Special Education Child Count

Process and Content Manual

School Age and EI/ECSE

Revised September 2016

It is the policy of the State Board of Education and a priority of the Oregon Department of Education that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, age ordisability in any educational programs, activities or employment. Persons having questions about equal opportunity and nondiscrimination should contact the Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction at the Oregon Department of Education, 255 Capitol Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97310; phone 503-947-5740; or fax 503-378-4772.


Office of Learning / Student Services

255 Capitol Street NESalem, Oregon 97310-0203

© 2015-2016 School Year

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Table of Contents

General Information

Special Education Data Unit Contact List


Data Collection Contacts Information

Special Education Census Reports and Retention Information

Training & Materials

SEDC Listserv

Eight Rules for Submitting Timely & Accurate Special Education Data

Free Appropriate Public Education Information

Special Education Child Count (SECC)

What’s New for 2015-16 SECC

Important Things to Remember

Reporting & Coding Records

How to Code Key Fields

How to Code Key Fields for EI/ECSE Program

How to Code Key Fields for School Age Program

How to Code Key Fields for Consortium Submission

How to Code Key Fields for State Operated or State Supported Programs

Submission and Correction Process

December SECC

Dec SECC – Steps for Submission:

Steps to Review Electronic Correction Reports (ECRs)

Reporting June Special Education Exited Records

June Exit - Steps for Submission:

Steps to Review Electronic Correction Reports (ECRs)

Consolidated File Layout Field Definitions


Long Term Care and Treatment Programs (LTCT)

Hospital Programs

Pediatric Nursing Facility (PNF)

Adult Corrections Education Programs (ACEP)

Youth Corrections Education Programs (YCEP)

Juvenile Detention Education Programs (JDEP)

Regional Programs

EI/ECSE Programs

Approved Private Schools for Special Education

County Jails

Charter Schools

Special Education Child Count – Date Range Summary

Birth Dates

Eligibility Dates


General Information


The purpose of this document is to be an easy reference tool for individuals responsible for reporting data related to the Special Education Child Count (SECC) collection.If an error is located anywhere throughout this Process and Content Manual, please feel free to inform any of the staff in the Special Education Data Unit (SEDU) found on page 3 of this manual. Furthermore, if this manual does not provide the guidance necessary to answer a specific data collection question, please contact one of the Special Education Data Unit analysts. It is extremely important that data submitted for all collections are accurate, valid, and reliable.

You will see three symbols used throughout this manual:

An envelope indicates an informational note.

A thumb up indicates a useful tip.

A lightning bolt indicates a warning and the user should use caution.

Acronymsare used frequently throughout this document and include:

ACEP / Adult Corrections Education Program
ADM / Average Daily Membership
CEIS / Coordinated Early Intervening Services
DHS / Department of Human Services
ECR / Electronic Corrections Report
ECSE / Early Childhood Special Education
EI / Early Intervention
FAPE / Free Appropriate Public Education
IDEA / Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEP / Individual Education Plan
IFSP / Individual Family Service Plan
JDEP / Juvenile Detention Education Program
LEA / Local Education Agency
LRE / Least Restrictive Environment
LTCT / Long Term Care and Treatment
NCES / National Center for Education Statistics
ODE / Oregon Department of Education
OLSS / Office of Learning/Student Services
OSD / Oregon School for the Deaf
OSEP / Office of Special Education Programs
OYA / Oregon Youth Authority
PNF / Pediatric Nursing Facility
SA / School Age
SEA / State Education Agency
SECC / Special Education Child Count
SEDC / Special Education Data Collection
SEDU / Special Education Data Unit
SpEd / Special Education
SPR&I / Systems Performance Review & Improvement
US DOE / United States Department of Education
YCEP / Youth Correction Education Program

Special Education Data UnitContact List

Jackie McKim, 503-947-5629 – Research Analyst
Jennifer Bevers, 503-947-5817 –Research Analyst
TBA – Research Analyst
TBA – Office Specialist


July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017

NOTE: Bold areas are district/agency responsibility

Date / Activity
July 10, 2016 /
  • Last day for EI/ECSE programs to submit June Special Education Exit and Child Find data

Aug. 20, 2016 /
  • June Special Education Exit ECR 14-15 collection opens
  • Child Find ECR 14-15 collection opens

Sept.23, 2016 /
  • Electronic corrections for June Exit collection due
  • Electronic corrections for Child Find collection due
  • Electronic corrections for Discipline Incidents collection due

Sept.29 2015 /
  • Post School Outcomes: Exit Interviews 14-15closes

Oct., 2016 /
  • SECC Video Training (webinar)

Nov.17, 2016 /
  • Special Education Child Count Collection 15-16 opens

Dec. 1, 2015 /
  • Official date for December Special Education Child Count (SECC)

Dec. 19, 2016 /
  • December Special Education Child Count 15-16 closes

Jan. 19, 2017 /
  • December SECC Electronic Correction period 15-16 opens

Feb. 10, 2017 /
  • December SECC Electronic Correction period 15-16 closes

May, 2017 /
  • June Exit, Child Find and Post School Outcomes (webinar).

