Over 50 in South Gloucestershire – Photo & Poetry Competition

1.Poems and pictures may be submitted by post, as a print or on CD to Over 50 in South Glos (GS), Strategic Planning & Partnerships, Community Care & Housing Directorate, FREEPOST SWB1485, St Lukes Close, Emersons Green, South Gloucestershire, BS16 7FA. Pictures may also be submitted by e-mail to (as a jpg attachment, file size less than 2Mb)

  1. This competition is open to UK residents only. Entries are particularly welcome from people over 50.
  2. You must provide South Gloucestershire Council with your name, address, age, telephone number and e-mail details if you wish to enter this competition. The council will only ever use your personal details for the purposes of administering this competition, and will not publish them or provide them to anyone without your permission.
  3. Amaximum of threeentries will be accepted per person and entries will not be returned.
  4. Deadline for receiving entries is 5pm on 20th December 2007. Results will be posted on the council's website by 20 January 2008.
  5. The winner of each competition will receive £25 in local shopping vouchers, with one winning picture and one winning poem.Winning and commended entries will be reproduced in the final South Gloucestershire Strategy for People Over 50 and associated documents, acknowledging the name of the photographer / poet.
  6. The competition will be judged by the Older Peoples Programme Group. This competition is not open to any person involved in the running of the competition, or their immediate family members. The judges' decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  7. You must supply full details as required above, and comply with all rules to be eligible for the prize(s). No responsibility is accepted for ineligible entries or entries made fraudulently.
  8. By submitting your photograph or poem to South Gloucestershire Council you agree to grant South Gloucestershire Council, free of charge, the right to publish and the right to licence others to publish the photograph or poem online and in all media as required.
  9. By submitting your photograph or poem to South Gloucestershire Council you agree to your name being published in relation to your photograph or poem online and in all media
  10. Your entry must be entirely your own original work, not defame anybody nor breach any copyright.
  11. If your photograph features any recognisable person or people, written permission should be obtained for the image to be entered in the competition and to be published online and in all media as required. Written permission from each recognisable person (or their parents/guardians if under 18) should be submitted for each entry.
  12. South Gloucestershire Council reserves the right to cancel this competition at any stage.
  13. If a winning entrant is unable to be contacted after reasonable attempts have been made to do so,South Gloucestershire Council reserves the right to offer the prize to the next best entry.
  14. South Gloucestershire Council reserves the right to disqualify any entry which breaches any of these rules.

Over 50 in South Gloucestershire – Photo & Poetry Competition

Entry Form






Number of photos or poems submitted (maximum 3 of each)

What are your hopes or fears about growing older? (This is max 100 words)



I confirm I have read the competition rules overleaf and understand that any entry which breaches these rules will be disqualified.

Signed: Dated:

Parent/Guardians signature (if under 18 years old)


Signed: Dated: