OCTOBER 24, 2016

A regular meeting of the Claiborne Electric Cooperative, Inc. Board of Directors was held onOctober 24, 2016at the headquarters office in Homer, Louisiana. President Hez Elkins led the Pledge of Allegiance and presided over the meeting. Members present were:

Hez Elkins, President

Eddie Harmon, Vice President

Richard Noles, Secretary/Treasurer

Leroy Perritt

Lane Davidson

Phillip Fincher

Rand Killgore

Scott Jones

Others present at the meeting were:

Mark Brown, General Manager/CEO

Melissa Watts, CFO

Bob Kolling, COO

Paul Kitchens, General Counsel

Tea’ Heard, Executive Secretary

Director Willie Sensley was absent from the meeting.

Mr. Davidson moved and Mr. Killgoreseconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried.

Member/Service Location Applicant Credits

BAILEY, J. P. -HaynesvilleBobbye B. Bailey, spouse $2,022.50

BARKLEY, Prentice-DownsvilleWanda Barkley, spouse 1,061.30

COLEMAN, Marvin L.-HeflinDiane Kenner, daughter 338.38

FOSTER, Donald-SpearsvilleCarolyn Foster, spouse 2,542.41

REEVES, Frederic S.-BerniceWilliam L. Reeves, son 1,093.28

ROAN, Mattie-FarmervilleMary Blackmon, daughter 404.41

SHELTON, Mack-HomerGeorgia Shelton, spouse 1,206.78

STEPHENS, Willard-HaynesvilleCathy Jones, daughter 908.13

TOTAL $9,577.19

Mr. Davidson moved and Mr. Fincher seconded a motion to accept the Operations Reports presented by Mr. Kolling. Motion carried.

Mr. Harmon moved and Mr. Fincher seconded a motion to accept Mr. Kitchens’ report on legal matters pertaining to Claiborne Electric. Motion carried.

Mr. Harmon moved and Mr. Perritt seconded a motion to accept the ALEC Report presented by Mr. Noles. Motion carried.

Mr. Killgore moved and Mr. Davidsonseconded a motion to accept the Financial Report as presented by Mrs. Watts.Motion carried.

Mr. Brown presented the CEO’s Report including Nominating Committees and District Meetings set for Saturday, December 3, 2016.

Nominating Committee Report

District 3District 7District 8

George Sehon, ChairmanBill Frye, ChairmanThomas Moore, Chairman

Scott Jones, NomineePhillip Fincher, NomineeLane Davidson, Nominee

District Meetings – Saturday, December 3, 2016, 1:00 p.m.

District 3District 7District 8

Marion First Baptist ChurchClaiborne ElectricMinden Prebyterian Church

George Sehon, ChairmanBill Frye, ChairmanThomas Moore, Chairman

Mr. Noles moved and Mr. Harmon seconded a motion to accept the CEO’s Report. Motion carried.

Mr.Davidsonmoved and Mr.Perrittseconded a motion to approve and authorize payment of all expenses associated with this meeting. Motion carried.

The next regular meeting date was confirmed for Tuesday, November 29, 2016 in Homer.

With no further business to come before the Board; upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned. Motion carried.


Hez Elkins, PresidentRichard Noles, Secretary/Treasurer

Board Meeting Minutes

October 24, 2016

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