Final Exam Review

English 10

Ms. Burkhart

World Literature

In order to review for the exam, you should

re-examine all of the texts listed here and the

notes that go with them. All of the study guide

questions, class discussion notes, previous tests

and quizzes, worksheets, and powerpoint notes

will be helpful in this process. All of that info is

fair game on the exam! If you really study and

prepare, you should do well on the final.

Literary Terms

1.  allegory:

2.  allusion:

3.  dramatic irony:

4.  situational irony:

5.  theme:

6.  protagonist:

7.  antagonist:

8.  symbol:

9.  oxymoron:

10.  paradox:

11.  metaphor:

12.  internal conflict:

13.  thesis statement:

14.  hook:

15.  epigram:

16.  alliteration:

17.  flashback:

18.  simile:

19.  metaphor:

20.  personification:


1.  Who is the author of this text and when was it written? What was his purpose in writing it?

2.  What is Dante on a journey to do? Who is his guide? What is his guide’s real life profession?

3. Where does Dante awaken at the beginning of his journey? As he begins to climb the first mountain, what is blocking his way? The greyhound that comes down to help him is said to be a symbol for what/whom?

4. Who is the ferryman in hell that helps Dante cross the rivers in hell? What is the warning on the sign above the gate of hell?

5. How many circles of hell are there? Identify the sinners in each circle.

6. Where does Minos sit? What is his job?

7. Describe the importance of the number 100 and the number 3 to the Inferno. Identify at least three places where the number 3 is used in the poem.

8. What is symbolic retribution? Explain one time when it is used in this story.

9. What is the story of Pablo and Francesca? To which circle did they get sent?

10. Describe what Satan looks like and what the area around him in hell looks like according to the story.

11. How does Dante escape from hell? What does he see when he does? What do these things represent?

12. What are three themes of Dante’s Inferno? Discuss how they are shown throughout.

Lord of the Flies

1. Identify the roles, some character traits, and the fates of the following characters:

1.  Ralph:

2.  Jack:

3.  Piggy:

4.  Simon:

5.  Roger:

6.  Samneric:

2. Explain what each of the following symbolizes:

1.  Piggy’s glasses:

2.  lord of the flies:

3.  conch shell:

4.  Roger:

5.  Simon:

3. Identify three of the main themes of the novel:




4. What is a microcosm? Explain how the island is a microcosm of society.

5. During what time period was this book written? Why is that significant to the book?

6. What does the shattering of the conch symbolize?

7. Why do the boys originally choose Ralph to be their leader? What kind of leader is he throughout the text? Is he a better or worse leader than Jack? Why?

8. Who is the major protagonist of the novel? Antagonist?

9. Which boys are murdered? How do the murders occur? Be specific.

10. What was the beast from the air? What was the lord of the flies? Where did the term lord of the flies come from in real life?

11. How is Jack able to discover Ralph hiding in the thicket when they are searching for him before they are rescued? Who rescues them? What does this person think they have been doing all this time?

12. Identify the speaker and significance of the following quotes:

1. “That was murder.”

2. “We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savages.”

3. “You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you!?

4. “I’d like to put on war-paint and be a savage. But we must keep the fire going.”

5. “Maybe there is a beast. Maybe it’s only us.”

Fahrenheit 451

1. Identify three themes or motifs from this novel:




2. According to Faber, what are the three necessary things given to society?




3. Why did the authorities kill another man in place of Guy?

4. Describe each of the following characters in detail:

a. Guy Montag:

b.  Mildred Montag:

c.  Faber:

d.  Mrs. Phelps:

e.  Captain Beatty:

f.  Granger:

5.  Who says, “What traitors books can be!”?

6.  Who says, “The televisor is real…it tells you what to think and blasts it in. It must be right”?

7.  Who turned in an alarm against Montag?

8.  Why did Montag want Faber to turn on the air conditioning and sprinklers?

9.  What does Granger mean by saying, “You’re not important. You’re not anything”?

10.  When Montag is running down the alley behind his house to escape, he suddenly falls down because he realizes something. What does he realize?

11.  How does the hunt for Montag end? Why does it end this way?

12.  How have Granger and his people done what Montag has wanted to do?

13.  What finally happens to the city? To Mildred? To Faber?

14.  Explain how a phoenix is symbolic in this book.

15.  Explain how the salamander is symbolic in this book.

Literary Analysis Papers


·  thesis statements

·  topic sentences

·  hooks

·  transition words

·  parenthetical citations in MLA format

·  conclusions

·  plagiarism

·  the punctuation involved with citations

·  works cited pages

·  formal paper rules (you have a list)

Essay Possibilities:

·  Compare and contrast Jack and Ralph as leaders in Lord of the Flies.

·  Choose three symbols from Lord of the Flies and discuss the importance of each in the novel.

·  Identify a secondary character, meaning anyone besides Jack or Ralph, who you think had the most impact on the novel. Discuss your choice.

·  Choose 3 secondary characters from Fahrenheit 451 and explain his or her significance to the novel and its themes.

·  Identify 3 major themes from Fahrenheit 451 and discuss how they’re shown in the text.