Create a Microsoft Word document and save it to your H: drive which will include your last name and first initial.
Your H Drive or Home directory is your private place to save information to on the network. It is located on a more reliable computer in another location and it is backup up and maintained by professionals. You will save to it every year at this high school.
Goal: find out the address of your city’s Chamber of Commerce address ( and write a letter requesting information such as maps, attractions, entertainment, places to eat, etc. You will also create an envelope and send the letter.
If you are traveling out of the country, look up the Office of Tourism of your country.
Print one letter and 1 envelope.
Read the following page carefully!!! Forgetting to put two spaces after a period or a mistake in the spacing may cause you to earn a B grade instead of an A grade.
Try to access the help menu before raising your hand for a question. The “paper clip” animated icon lets you type in questions like “how do I make an envelope” and get an answer
FORMAT REQUIREMENTS: Use 12 pt. Font size, font must be plain such as “Times New Roman” and you must sign you letter in blue or black ink (black is best). Top margin = 2”, left margin = 1.5”, right margin = 1.5”, bottom margin = 1.5”.
April 21, 2007
Portland Chamber of Commerce
555555 Maple Drive
Oregon, OR 92024
Dear Chamber of Commerce:
This is the body paragraph. Always put two spaces after each period! When you want to start a new paragraph, just hit the enter button twice. Never use the Tab key in a “Block Letter Format.”
This is the second paragraph. Notice how it is not indented. If you have any questions about this format, just raise your hand. Use this format for a cover letter, thank-you letter, letter of complaint, etc.
Type your Name here
Type your street address here
Type you city, state and zip code