The Carbon Trust Offshore Wind Accelerator
OWA Support for the Qualification of a
66kV Intra-array Cable System
Appendix 1: Bidder Proposal Form
1General Instructions to Bidders
2Bidder Information
3Design Information
5Minimum Criteria to enter the Competition
6Competition Scoring Criteria
7Additional Supporting Documentation
20 May 2013
1General Instructions to Bidders
1.1This Form has been issued together with the ITT document ‘66kV cables competition: Invitation to Tender for Offshore Wind Accelerator Support for the Qualification of a 66 kV Intra-array Cable System’. Bidders should refer to the ITT document for full instructions on the Proposal process. In all cases, the ITT document should be seen as the definitive reference.
1.2This Form must be used by all Bidders. The Carbon Trust / OWA reserves the right to reject any Proposal which does not follow this format.
1.3Bidders may add information only within unshaded cells. Any changes to any other part of the form will be disregarded.
1.4Bidders may submit additional information in separate documents. Any additional forms must however be named at Section6of this form.
1.5This form, together with all supporting documents, must be returned to the following email () in PDF form by 7th July 2013.
1.6Alternately the Proposal may be returned as a CD, DVD or memory stick format to the following postal address. These must be received on or before the date given above.
Jan Matthiesen
4th Floor
Dorset House
27-45 Stamford Street
1.7Bidders are permitted to submit more than one cable into the competition. Each separate proposal must be entered on a separate Bidder Proposal Form with its own set of supporting documents.
1.8All documents which are to be submitted as part of this proposal (Bidder Proposal Form and any supporting documents) must be named in accordance with the following standard:
‘OWA-S2-E-66kV-competition-[Bidder Name]-[Proposal (or) SuppDoc[Supporting Document Number]]-[Proposal Number]-v[Revision Number]-[Date].pdf’.
i)Words in bold must be written as shown above
ii)The ‘Bidder Name’ should be a shortened version of the Bidder company name which uniquely identifies that company
iii)‘Proposal’ or ‘SuppDoc’ should be written into the document name as appropriate to indicate that this is the main Bidder Proposal Form or supporting document respectively
iv)The Supporting Document number should be the same as the number given to that Supporting Document at Section6 of this Form.
v)Each separate proposal must be given a different identifying number. This ‘Proposal Number’ must be reflected in the name
vi)‘Revision Number’ Refers to the document revision number
vii)The ‘Date’ should be given in the format ‘ddmmmyyyy’
viii)An example of a Bidder Proposal Form could be: ‘OWA-S2-E-66kV-competition-AcmeCables-Proposal-1-v01-01Jun2013.pdf’
ix)An example of a Supporting Document could be: ‘OWA-S2-E-66kV-competition-AcmeCables-SuppDoc3-1-v01-01Jun2013.pdf’.
2Bidder Information
Main Contact Person
Main Contact Position
Contact email
Contact telephone
3Design Information
Design NameDesign Code or reference number
Proposal Number (enter ‘1’ if Bidder is only making one Proposal)
If making more than one Proposal, the Bidder should briefly explain here the distinctive feature(s) of this design which distinguishes it from its other Proposals.
Explain in not more than 300 words why the Cable System design presented in this Proposal should receive support from the Carbon Trust /OWA.Please provide a schematic drawing of the cable, highlighting the main features.
5Minimum Criteria to enter the Competition
5.1Evidence of quality plan / ITT ref: 4.3Supporting document numbers (as shown in Section 6)
5.2Proposed cable testing / ITT Ref: 4.4
Supporting document numbers (as shown in Section 6)
5.3Evidence of capability to fulfil Deliverables of this Project / ITT Ref: 4.5
Supporting document numbers (as shown in Section 6)
5.4Proposed date to bring Design to market / ITT Ref: 4.6
Supporting document numbers (as shown in Section 6)
5.5Details of production capacity available or planned to be available / ITT Ref: 4.7
Supporting document numbers (as shown in Section 6)
5.6Evidence of availability of accessories / ITT Ref: 4.8
Supporting document numbers (as shown in Section 6)
6Competition Scoring Criteria
6.1Design pricing information / ITT Ref: 5.5Supporting document numbers (as shown in Section 6)
6.2Electrical properties / ITT Ref: 5.6
Supporting document numbers (as shown in Section 6)
6.3Mechanical properties / ITT Ref: 5.7
Supporting document numbers (as shown in Section 6)
6.4Design Parameters. / ITT Ref: 5.8
Supporting document numbers (as shown in Section 6)
6.5Production capacity / ITT Ref: 5.9
Supporting document numbers (as shown in Section 6)
6.6Design qualification / ITT Ref: 5.10
Supporting document numbers (as shown in Section 6)
6.7Proposed time plan to bring design to market / ITT Ref: 5.11
Supporting document numbers (as shown in Section 6)
6.8Repair time / ITT Ref: 5.12
Supporting document numbers (as shown in Section 6)
6.9Compatibility / ITT Ref: 5.13
Supporting document numbers (as shown in Section 6)
6.10Other / ITT Ref: 5.16
Supporting document numbers (as shown in Section 6)
7Additional Supporting Documentation
Nr. / Document Name / Brief (one line) description of document / Which criterion does this document support?1
8Other (not part of the evaluation)
Would you be interested in participating in a free-hanging cable test as part of a separate Carbon Trust study? We are looking for companies to supply either 33kV or 66kV cables to be tested from October 2013. Please contact us for any further information.1Version 0.6