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BTEC National - Sport

Unit 11: Sport Nutrition

Activity 10 – Ferrari fuel…

Top level athletes’ bodies are like a Ferrari. If you put low grade fuel in then you cannot expect it to perform at its best!

Our bodies work under the same principle. If we do not have the correct amount of energy in sufficient quantities then it is a guaranteed no brainer – you will not function at your optimum.

The exact amount of energy needed by sportsmen/women varies on things such as;

·  Gender

·  Type of sport

·  Frequency of training/competition

·  Intensity of the sport

·  Duration of activity

It is therefore very important that high level sportsmen and women - and you if have any ambitions of being a coach, fitness instructor, or most importantly a nutritionist – have a good knowledge and understanding of some of the key terminology involved with energy intake and how it is measured.

So let’s see what you already understand by the following terms?

Nice ideas! Discuss these with the rest of the class and during the discussion make sure you pick out the key points that arise and get them down in the spaces below;

Calories /

The following table shows a few types of food; see if you can guess approximately how much you would have to consume to have an energy intake of 200kcal (50g of carbohydrate). One example has been done for you…

Type of food / Amount (Approximate)
Porridge / Medium Bowl
Cereals e.g. Special K, cornflakes / Small Bowls
Cereal bars e.g. Fruesli or Crunchy / Bars
Pasta or noodles / Cups
Jacket potato / Potatoes
Rice / Cups
Pizza / Size
Baked beans on toast / Slices
Fresh fruit / pieces
Fresh fruit juice / ml
Diluted squash / litre
Isotonic sports drink / ml
Ribena Blackcurrant ‘ready to drink’ / ml
Milkshake / ml
Jelly sweets / Grams
Jaffa cakes / Cakes
Digestive biscuits / Biscuits
Popcorn / Cups

Take a look on the next page and see how close your estimates were!!

Type of food / Amount (Approximate)
Bread / 4 medium slices or 3 thick slices
Porridge / Medium bowl
Cereals e.g. Special K, cornflakes / 2 Small or 1 large bowl
Cereal bars e.g. Fruesli or Crunchy / 2
Pasta or noodles / 3 cups cooked
Jacket potato / 1 large
Rice / 1 cup cooked
Pizza / ½ large
Baked beans on toast / 1 slice of toast and small tine of beans
Fresh fruit / 3 pieces
Fresh fruit juice / 500ml
Diluted squash / 1 litre
Isotonic sports drink / 800ml
Ribena Blackcurrant ‘ready to drink’ / 350ml
Milkshake / 400ml
Jelly sweets / 65g or small bag
Jaffa cakes / 6
Digestive biscuits / 5
Popcorn / 3 cups

There are many sources of information out there to give you an idea of the energy levels contained within different foods and their amounts. Over the next few weeks have a look at the labels of the foods you eat to get a better understanding.