INSTRUCTIONS: The Job Development Plan should be completed prior to initiation of the job search. Provider and Job Seeker will review/update the Job Development Plan with Job Seeker during their meetings at least every sixty (60) days. The Job Development Plan must include the responsibilities of the Job Developer and Job Seeker, list specific positions and Employers that Job Seekers would like to pursue, and establish the frequency and method of contacts between Job Developers and Job Seekers.

Providers must submit a copy of the initial Job Development Plan and an editable version of the Job Seeker’s resume to VR Counselor/Contractor with the Tier I Invoice/Report. Providers should email the resume directly to the VR Counselor/Contractor prior to the Invoice/Report for approval and record the date on the Job Development Plan.

Provider Name
Job Developer(s) Name(s)
Job Seeker Name
Counselor/Contractor Name
EMPLOYMENT NEEDS (Verify with “Referral to Facility” Form)
Employment Goal
Wage Goal/Need
Hours Goal/Need
Benefits Goal/Need
(e.g. Medical Insurance, etc.)
Job Seeker’s Preferred Employers
POTENTIAL VOCATIONAL BARRIERS (Verify with “Referral to Facility” Form)
Transportation Plan (If applicable)
Child/Elder Care Plan(If applicable)
Criminal History
Substance Use History
Other Concerns
Preferred Method(s) of Contact
Preferred Meeting Location(s)
Meeting Frequency
(Times Per Month)
Members of Team
(If Supported Employment)
Other Concerns
OMJ Registration Verification (Date)
Resume/Mock Application Reviewed With Job Seeker (Date)
Resume/Mock Application Approved By VR Counselor/Contractor (Date)
Job Seeker Self-Assessment of Interviewing Skills
Summary of Job Seeking Skills Training (Including how to address specific barriers e.g. criminal history, gaps in employment, etc.)
Summary of discussion on how to disclose disability and request reasonable accommodations.
Summary of instruction on how to identify potential job leads (e.g. networking, newspapers, electronic job boards, telephone books, etc.)
Summary of social media discussion
Mock Interview(Summary & Date)
Job Developer Responsibilities
Job Seeker Responsibilities (e.g. Job Seeker will identify three potential Employers per week, etc.)

Job Seeker Signature & Date:
Job Developer Signature & Date:


Effective: 08/01/18