Altar Servers scheduled please arrive at least 15 minutes before Mass. Put on white Monastic Alb found in Altar Server section of sacristy closet. They are age appropriate 8,10,12,14,16 and 17. Lift hood and put on cross pendant and lower hood.

Decide who will do what. Cross Bearer will carry cross located to left of closet. Others are responsible to light candles. Two servers take and light candlelighters and proceed to the foot of Altar, bow and each take a side. Light candles at the back of Altar first starting with candle closest to the Crucifix and then down the line till all are lit. Then Light Altar candles, server on left lights candles at Tabernacle. Meet at foot of Altar bow again and return to sacristy.

The Priest will offer a short prayer then all proceed into Narthex and Cross Bearer goes into Church and stands in the middle of the aisle between the last pews. Other Servers line up in pairs behind Cross Bearer.

Cross Bearer starts procession when choir starts to sing and proceeds up the aisle to the foot of the Altar and moves to the right, other servers follow and move to the left allowing room for the Deacon and Priest. All stand together and when Priest bows all bow and PLEASE LET THE PRIEST AND THE DEACON GO ON TO THE ALTAR FIRST and then Altar Servers follow…Cross Bearer goes and places Cross in holder and takes a place and others proceed to their places and stand for opening prayers by the Priest.

During the Mass right after the Gloria the Cross Bearer server or designate prepares to bring the Missal which he will have at his seat to the Priest…Father says “Let Us Pray” Server proceeds with Missal up to the Priest holding it to your left shoulder and standing to the side and NOT in front of the Priest. At conclusion of the prayer Server then places the Missal on the Altar. And return to your position.

As the Collection is nearing an end Cross Bearer goes and gets the Cross [*1] and proceeds directly to top of middle aisle followed by all Altar Servers in pairs and all proceed immediately, without bowing, to the gift table , stop and turn and when all are ready proceed back to the Altar. Cross Bearer goes directly to the right and puts Cross back in holder. Other Servers go to the left and stand beside the Deacon/Priest and prepare to receive the wine and water and the ciboriums and then proceed to the Altar, place the ciboriums on the Altar and return and stand at seat, the Server holding the wine and water prepare to hand them handles out to the Deacon/Priest. The wine first and then the water. Once the wine and water have been poured and returned to the Server go QUICKLY to the Credence table and with another Server come right back with water and bowl and towel for Priest washing of the server carries pitcher and bowl and the other carries the towel….slowly pour water over the Priests fingers and towel holder holds towel open by each end so Priest can easily take and dry his hands. Then bow and return to Credence Table and prepare for Communion.

At the “Our Father” quickly move out and all hold hands during the prayer in a gesture of community.

During Communion please have parents permission to receive the consecrated wine and only take a very small sip.

While Communion is being distributed Altar Server will place water vessel back on corner of Altar on or near cross that is visible thru Altar Cloth so it is ready for Deacon/Priest to wash vessels. Please be aware that Deacon/Priest will be going to the Tabernacle and make sure you are not in the way.

After Communion and the Deacon/Priest has returned to the Altar, Servers stand at end of Altar to remove vessels as they are washed and return them to Credence Table and lastly take the Chalice and various cloths, holding the chalice with one hand and placing the other hand on top of the clothes back to the Credence Table.

After Priest reflects he will stand and again say “Let Us Pray” Altar Server on right goes to the Altar takes the Missal and presents it to the Priest holding it on his left shoulder and again standing to the side of the Priest. At conclusion he brings it back with him and places it on the chair. After the Priests Blessing Cross Bearer gets the Cross…and goes and stands in the middle of the isle facing the Altar.

All Stand and wait until the Priest comes down to the Altar and kisses it and he then goes and stands in front of the Altar. All Altar Servers then go and line up in front of the Cross bearer facing the Altar. All then bow with Priest and turn with him. The Cross Bearer then goes first and starts the procession down the aisle followed by all the other Servers as all proceed to Narthex. One Altar Server should stand and wait and at end of aisle reach out and take the Priests book and return it to sacristy placing it on counter.

Cross is returned to stand and candles should all be extinguished . You should wait a few moments so you have access up one of the aisles…Best way to go is over to the aisle next to choir…

When finished with duties remove albs and pendants…hang pendants back on hook and carefully hang albs back in order.

And Thanks for doing a great job and know how much your effort is appreciated !

*1 if there are only two Altar Servers do not bring Cross to gift table…simply proceed down with the other server and stay with him/her to help with wine, water and ciboriums…during communion you can go back to your side to present Missal and lead procession out with Cross.

The Mass is a reenactment of the Last Supper when Jesus [represented by the Priest] instituted the Eucharist and told his followers, “Do this in memory of me.” Although the Mass is a mystery, we accept the fact that bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus because Jesus told us this is so. Please keep this in mind when you serve and always be reverent and respectful during the Mass.