Supplement Table.1 Clinicopathological characteristics according to the splenic infarction development

(N=877) / Splenic infarction
(+) (n=36) / No infarction
(n=841) / P value
Age* / 60.30 (±12.0) / 62.33 (± 11.26) / 60.21 (±12.0) / 0.030
Sex / 0.370
M / 578 (65.9%) / 21 (58.3%) / 557 (66.2%)
F / 299(34.1%) / 15 (41.7%) / 284 (33.8%)
Comorbidity / 0.909
Cardiovascular / 327 (35.74%) / 14 (43.7%) / 313 (33.3%)
Diabetics mellitus / 122 (13.3%) / 6 (18.7%) / 116 (13.1%)
Pulmonary / 36 (3.9%) / 1 (3.1%) / 35 (4.0%)
Other / 79 (8.6%) / 2 (6.2%) / 77 (8.7%)
Smoking history
(-) / 458 (52.2%) / 19 (52.8%) / 439 (52.2%) / 1.000
(+) / 419 (47.8%) / 17 (47.2%) / 402 (47.8%)
Resection / 0.005
Total gastrectomy / 251 (28.6%) / 18 (50.0%) / 233 (27.7%)
Distal gastrectomy / 626 (71.4%) / 18 (50.0%) / 608 (72.3%)
Approach / 0.003
Open / 419 (47.8%) / 26 (72.2%) / 393 (46.7%)
Laparoscopy / 458 (52.2%) / 10 (27.8%) / 448 (53.3%)
LN dissection / 0.122
D1+ / 504 (57.5%) / 16 (44.4%) / 488 (58.0%)
D2 / D2+ / 373 (42.5%) / 20 (55.6%) / 353 (42.0%)
Operation time* / 200.70 (±51.52) / 220.75 (±57.42) / 199.84 (±51.11) / 0.020
EBL* / 130.83(±91.98) / 147.22 (±66.48) / 130.13 (±92.88) / 0.030
Pathologic stage / 0.005
I / 589 (67.3%) / 16 (44.4%) / 573 (68.3%)
II / 109 (12.5%) / 7 (19.4%) / 102 (12.2%)
III / 133 (15.2%) / 12 (33.3%) / 121 (14.4%)
IV / 44 (5.0%) / 1 (2.8%) / 43 (5.1%)
Thrombotic complication
(-) / 871 (99.3%) / 35 (97.2%) / 836 (99.4%) / 0.223
(+) / 6 (0.7%) / 1 (2.8%) / 5 (0.6%)

Values in parenthesis are percentages unless indicated otherwise; values are * mean (SD), EBL; estimated blood loss, LN; lymph node.

Supplement Figure. 1Cases with splenic infarction on CT scan. A: White arrows indicate abscess formation and B: the infarcted area.