
Youth Baseball 8u Rules

Instructional – Bantam League Rules

Enforced between Columbiana, Crestview & Lisbon

Home or Away

Dugout Conduct # 1-3 Defensive Rules # 27-31

Home/Visiting Team Rules # 4-8 Coaching Rules # 32-45

Pitching/Catching Rules # 9-16 End of Season # 46

Batter/Runner Rules # 17-26

The Little League Rule Book shall be used except for the following

1.  Only players, coaches, bat boys/girls, scorekeepers & umpires are permitted in dugout areas.

2.  Players shall stay on the bench & not put hands on the backstop or fences.

3.  No player shall leave the dugout or field area except for the restrooms or emergencies

4.  Each team will be responsible for cleaning up litter & equipment in their dugout area. The home team is responsible for cleaning up the remainder of the field after the game.

5.  Each game, the home team gets the field for warm-ups 1 hour before the game, the visiting team ½ hour before the game.

6.  Each game, the home team shall occupy the first base line dugout.

7.  Each game, the home team manager is responsible for field maintenance, including lining the field. When lining the field, make sure there is a line drawn halfway between 1st & 2nd, 2nd & 3rd, 3rd & home.

8.  Each game the home team shall supply a new game ball. The visiting team shall supply a good used backup ball.

9.  When a coach is pitching, a player is to field the mound. The player shall stand in the pitching circle, but no closer to home plate than the 46 foot pitching rubber.

10.  Pitchers or players fielding the mound, can’t wear white/gray sweatbands, batting gloves or fielding gloves.

11.  Players pitching must stand on or directly in front of the pitching rubber positioned at 43 feet.

12.  During coach pitch, the coach shall pitch a maximum of six (6) pitches per batter, unless the sixth pitch is fouled off. Each batter receives a maximum of three (3) swinging strikes, but can’t receive a walk. Coach may call off 1 pitch before it reaches the plate. If the pitch is called off and the batter hits the ball it is neither a hit, strike nor a counted pitch.

13.  During coach pitch, the coach’s foot must start on the 43 foot pitching rubber. The pitch must be delivered overhand at an appropriate speed for that particular batter.

14.  Any attempt by a coach to distract a throw from a fielder will cause the batter to be called out.

15.  During coach pitch, coaches must make every effort to stay clear of batted balls & fielders. If a ball hits the coach, the ball is alive & in play. Any ball inadvertently caught by the coach, must be immediately dropped. When a ball is batted into play, the coach pitcher is to walk off the field & remain there until the play is over & the umpire calls timeout.

16.  Catchers are required to play in the correct defensive position for coach or player pitch. A coach can help behind the catcher.

17.  In a round-robin batting order, if the batter can’t take their base because of injury occurred, a courtesy runner will be provided, the courtesy runner will be the player who made the previous out, in that inning or the previous inning. If the injured batter can’t finish their at bat, the next batter in the lineup will take his/her place & assume the count on the injured batter. If the injured batter can’t reenter the game, there is no penalty the next time through the batting order.

18.  No intentional bunting.

19.  All late arriving players shall be placed at the end of the batting order, without penalty.

20.  When a thrown ball goes out of play, the batter and/or base runners shall advance one base.

21.  A runner may run wide of the baseline as long as no play is being made on that runner.

22.  A runner must slide or go around a defensive player who has the ball waiting to make the tag. If the runner collides with the defensive player, the runner will be called out & the ball becomes dead.

23.  There is no sliding head first to any base or home plate.

24.  Coaches will be warned if their base runners leave the base too early. The third violation by the same team will result in the runner(s) being called out.

25.  A player who throws a bat will be given one warning. On the second offense by the same player, the player will be called out.

26.  All batters & base runners shall wear a helmet with an approved face guard.

27.  All players may play. If a team exceeds 9 players, those players will play in the outfield & will be evenly distributed throughout. Everyone plays, Everyone bats

28.  Outfielders are to be positioned a minimum of ten feet beyond the infield. No player may shift out of their position.

29.  A play is considered dead when the ball is controlled by any player in the pitching circle. A runner over half way to the next base may advance to that base only. If not halfway, he must return to the base last touched.

30.  Runners get one extra base on an overthrow but a play can still be made on the runners at that next base, but in the course of making the attempt for an out at the next base, a subsequent overthrow is a dead ball preventing runners from advancing yet another base

31.  Any ball deemed outside the fence line is considered out of play.

32.  No inning shall start after 8:15 on a school night. On a non-school night, the umpire shall decide when to call a game due to darkness.

33.  All players must wear a game jersey and hat in order to play.

34.  There will be no infield fly rule, leading off or stealing.

35.  No player may wear metal spikes.

36.  A maximum of six runs per inning may be earned, except for the last inning. A team loses(mercy rule) if behind by 15 runs or more & has batted 4 innings or more.

37.  There shall be no loud chanting the game. The game shall be stopped & order restored by the manager. Players must be able to with limited distractions. Coaches are encouraged to instruct players & parents to cheer for good plays & not to criticize mistakes or umpire decisions.

38.  No protests. Umpire decisions are final.

39.  The League Director shall be responsible to re-schedule all rain outs & incomplete games as early as possible. If either team can’t make the rescheduled game, they will forfeit.

40.  At the umpires discretion, there shall be no intentional delay of game.

41.  At the first sign of lightning, the umpire shall suspend play. The coaches shall send players to the parking lot until a decision is made whether or not to resume the game.

42.  All teams will provide an official scorekeeper who will keep player statistics. All stats will be kept in a uniform manner so that each player’s stats can be compared on an even basis.

43.  In the absence of the manager, a designated coach may make any decisions pertaining to the team, such as team play & rescheduling dates.

44.  Base coaches must stay 24” from baselines. They shall not come into contact with base runners, not talk to opposing players, while the ball is in play.

45.  No players shall be permitted to be coach bases.

46.  A league winner will be determined after each team has played 12 games. The winner will be determined by the most wins. In the case of a tie the winner will first be determined by least runs allowed then most runs scored. The last three games will be played as tournament style ball, meaning running the bases & playing a more aggressive manner to get those who will be in the all-stars some exposure to this way of playing. On these last three games, scoreboards may be used but should not be used in the event the games get lopsided.

Note: Even though a league winner is being determined at the end of the season, please keep in mind that this is an instructional league & is to be used for this purpose. Winning is certainly the objective of any sport but at this age it is more important to concentrate on development of the children’s skills rather than just being concerned about the score.