Create a Microsoft Word document and save it to your H: drive which will include your last name and first initial.

Your H Drive or Home directory is your private place to save information to on the network. It is located on a more reliable computer in another location and it is backup up and maintained by professionals. You will save to it every year at this high school.


Goal: find out the address of your city’s Chamber of Commerce address ( and write a letter requesting information such as maps, attractions, entertainment, places to eat, etc. You will also create an envelope and send the letter.

If you are traveling out of the country, look up the Office of Tourism of your country.

Print one letter and 1 envelope.

Read the following page carefully!!! Forgetting to put two spaces after a period or a mistake in the spacing may cause you to earn a B grade instead of an A grade.

Try to access the help menu before raising your hand for a question. The “paper clip” animated icon lets you type in questions like “how do I make an envelope” and get an answer 

FORMAT REQUIREMENTS: Use 12 pt. Font size, font must be plain such as “Times New Roman” and you must sign you letter in blue or black ink (black is best). Top margin = 2”, left margin = 1.5”, right margin = 1.5”, bottom margin = 1.5”.

April 21, 2007

Portland Chamber of Commerce

555555 Maple Drive

Oregon, OR 92024

Dear Chamber of Commerce:

This is the body paragraph. Always put two spaces after each period! When you want to start a new paragraph, just hit the enter button twice. Never use the Tab key in a “Block Letter Format.”

This is the second paragraph. Notice how it is not indented. If you have any questions about this format, just raise your hand. Use this format for a cover letter, thank-you letter, letter of complaint, etc.


Type your Name here

Type your street address here

Type you city, state and zip code