Class Dojo – The aim is to unify the school with a system of Positive Behavioral Support.
Positive Dojo Points: - These points are given when a student is engaging in the activities that have been asked of them. It is imperative that positive dojo points be given to help shape the behaviors that we want to see in our classroom and on campus. As the teacher, you will decide what best suits and works for your classroom. You are free to create as many positive rewards as you would like. You are free to award as many points as you would like, we encourage you to do so. As administrators we would like you to consider the Six-Pillars of Character as possible rewards, refer to packet. Award students who are going above and beyond what is expected of them. Team Building, Working Cooperatively, Showing Respect for Others, Being Kind to Others, etc. BE CREATIVE and BE UNIQUE!!!
Negative Dojo Rewards: – These points are to be given when a student is engaging in activities that are not conducive to learning. They have been broken down into 3 KEY AREAS of needed student improvement.
Level I Type Offenses – intervention required (refer to Discipline Matrix)
- Disruptive - student behavior that hinders the teaching process, the learning process, the school’s safety, climate, property, and well being
- Disrespectful - lacking proper speech, discourteous, rude, non-verbal, disregard for authority, uncontrolled behavior, and negative performing of conduct.
- Off-task/Defiant - student is not participating in the task that he/she has been given to do for that particular time period, slow to comply.
- Other – anything the teacher deems unsatisfactory for behavior but does not fall under the first three categories (i.e. chewing gum or candy when told not to, leaning back in chair continuously, horseplay, etc.)
- 1st Negative point – point lost and student behavior re-directed by teacher.
- 2nd Negative point– point lost and teacher notifies the parent.
- 3rd Negative point – point lost and call the Dean for intervention if needed.
- 4th Negative point – point lost written referral, the Dean will follow Discipline Matrix
Level II Type Offenses – no intervention required (refer to Discipline Matrix). An automatic 4 negatives will be given.
Actions – referral is to be written and the Dean will follow Discipline Matrix.
How Dojo Points will substitute for Dawg DollarsAt the end of the assessed week, (Wednesday to following Tuesday), reports for all students will need to go into the mid-week progress report for parents. The report will indicate for each student what percentage of positive versus negative behaviors they exhibited through the week and what they were for.
Dawg Dollars will be based on the number of NEGATIVES earned.
Dawg Dollar WeeklyReward Scale:
0 Negatives = 5 Dawg Dollars
1 Negative =4 Dawg Dollars
2 Negatives = 3 Dawg Dollars
3 Negatives = 2 Dawg Dollars
4 Negatives = 1 Dawg Dollar
Friday Reward Incentive: EVERY FRIDAY
All students that maintain a 100% positive rating during the assessed week, (Wednesday to following Tuesday) will receive a NO DRESS CODE pass for the Friday of that week. Students and parents can use their Wednesday folder to determine if they earned no dress code for that Friday in lieu of a note or coupon.
Class Dojo – Pre-referral Procedure for Level I Offenses
Each teacher has well-defined procedures for maintaining an environment conducive to learning. There are structures and routines in place to ensure a safe and disciplined environment. Each teacher is responsible for consistently and equitably applying classroom rules. Positive Behavior Support is the school-wide program that all teachers will implement to increase student academic performance, increase safety, and decrease problem behaviors in a positive school environment.
Consequences for infringement of school and/or team rules:
PRIOR TO FIRST OFFENSE: Student will have been verbally warned through the reviewing of the code of conduct and classroom procedures.
FIRST OFFENSE: Verbal warning/reprimand.
SECOND OFFENSE: Student conference with his/her teachers.
THIRD OFFENSE: Parent contact made and parent/team conference requested.
FOURTH OFFENSE: All subsequent offenses; student will be given a referral to be acted upon by the dean’s office.
TCES Standard of Dress
You are required to follow the standard of dress at all times while attending school or any school sponsored activity.
The standard of dress is a long or short –sleeved solid colored, collared blouse or oxford shirt
which is bulldog blue, white, or bulldog orange with or without a Taylor County School logo
Or; a solid color polo shirt with a collar in bulldog blue, white or bulldog orange with or without a Taylor County school logo
Or; a solid color crew neck t-shirt of bulldog blue, white, or bulldog orange with or without a
Taylor County school logo. No v-neck or scoop neck t-shirts.
* Solid colored skirt, pants, walking shorts or skorts of cotton or twill fabric, of the color of khaki,
blue, or black, or of denim fabric of the color blue or black. (Dresses maybe worn but must be
solid color with short or long sleeves and follow the other requirements.)
* Jeans will need to be solid color without color trims, embroidery, or other decorations.
* The standard of dress is a long or short-sleeved solid colored collared oxford, or dress shirt
which is bulldog blue, white, or bulldog orange with or without a Taylor County School logo
* Or; a solid color polo shirt with a collar in bulldog blue, white or bulldog orange with or without a Taylor County school logo
*Or; a solid color crew neck t-shirt of bulldog blue, white, or bulldog orange with or without a
Taylor County school logo. No v-neck or scoop neck t-shirts.
* A plain solid color pants or walking shorts of cotton or twill fabric of the color khaki, blue, or
black, or denim fabric in blue, or black.
* Jeans will need to be solid color without color trims, embroidery, or other decorations.
Students may wear special clothing necessary for a school- sponsored activity, as permitted by the Principal.
SB 228- Code of Student Conduct amends F.S. 1006.07 to include disciplinary action to any student who violates the dress code policy.
First Offense: the student is given a verbal warning and the Principal or designee must call the student’s parent or guardian.
Second Offense: the student is ineligible to participate in any extracurricular activity for a period not to exceed 5 days, one day of in-school suspension and the principal or designee must meet with the student’s parent or guardian.
Third Offense: the student must receive an in-school suspension for a period not to exceed three days, the student is ineligible to participate in any extracurricular activity for a period not to exceed 30 days, and the principal or designee must call the student’s parent or guardian and send the parent or guardian a written letter regarding the student’s suspension and ineligibility to participate in extracurricular activities.
Fourth Offense and all subsequent offenses: 5 days of in-school suspension
The student's responsibility begins at the bus stop in the morning and ends at that stop in the afternoon. If a student walks or is a car rider their responsibility begins and ends when they enter and leave our campus. Students are expected to follow all of the guidelines as well as the rules prescribed by the district for student safety on campus and on the buses. Please read all bus rules and abide by those at all times when traveling on a bus.
1. Be on time and stand away from roadway while waiting for the bus.
2. Wear a proper adjusted and fastened safety belt at all times when bus is in operation, if the bus is equipped with belts.
3. Remain in the seat at all times until departure at an assigned stop.
4. Use ordinary quiet conversation and classroom conduct.
5. Do not talk to or distract the driver while the bus is in operation.
6. Refrain from foul language or racial slurs.
7. Keep hands, feet, arms and head to yourself and inside windows at all times.
8. Do not throw waste paper or other rubbish on the floor or otherwise litter, mark, deface or damage any part of the bus.
9. Do not throw objects from the bus. Your parents will be charged for any damage you do.
10. Do not tamper with the emergency exit and do not use for ordinary boarding and alighting.
Prohibited on the school bus are: gum chewing, eating, drinking, or smoking; animals or pets; small objects or toys that are loose and that could get underfoot and cause passengers to trip or fall; and band instruments, projects and athletic equipment larger than that which can be held by the student or secured so that they do not constitute a hazard.
A bus driver can make a written referral to the school administrator about a student's behavior on the bus. Each referral, and subsequent referral, has specific consequences. Bus drivers also may issue verbal warnings for minor offenses which are recorded in the driver's log.