIRA plans of each jurisdiction of Region IV, as requested.

Assist, as requested, individually and collectively identify threats and hazards; and complete risk assessments of them.

Work with HSEM staff, specifically the HSEM Critical Infrastructure Coordinator, to provide a baseline training and exercise for the entire region.

After the initial regional baseline training and exercise, work with local jurisdictions and the HSEM Critical Infrastructure Coordinator to identify specialized areas for assessments.

Provide 3 more training and exercise opportunities, as identified by the region, to help enhance and sustain the initial baseline training.


The proposal should include a fixed hourly fee for provision of the above listed duties. Mileage reimbursement will be in addition to hourly fee.

This is a grantfunded limited term position, therefore, the Region may require a "not to exceed amount" in any final agreement for services to ensure this effort is within the spending limits defined in the grant.

Minimum Requirements

State Emergency Management Certification or Bachelor’s/Associates Degree in Emergency Management, Planning, Public Administration or related field, and one year of experience in a related field, or an equivalent combination of relevant education and experience. Must have a valid driver’s license, reliable vehicle and pass a criminal history and background check.

Selection Process

Proposals will be received until the position is filled and all proposals shall be reviewed by the Grant/Policy Sub-Committee for completeness and qualifications. A list of finalists will be developed and interviews scheduled. Preference will be given to those proposals with a demonstrated knowledge of MN HSEM and entities within HSEM Region IV.

To be considered, each proposal must contain the following information:

1.  Letter of interest

2.  Resume

3.  Three references with direct knowledge of the applicant’s experience and/or education.

4.  Proposed fee

Rejection of Proposals

Central Minnesota Emergency Management Advisory Committee reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, modify the requirements, terms and conditions without notice and award the work based on their understanding of the best interests of the Region. All submitted proposals are the property of Central Minnesota Emergency Management Advisory Committee and will not be returned.


Any modifications, addendums, responses to questions or withdrawal of the RFP shall be provided by email to entities submitting proposals during the recruitment process. All submissions will receive written notification when a selection is made.

To Apply

Please submit completed proposals to: Last date to submit on or before: Nov. 16, 2012

Central MN Emergency Management Advisory Committee

Tina Lindquist

10 1st St NW

Elbow Lake, MN 56531

v  EMForum.org Program, RESCHEDULED -- November 12, 12:00 Noon Eastern -- Mass Shootings: Attacker Types and Threat Assessment

Mass Shootings

Attacker Types and Threat Assessment


Due to Hurricane Sandy, we are rescheduling our program. Our thoughts are with everyone impacted by the storm, and ourgood wishes to the men and womenin the emergency management community as they respond and recover from this event.
November 12, 2012 -- 12:00 Noon Eastern Time

EMForum.org is pleased to host a one hour presentation and interactive discussion Monday, November 12, 2012, beginning at 12:00 Noon Eastern time (please convert to your local time). In follow up to a previous EMForum program, this session will focus on various types of attackersand threat assessment of advance warnings and indicators. Our guest will be August Vernon, instructor, author, and Operations Officer for the Forsyth County, NC Office of Emergency Management.

Please make plans to join us, and see the Background Page for links to related resources and participant Instructions. On the day of the program, use the Webinar Login link not more than 30 minutes before the scheduled time. The password is attend. As always, please feel free to extend this invitation to your colleagues.

In partnership with Jacksonville State University, EIIPoffers CEUs for attending EMForum.org Webinars. See http://www.emforum.org/CEUs.htm for details.

Is your organization interested in becoming an EIIP Partner?Click here to review our Mission, Vision, and Guiding Principles and access the Memorandum of Partnership

v  FEMA ThinkTank

The FEMA Think Tank is a platform to engage a nationwide audience in discussions about emergency management practices. On October 30 from 3:15PM - 5:00PM (Call-In Number: 1-800-957-9819, Pass Code: Think Tank) Deputy Administrator Richard Serino will host the next FEMA Think Tank call to discuss the most innovative projects, partnerships or initiatives that were inspired from the Think Tank during the past year. Help drive the next conversation by submitting a short narrative about your project or solution to the Online Forum by Tuesday, October 9. We will select two to three innovative emergency management projects and solutions-final or in development-to highlight on the October call. For more information visit: http://www.fema.gov/fema-think-tank.

v  FOCUS project - Alexander Siedschlag, Ph.D, M.A.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am writing to invite you to take part in the last big online assessment of scenarios for Security Research 2035 in the FOCUS project, co-funded by the European Union.

FOCUS (Foresight Security Scenarios Mapping Research to a Comprehensive Approach to Exogenous EU Roles) aims to define the most plausible threat scenarios that affect the borderline between the EU’s external and internal dimensions to security and to derive guidance for the Union’s future possible security roles as well as decisions to plan research in support of those roles.

The FOCUS project has now completed its Reference Scenario descriptions for security research 2035, supporting possible future roles of the EU as a security provider.

Based on these results and further FOCUS work, we have now developed the following five Reference Scenarios for Security Research 2035. Our roadmap process that is now about to start will be based on those scenarios and your assessment of them:

· No Land is an Island: A protected EU homeland with external responsibilities

· Policy Drives All in a Have/Have-Not World: Security research on natural

disasters and the global environment

· Security as Societal Science: Critical infrastructure and supply chain research

driven by societal factors

· Borderless Threats = Mission Creep: The EU’s forced march toward a stronger

Common Security and Defence Policy

· Inside Out: Inward coherence and governance opens the door to external policy

Scenario descriptions have been implemented in a Wiki for further

work: https://focusproject.wikispaces.com.

The further assessment of these scenarios takes place in the form of an anonymous questionnaire that is available online, self-explaining, and can be filled-in and submitted online. The questionnaire can be reached at:


The questionnaire will be open until 08 November 2012. It may either be completed as a whole, or you may complete those parts of it that most relate to your expertise and interest.

Thank you for considering participation in the FOCUS Reference Scenario questionnaire and for your time.

Work towards the Reference Scenarios was based, together with further analysis, on a previous scenario questionnaire in which some of you participated. Thanks all participants! The results and analysis of this previous questionnaire, assessing a broader FOCUS scenario syllabus, are now available online:

FOCUS syllabus of scenarios for EU security research 2035 http://www.focusproject.eu/documents/14976/0ae9d799-ebc2-467e-9fac-623a5c6d65f1.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.

With kind regards,

Alexander Siedschlag

The FOCUS project is co-funded under the Security Research theme of the EU’s 7th EU Framework Programme, for the period of April 2011 to March 2013. FOCUS brings together 13 partners from 8 countries, including universities, industry, think tanks, and security information providers. More information and so far FOCUS results are available on the project website: http://www.focusproject.eu.