Evangel Student Ministries 2017 Calendar

Friday, January 6th - Romulus Athletic Center All Nighter

February 17th - 19th Freeze Out (Lake Ann)

Saturday, May 6th Senior Appreciation Dinner (S.A.D.)

Sunday June 4th Grad Night

July 17th-22nd Lake Ann Camp

July 23rd – August 1st or 2nd Mission Trip (Kentucky Mountain Mission)

August 7th -11th Vacation Bible School

August 8th – 9th Mud Wars

Sunday October 8th Three Cedars

The above activities and any additional activities will be announced on Evangel Student Ministries Facebook page. Please join the page to keep up to date on deadlines and upcoming activities. All updates will be in the bulletin also.

Evangel Baptist Church Youth Activities Medical Release Form


Participant’s Name: ______

Participant’s Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Phone: ______

Personal Information:

Gender: ______Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Age: ______Parent/Guardian Address: ______

Birth Date: ______Family Physician: ______

Height: ______Physician Phone: ______

Weight: ______Medicine Being Taken: ______

Allergies: ______

In case of an emergency, please contact:

Name: ______Relationship: ______

Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______

Cell Phone: ______

Medical Insurance Coverage:

Company: ______Phone #: ______

Policy #: ______Group #: ______

Address: ______

City/State/Zip: ______

In the event of an emergency, of the above named child, I hereby authorize by signature that the above is truthful and correct. Furthermore, I give my consent to an adult leader of any 2017 Evangel youth activities as agent for me, to consent to any x-ray examination, medical, dental or surgical diagnosis, treatment and hospital care advised and supervised by a physician, surgeon or dentist licensed to practice under the laws of his/her state. I expect to be contacted as soon as possible.

I have provided a copy of our insurance card (back and front) and have attached it to this document

Signature of Parent ______Date ______

*In addition, I authorize any Evangel Youth Sponsor to administer basic first aid, and in the event of need provide an appropriate dosage of over the counter medication (ex. Tylenol, Advil, and Tums etc.). ______(initial)

Romulus Athletic Center All Nighter

Save the date….. Friday, January 6th starting at 10pm

All 7th graders through college-age young people will gather with Evangel sponsors to rent out the place just for us. We will have fun, food and games ALL NIGHT! Invite all your friends!!!

Freeze Out at Lake Ann Camp

Save the date…… Friday February 17th through Sunday, February 19th

All 7th through 12th graders who are registered will travel along with their Evangel Youth Sponsors for Freeze Out 2017 and enjoy winter at Lake Ann Camp! Freeze Out is a weekend packed full of great activities, delicious frozen hot chocolate from the Red Canoe, and lots of fun in the snow! Freeze Out will feature worship led by Heartsong from Cedarville University and messages from
God’s Word by our speaker Tony Tice.

Register online at lakeanncamp.com.

Senior Appreciation Dinner

Save the date…… Saturday, May 6th

This great day to honor our 12th graders will begin at Evangel followed by an off-site activity. The 11th grade students will determine the theme and events. Stay tuned for updates. Tickets will go on sale in March. Friends of students are welcome to join this special event.

Grad Night

Save the date…….Sunday, June 4th starting at 6pm at Evangel

The teens will be taking over the night service to celebrate with this year’s graduation class. Teens will serve during the night in ushering, music and testimonies and then hear a challenge from our Pastor. All participating graduates will have a table set up to display their achievements during a cake and punch reception following the service.

Lake Ann Summer Camp

Save the date…… Monday, July 17th through Saturday July 22nd

All students entering 4th grade in the fall through students that have graduated in 2017 are invited to join us. Please see Michelle Sampson to reserve your Evangel bus spot and then proceed to register online at Lakeanncamp.com Everyone is encouraged to register by December 31st with only a $50 deposit per student and they will receive $20 off their final balance with Lake Ann. Register early as spots fill up fast.

Kentucky Mountain Mission Trip

Save the date: Open to all students aged 16 and up

Sunday, July 23rd through Monday, August 1st or 2nd

Students will be assisting Kentucky Mountain Mission Sunshine Camp which opens their camp to campers with special needs. Your student will be serving in different capacities including being counselors, groundskeepers, kitchen staff and etc. There will be sightseeing and a additional fun activities planned with the trip. Give Steve Massengill your $20 deposit by December 4th to hold your spot.

Vacation Bible School Teen Service Opportunity

Save the date…… Monday, August 7th through Friday, August 11th

Teens will volunteer to work in varying areas during VBS. All students working on the premises this week will need to sign-up with Youth Staff, attend training sessions and fill out a commitment form. This is a great opportunity to learn new skills, use your talents, serve the Lord, and build lasting friendships. All teen workers will then gather together at Midway for a fun time together after VBS on Thursday.

We will also be doing a community service project on Monday afternoon following VBS.

Mud Wars

Save the date……. Free Event

Tuesday, August 8th and Wednesday, August 9th

In the evening on Tuesday and Wednesday all teens will gather for a great night of Mud Wars where they will bring their friends to compete with them. Groups will compete through muddy obstacles using teamwork and strength to make sure every teammate finishes. Both of these nights food will be provided and we will have a great speaker. Please bring a change of clothes, towels and team spirit.

Three Cedars

Save the date….. Sunday, October 8th starting at 4pm

Invite your friends as we travel to Three Cedars Farm and sit by a roaring fire, enjoy a hayride and find our way through the corn maze. We will enjoy food, cider and donuts as we listen to a challenge from the Word of God.

Contact #’s:

Lee Widener: 734-740-4471 Tracey Sampson: 734-250-0246

Nikkole Widener: 734-740-4461 Michelle Sampson: 734-612-9710