Independent 8th Grade Health

Class Syllabus


Teacher Contact:

Ms. Sue Swanson

Ms. Kim Johansen

District Contact:

Ms. Nancy Stewart, Teaching and Learning, (425) 837-7147 or

FLASH and HIV/AIDS Parent Preview

Course Requirements:

1.  Pay $120 class fee to the PLMS bookkeeper Mrs. Mary Jo Moe: All payments are due in full by April 29, 2016.

2.  Getting access to a textbook. The Glencoe Health textbook can be checked out in the PLMS library with an ASB card or can be accessed online by using the following steps:

·  Go to

·  Select "Create a new account."

·  Enter the Redemption Code Y1GQ-PMPJ-MVTQ and click “Register”.

·  Enter your First Name and Last Initial then click “Finish”.

·  Write down your Username and Password in 2 different places. (example: Health notebook, cell phone, a different notebook, a place at home, etc…) You will not see your username and password again on the computer, and we do not have access so see that information.

3.  Attend the Class Orientation (All students attend with a parent/guardian)
and thoroughly read the syllabus.

4.  Read the assigned text:

Chapters / Topics
15 (Lesson 3 only) / DIGESTIVE SYSTEM

5.  In complete sentences, thoroughly answer questions from the Chapter Assessment at the end of each chapter. (See attached for the list of required questions) If the question is in a multiple choice format, you may simply type the letter of the correct answer. Please complete your work in one Microsoft Word document. Each chapter should begin at the top of a new page, clearly labeling the chapter number and student name. Please use a 12 font.

6.  Sign-up and attend 2 classes.

·  Session 1 topics include: introduction to FLASH, puberty, the reproductive system, pregnancy, birth control & abstinence.

·  Session 2 topics include STI’s, HIV/AIDS, touch & abstinence, teen parenthood, communication skills and defending your rights in a relationship.
Students may not attend without registering prior to the class. Class space will be limited. Students will need to register to attend both Session 1 and Session 2 classes.

All students need to register by October 9, 2015.

Sign up at the orientation or email Ms. Johansen. Class sizes are limited to 39 on a first come first serve basis.

Each class is 4 hours and 15 minutes in length, from 10:15am -2pm. We encourage students to bring their own snacks/lunch and beverages. Students will need to arrive and stay for the entire class in order to receive credit for this portion of the course. Students arriving late or leaving early may not receive class credit.
Please be seated and ready to begin at the start time, with your ride home pre-arranged to arrive promptly at the end time.

SESSION 1 – Register for one of these dates

Date / Time / Location
January 16, 2016 / 10:15 – 2:00 / PLMS P-7
January 23, 2016 / 10:15 – 2:00 / PLMS P-7

SESSION 2 - Register for one of these dates

Date / Time / Location
February 6, 2016 / 10:15 – 2:00 / PLMS P-8
March 5, 2016 / 10:15 – 2:00 / PLMS P-8

*In order to excuse your child from the HIV/AIDS education, the state requires parents to attend a district Parent Preview session:

Tuesday, September 29, 2016, 6:00 – 7:30pm at the ISD Administration Building

565 NW Holly Street, Issaquah

·  The Parent Preview will include curriculum in both FLASH and HIV/AIDS

·  Attending the Parent Preview is a state requirement in order to excuse your student from the HIV/AIDS lesson

·  If you choose to opt your student out of FLASH and you have questions, contact Nancy Stewart, 425-837-7147 or

7.  Fulfill PE Requirement
Students who have registered for Independent Health must also fulfill the Independent PE requirement by maintaining a Fitness Log. Students will record the type of physical activity they choose as well as the time spent doing that activity. To receive the PE credit, students must record a minimum of 75 hours of physical activity, which also must be verified by a parent/guardian.

Acceptable fitness activities:

1.  Individual, dual, or team sports

2.  Exercise/Fitness classes

3.  Any exercise that gets the heart rate at least into the target heart rate zone, which is 144-166 beats per minute for a 13 or 14 year old; 24-28 beats for a 10 second pulse count. At this level, students should be breathing hard and/or sweating. The intent is that students are getting a good workout and achieving/maintaining a healthy fitness level.

4.  No more than two hours can be recorded per day.

Unacceptable activities: walking (the dog, family walks, walk to school or to the bus), zip line, sledding/snowmobiling, casual bike rides, etc.

The Fitness Log is attached to this packet. Extra copies are posted on Ms. Swanson’s website. Please total the hours accumulated prior to submitting your Fitness Log.
The Fitness Log should be submitted with the rest of the coursework.

8.  All materials must be received by April 29, 2016.

Put your coursework in a manila envelope with your name on it. You may hand it in to Ms. Johansen (P-7) or Ms. Swanson (P-8), or deliver it to the school office and ask one of the secretaries to place it in our teacher boxes.

**Coursework cannot be turned in electronically.

·  Please note – This course is designed for independent learners who are capable of taking on the workload of an extra academic class. Please make sure this class is a good fit for your student prior to signing up. All course requirements must be completed to receive a passing grade.

·  Please keep the Family Access email address/contact information current, as there may be a need to communicate with parents/guardians.


A separate Pass/Fail grade will be posted at the end of the school year for PE and for Health.

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Class Syllabus Page 1