RedArrow Snowmobile/ATV Club Inc.
May 6th, 2017 Annual Meeting At Townsend Town Hall
Call meeting:
- Meeting called to order by Gary Wagner at 9:05AM with 7 board members present
Officer Roll Call:
- Gary Wagner, Sandy Wagner, Carl Christensen, Larry Westphal, John Brantmeier, Ron Popp, Kevin Van Camp, Dennis Pommering(EX), & Dan Pamperin(EX)
- Read by Sandy Wagner
- Motion to accept by Ron Popp. Second by Carl Christensen
Treasurer’s Report:
- Checkbook Balance $28194.35. PayPal Balance $815.39. Loan Balance $0
- Received our ATV check for $7216.00
- Motion to accept by Ron Popp. Second by Carl Christensen
Administrative Secretary Report:
- None
Membership Secretary Report:
- 457 members includes single, family and business boosters. Some are not current, but at most 3 months past due.
- Membership runs for one year from the date I process it.
- $10 of your dues go to the AWSC if we are your primary club. Benefits: $3000 death and dismemberment insurance and Wisconsin Snowmobile News Magazine. AWSC supports the sport of snowmobiling in Wisconsin.
- Snowmobile Trail Passes: You can order your discounted trail pass at if you have a current club membership. DNR mails the pass to you. July 1, 2017-they will be available for next winter. Order early!!
- Volunteers: We can always use more help in our events and for working on the trails. See Gary or any of the board members if you would like to help out.
- New membership directory is online; few asked off/few asked to be added
- Updated renew membership page on website
- 3 new rolling advertisements added
- Motion to accept by Larry Westphal. Second by Ron Popp
Elections: The nominating committee will present nominees for the following offices:
President: Gary Wagner, any other from the floor? Larry Market close, Ron Popp
Treasurer: Dan Pamperin, any other from the floor? Larry Market close, Ron Popp
Membership Secretary: Sandy Wagner, any other from the floor? Larry Market close, Ron Popp
Director: Tom Berghuis, any other from the floor? Larry Market close, Ron Popp
The nominees are here by declared elected by acclamation by the President
- Routine bills & membership
- Generous donation of ½” & 3/8” cordless impact drivers from J&L tools, a SnapOn Dealer
- We received a $300.00 check from members Brian & Cindy Petted
Buildings & Grounds:
- All’s well
- The Tucker is paid in full, thanks to all of you that help at our fund raisers
- Now we need to start saving for a replacement for the Ultimate
- ATV trails are now open with lots of help from volunteers, we had several washouts to repair and a lot of windfallen trees
- Wildwood trail is very wet from all the rain we have been having
Standing Committee:
- No new news
Meat Spin:
- OTH is having a pig roast on June 10th & we will join in with a meat wheel raffle
- We need volunteers to help sell tickets, see Sandy Wagner is you would like to help
- We will be having an ATV ride that morning at 9:30AM leaving the Old Town Hall Bar & Restaurant
Pig Roast:
- Committee formed: Chairperson: Sandy Wagner, Carl Christensen
- We will be doing 45 spins on the wheel
Corn Roast:
- Will be September 2nd at the Old Town Hall Bar & Restaurant
- We need leaders, please see an officer if you would like to help out
- The Sheriff’s Dept. has purchased a Drone and will bring it to our ATV parade to tape the event and display it at the event tent later.
John Brantmeier Tourism and Legislative Report:
- Wednesday April 26th I Headed to Madison with the WATVA Team to testify for the revived WATVA funding. This was the legislative representatives Tourism Committee. Went well and was a great experience personally. Randy said the week before it had gone well before the same committee on the Senate side.
- Thursday April 27th Attended the DNR Statewide Recreational Analysis session at Antigo with Larry Market and Loren Nelson. This was a big room at the bowling alley in Antigo. The DNR is splitting the state into 5 sectors and holding meetings in each one. Goal is to get public input on how to use the parks and forests. Cameron Bump is heading this up and was there. So was Greyling Brandt. We talked with them and other DNR and local officials about motorized access in general and continued discussions about the Wolf River Bridge.
- Saturday April 29th WATVA convention in Wausau: Following a list of items:
- Road Routes are popping up all over state. Concern about safety and uniform signage.
- Suggesting County Wide ATV Councils for better communications
- Dun Good Riders are having a fundraiser May 28th for Dave Schultz long time club member who is ill. Owns the North Country Inn and much of credit for opening trails is from his work. Please come if you can.
- Mary Felzkowski, state representative who sponsored WATVA funding bill was present. She indicated it seems very likely that funding will be restored but it still has to go thru the process and be signed by Gov Walker.
- Gary Eddy…Big shake-up with the DNR Law enforcement. All Park and Forest “credentialed” enforcement positions are eliminated. No more dedicated staff and over 100 positions will be cut. Regular DNR Wardens will go up by at least 33 who were transferred from Park and Forest. Some office staff positions will be redefined with field work included. Going forward regular wardens will respond in park and forest calls.
- Gary Eddy…22 ATV/UTV deaths last year. 82% no helmets, 64% on routes or roads, 64% all used alcohol or drugs while riding.
- New ATV Safety course manual, instructors guide and test. No “rules and regs section” as that will be taught from the pamphlet supplied by the DNR yearly. New registrations will get these pamphlets but renewals will be informed to go to DNR website to check current rules.
- Push to get 4 track ATVs and UTVs legal in winter. Are they ATV/UTV or snowmobile.
- Talk of sticker program for winter use of ATV and Snowmobile.
- DOT is now requiring a 14-ft. wide by 20 ft. long blacktop approach ramp for state highway crossings. Will the funding program pay for this?
- Engle Bridge project is being rebuilt
- Beams and hardware were ordered by Larry Market and are on site at Terry Welding. Terry must drill and paint beams. Lumber is ordered. Jeff Kroll said he will work on this project first.
- Paperwork is complete for Hemlock Dam and Lower Loop projects. JB will work with Jeff Kroll to do repairs to these trails
- Partridge Trail connector is marked and ready for Kroll. We are asking that this be worked on right after the bridge and before the two small projects.
- Future project: Knoweles Creek Rd Route which would place a route over the Oconto River
- We are working on trying to bridge trails over the wolf river to Langlade co. & the wolf river trail system
- Monty is resurfacing State Trail with own crew & funding
Old Business:
- Routinely need help in the shops & on the trails, contact Gary Wagner to get on the call list
New Business:
- ATV classes coming up July 6th & 7th, 5-9PM, sign up on Go Wild website or look on RedArrow Facebook & website for more info
Next year’s annual meeting will be held about the same time & place
At this point I would like to thank Ron Popp for his many years of dedicated service to the club!
- Meeting adjourned at 10:05AM
- Motion to adjourn by Ron Popp. Second by Carl Christensen
Submitted by Kevin Van Camp