Ohio Association of Pupil Services Administrators

Business Meeting

Date: Sept.26,2014 Time:11:15

Quest Business Center

  1. Call to Order-Sarah Walker, President called to order 11:26
  2. Secretary’s Report-James Tatman, Secretary May business meeting minutes posted on website and send to members via e-mail

Motion to Accept made by: Jack Zocolo Seconded: Denise Abboud Motion Passed

  1. Treasurer’s Report-started with 202 members, membership forms came out earlier, which helped also with Napsa membership, currently 14Napsa members and 14(?) retirees. closed out 17,545.17(?) credits in 15,785 membership and conference. 125 at conference higher attendance for sept. overall debt 6527.85 29758.76 total assets

Motion to Accept made by:Dee Hepperly Seconded: Mark severance Motion Passed

  1. Program’s Report-In spring survey monkey was sent out for interested topics, lot of great feedback, legal info, compliance, Dec. 12th presenter to Project Stop-stop predictor for counselors working with students to id and prevent molestation. Pm Merritt Waters, phd dissertation, wants to share findings, Ann Skaggs-EMIS, updates and reporting. Another big name was Dr. Demao coming in Feb, on day 1, Dr. Sue Zake in morning
  2. Past President’s News- Donna each year look at doing audit, if interested see Donna or email, email on home page
  3. Communication’s Report
  4. Executive Director Report- John Opperman updated brochure, Ashland University credit, will be at conference around noon. This year can pick up 1-2 credits at 225.00/hour, has contacted all 16 SST's to circulate information on OAPSA and 35 ESC’s to make them more aware of OAPSA, the next biennium budget will begin this winter, John has contacted Tom Ash from BASA, OAPSA is not big enough to impact legislation on own so plan is to partner with Tom and other organizations. If we don't get voices heard at beginning more difficult to be heard later. John has been asked to be a part of SSP, 9/10 was first meeting. Looked at 70 priorities and boiled it down to 9-10. You may get email from SSIP, go on survey monkey and respond. Meeting again10/23 to review second round and goes to core team. This is a 6 year project, input, plan , implementation monitor and eval. All 50 states are required to do this. Attended theCOP, and ohio coalition. Asking for help, one thing john remembers is supt, telling him you have to join OAPSA, Sarah in her message, If you don't do anything else, join. How many people heard from colleague, large % raised hand, asking members to take 2-3 brochures and talk to someone who doesn't know about it. Word of mouth is best way to let others know. Question raised on credit requirements, need 5 contact days for 2 credits, must attend all sessions. write up 2-3 page paper summarizing benefits from attending meetings. John gets papers Attending 3 or more for 1 credit.
  5. Committee Reports-
  1. State Advisory panel for Exceptional Children-April is not able to be with us, will be distributed later
  2. NAPSA-Deb Dennis, after Oct meeting 10/22 Myrtle Beach. James will be elected to be 3rd member. Napsa has legislative rep in DC
  3. Ohio Coalition-attended meeting last Tuesday, held a multi cultural fair in Columbus, good reps, got parent training grants renewed. RSC-ohio had turned down 80 mil dollars in fed $ because ohio did not come up with match. Partnering for progress, parent mentor conference coming up. next mtg is 11/18
  4. OCALI Update-First meeting has been moved to 9/30. Update in dec
  5. Nominations Committee-In May we will be electing treasurer, first 2 years same and then move up to president elect, pres and past. specific job description. Looking for committee members to be on nominations com let Donna know
  6. Title 1 Committee of Practitioners-Georgette Raisor was rep, Dr. Karen Hall is now rep. Both Karen and John attended amtg last week. purpose is to advise ode and fed programs what is going on in field. Good presentation on easc waivers, division of learning, title 3 LEP, 4 most common esl: spanish, somali, arabic, amish, PACTS, changing, targeting more in terms of profiling districts, homeless programs, NS3, John will have notes posted on website
  7. Historian- Kathy Brand, It is our 50 year BD, In the spring there will be a presentation from historical perspective, 1st year in existence transitions and finding a vocation gave fact
  1. Old Business- no old business,
  2. New Business-any new business
  3. Adjournment

Motion to Accept made by: Val Riedthaler Seconded: Melinda Reams Motion Passed

Meeting adjourned 11:50