Hamilton City Council

1010 Broadway St.

May 19, 2014

The Hamilton City Council met in regular session at 7:00p.m. with Mayor Lowman, Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, Schlatter, and Summers answering roll call.

Mayor Lowman led everyone in the “Pledge of Allegiance”.

Mayor Lowman asked for a motion to approve the Minutes of the May 7, 2014 meeting. Bierbaum made a motion to approve the minutes. Johnson seconded the motion. With no discussion, roll was called with Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, Schlatter and Summers voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.

Mayor Lowman noted that Shannon Duncan from WIRC held a Public Hearing for the CDAP PI Grant tonight before the Council meeting. He asked for a motion to approve Resolution #2 Council Resolution of Support and Resolution #3 Committing Local Funds both for the Public Facility Program. Bierbaum made a motion to approve both of the Resolutions. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll was called with Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, Schlatter, Summers, and Eddings voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.

Mayor Lowman presented his appointments for 2014 – 2015:

City Attorney - Stan Tucker

Chief of Police - Robert Bell

Sergeant – Nick Jamerson

Water/Sewer Superintendent - Tim Schilson

Street Superintendent – Marvin Tappe

Fire Chief – Steve Helenthal

ESDA Coordinators – Jean Massey and Bill Rowlett

Janitor – Leroy Agnew

Water Meter Reader – Alex Rickard

Building Inspector – Tim Hempen

Animal Control Officer - Mike Wright

Library Board - Jim Noble, John Kolditz, John Phillips, Cevin Cox,

Cecily Knowles, Katie DellaVedova, Daniel Reinhardt,

Robert Schneider, and Sharon Anderson

Zoning Commission - Chairman Marvin Speckhart, Charles Mullens,

David Francis, Ed Richardson, and John Phillips

Banking Depositories - Marine Bank & Trust and First State

Finance & Appropriations

(Finance, Appropriations, Annual Budget & Economic Development)

Bob Eddings - Chairman

Debbie Summers

Bev Boone

Public Works & Buildings

(Street Dept., Water & Sewer Dept., & Building & Grounds)

Dave Bierbaum – Chairman

Steve Schlatter

Bill Johnson

Health & Safety

(Police Dept., Fire Dept., Permits & Zoning)

Debbie Summers – Chairman

Steve Schlatter

Bob Eddings

Mayor Lowman reported that the Water Department will be flushing hydrants beginning Tuesday, May 20th thru Friday, May 23rd.


Eddings reported the Finance Committee will hold a meeting on Wednesday, May 28th at 6:00 pm following the Health and Safety Committee meeting.

Eddings reported the City had received $16,434.52 in State Income Tax, $9,359.10 in State Sales Tax, $2,086.12 in Personal Property Replacement and $3,459.59 in Use Tax.

Eddings made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Schlatter seconded the motion. With no discussion, roll was called with Johnson, Boone, Schlatter, Summers, Eddings, and Bierbaum voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.


Bierbaum reported that the Public Works Committee held a meeting on May 13th. He noted waiting on good patching to be made to finish patching potholes.

Bierbaum reported that due to Chet still being off Brent and Josh will read the water meters and if needed Ryan will help on Saturday, May 31st.

Schlatter reported that they discussed the sewage treatment plant improvements current plan and the need to slow down the spending. They will proceed with installing the pump that will help with the sanitary wipes problem.

Schlatter reported that there was a lightning strike the 9th Street Lift Station. The pump is at the shop for repair.

Schlatter reported that the Sewer plant has a quote for a new computer and will order soon.

Schlatter noted that they will begin flushing hydrants this week.

Schlatter made a motion to approve McClure Engineering Associates’ Invoice #9675(2) for the amount of $2,148.75. Bierbaum seconded the motion. With no discussion, roll was called with Boone, Schlatter, Summers, Eddings, Bierbaum, and Johnson, voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.

Johnson reported they discussed rebidding the city garbage pick-up. He noted that everyone received a copy of the letter that will go out to Ray Bradley and Kohlmorgan listing details needed for their bids.

Eddings made a motion to approve authorizing Jean Massey to send out the letters to the garbage haulers. Johnson seconded the motion. With no discussion, roll was called with Schlatter, Summers, Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson and Boone voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes. Johnson noted that the sealed bids will be opened at the June 2nd City Council meeting.


Summers reported the Health & Safety Committee will hold a meeting on Wednesday, May 28th at 5:30pm.

Summers submitted the following building/demoliton permits: 16’L x 14’W Concrete Porch Slab to David Bierbaum at 81 North 6th Street and Demolition of House to Colleen Varner at 205 Hillcrest. Summers made a motion to approve the permits. Eddings seconded the motion. With no discussion, roll was called with Summers, Eddings, Johnson, Boone and Schlatter voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes. Bierbaum abstained.

Summers made a motion to approve the Third Reading of Ordinance #2 Golf Cart/UTV and to authorize Cindy DuPree, City Treasurer to establish a new account for the purchase and payments of the permit stickers and fines. The four signers on this account will be Steven Lowman, Mayor; Michelle Dorethy, City Clerk; Cindy DuPree, City Treasurer; and Jean Massey, Bookkeeper. Eddings seconded the motion. City Attorney, Stan Tucker noted that he had changed the fine amounts and removed the portion including the cost of prosecution under the Enforcement section of the ordinance. With no further discussion, roll was called with Eddings, Boone, Schlatter, and Summers voting Aye. Bierbaum and Johnson voted nay. Motion carried with 4 aye votes and 2 nay votes.

Chief Bell noted Wednesday at 2:15 the Jr. High Track team will be escorted by the Fire and Police Departments for their State Championship. Congratulations.

There being no further business to discuss, Lowman entertained a motion for adjournment. Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:25pm. Summers seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.





Attest: ______

City Clerk