May 26, 2016 /
  • June Special Education Exit 15-16 collection opens

July 3, 2017 /
  • June Special Education Exit collection closes

Data Collection Contacts Information

The Special Education Data Collection (SEDC)District/ConsortiumContactinformation forms are used by the Office of Learning/Student ServicesUnit for various data collections throughout the year, and for maintaining the Listserv mailing list. Theinformationon these forms are used to identify membership of SECC and IDEA consortiums for the 2016-17 school year. It is important that each agency has the latest form on file with the Special Education Data Unit (SEDU). It is the responsibility of each agency to submit new forms whenever there is a staff change. These formsare located on the Oregon Department of Education’s (ODE) website at

Special Education Census Reports and Retention Information

There are many types of records that document the number of special education students served by schools and districts included in annual census reports to the Oregon Department of Education. These records may include, but are not limited to:a) annual reports and district summary reports,b) student census information,c) placement and services provided records,d) agency information,e) number of special education teachers, and f) related documentation. Please note that minimum retention isfive years after the school year in which the records were created. For more information on the handling of administrative records, please visit:

Training & Materials

Links to training and other technical information forSpecial Education data collectionsare posted at: This web page includes:

  • Access to the desktop SECC Application (Data Manager)
  • SECC Technical Information
  • SECC file layout/format
  • Data Collection Committee information
  • Reference Applications
  • Institutions Look-up
  • Multi-Year Database
  • SECC Training Resources
  • Special Education Funding
  • SECC Forms
  • SEDC District/Consortium Contacts Information forms
  • SECC School age and EI/ECSE Programs collection forms
  • Child Find collection forms
  • Post Submission Correction forms

SEDC Listserv

To improve data collection communication to school districts and other agencies, all Special Education Directors, Special Education Data Contacts, and Child Find Contactswill be automatically added to theSEDC Listserv. (Superintendentsand Business Managers will be added upon request.) This email distribution list allows quick communication of data collection issues to all agencies.

Almost all special education data collection information is communicated through the SEDC Listserv.

To join the SEDC Listserv, please contact a staff member on page 3.

Important - Please Read

Eight Rules for Submitting Timely & Accurate Special Education Data

  1. Keep your data up to date at all times. The more up to date the data, the less time it will take to prepare data for submission.
  2. Read all the instructions and documentation related to the data collection.
  3. Submit data as early as possible, but don’t rush! Technology, weather, and other factors can suddenly keep a district from being able to submit data on the final day.
  4. Join the Special Education Data Collection (SEDC) Listserv and read all messages carefully. To join, please contact an SEDC Unit staff listed on page 3.
  5. Train at least one backup person to submit, validate, and correct data for each data collection. Key people may get sick, injured, or leave without notice. Don’t forget to have the district security administrator grant appropriate permissions to the backup staff member.
  6. Backup the data often to a secure location other than the hard drive (e.g. network drive or disk). Technological mishaps are sometimes unavoidable and frequently lead to loss of data.
  7. Plan ahead. Use the “Schedule of Due Dates” ( to plan your data submission calendar.
  8. Contact the data collection owner at ODE as soon as possible if you have questions. ODE data owners are here to help you.

Following these rules throughout the year will help reduce the risk of your district becoming late and/or inaccurate.

Free Appropriate Public Education Information

The Special Education Data, Fiscal, Legal, & Information Units of the Office of Learning/Student Services are responsible for providing general supervision statewide of the Individuals with Disabilities Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004). IDEA 2004 federal mandates include:a) provision of a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE), b) appropriate evaluation, c) Individualized Education Program (IEP) accountability, d) parent and student participation in decision-making, e) procedural safeguards, f) monitoring, g) technical assistance, and h) enforcement. Other functions include state administration, technical assistance, leadership services, IDEA grant management, complaint management system, and federally required data collection and reporting.

Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) and Age Ranges (OAR 581-015-2040):
(1)School districts must provide special education and related services to all resident school-age children with disabilities, except as provided in OAR 581-015-2045. "School-age children" are children who have reached five years of age but have not yet reached 21 years of age on or before September 1 of the current school year.
(2)An otherwise eligible person whose 21stbirthday occurs during the school year is eligible for FAPE for the remainder of the school year.
(3)The requirements of this rule also apply to children with disabilities who have been suspended or expelled from school in accordance with OAR 581-015-2410 to 581-015-2440.
(4)For purposes of this rule, residency is determined in accordance with ORS chapter 339, except for children enrolled in charter schools. For all school purposes residency for charter school students is determined in accordance with ORS chapter 338.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 343.055
Stats. Implemented: ORS 338.165, 343.041, 339.115, 34 CFR 300.101
Hist: ODE 3-2000, f. & cert. ef. 2-1-00; Renumbered from 581-015-0600, ODE 10-2007, f. & cert. ef. 4-25-07; ODE 10-2011(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 8-23-11 thru 2-19-12; ODE 8-2012, f. & cert. ef. 2-17-12

Special Education Child Count (SECC)

SECC Introduction

The annual Special Education Child Count (SECC) has three specific purposes:

  1. Reporting to the U.S. Department of Education

To comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act(IDEA), Oregon annually submits multiple reports—predominately generated from SECC data—to the U.S. Department of Education (US DOE).

  1. Fiscal

The SECC determines the number of eligible students who generate State School Fund Special Education Weight (twice basic). Districts receive twice the basic state school support for up to 11% of their student population who are eligible and receiving special education from the district and resident students served by Regional Programs. SECC data are also used in the determination of the number of students that exceed the 11% cap.

The SECC no longer drives the federal IDEA Part B flow-through allocations received by districts. The “IDEA-Part B and 619” gross awards to districts are based on two amounts: 1) the “Base” amount, which will always be exactly the same as the district’s Base amount calculated for 1999; and, 2) the “Population & Poverty” amount, which is a district’s proportionate share of the total Population & Poverty calculated for all students in the State (SpEd and non-SpEd) in any given year. Therefore, districts that had no SpEd students in the Base year will continue to receive no “Base” dollars in all subsequent years (under the present system), but as long as they have even one SpEd student in a given year, they are still eligible to receive their full proportionate share of the “Population & Poverty” dollars for that year. However, the SECC determines the number of students served by Interagency Educational Servicesprograms (YCEP, JDEP, LTCT and Hospital) that generate a portion of district federal funds. These fundsare directed to Interagency Educational Services.

  1. Statistical

Aggregated SECC data are used for descriptive and planning purposes. Data are used in the Multi-Year Database, Special Education Report Card and the Special Education Systems Performance Review & Improvement (SpEdSPR&I) reporting system, and used with the Systems Performance Review (monitoring) efforts. Aggregate statistics are often provided to different agencies, the legislature, and within the Oregon Department of Education. Personally identifiable student information is not provided to the public.

In order to achieve the above purposes, the SECC requires data be reported on:

a)Students currently receiving special education (SA), early intervention (EI) or early childhood services (ECSE) as of December 1. And,

b)Students who exited SA, EI, or ECSE between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017.

This manual provides guidelines for reporting information on all students with disabilities in Oregon served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) including:

  • EI infants and toddlers, age 0-2 years, served under IDEA Part C,
  • ECSE children, age 3-4 years (and those turning age 5 after September 1 of each year), served under IDEA Part B, and
  • SA special education students, age 5-21 years, served under IDEA Part B.

Important Things to Remember

Back Up

After your final submission to ODE, make and retain a backup copy of your data (as submitted). If possible make a CD backup disk for your submitted data or save to a server drive that is backed up on a regular basis. Copy the signed submission form and file the backup data including the verification reports and the form for safekeeping.

Begin Early

Begin compiling your data early. Almost all information can be accumulated and entered into a local system prior to December 1. See the currentSECC UserGuideon theSECC Instruction Manuals webpage at

Due Date

Special Education Child Count is due by 5:00 PM on December 19, 2016.Please plan to submit earlier so we can get our Electronic Correction Reports (ECRs) out as soon as possible after this date.

Submitting Late or Inaccurate Data

The deadline for data submission is approximately two weeks after the December 1 “snapshot” date. Please ensure data is accurate and complete prior to this date! Late submissions can result in penalties.

Districts are allowed one late and one inaccurate submission during a school year across the SECC, Exit, and Find collections. A district is considered late if data has not been submitted by a collection’s due date. After a collection’s correction period has closed,a district is considered inaccurate if they failed to make the necessary changes to their audited records. Additionally, a district can be considered inaccurate if a Post Submission Correction Form is used to ask ODE to make a change to their data after a collection is closed. Districts with more than one late and/or more than one inaccurate submission will be marked as “untimely reporting” for the school year.

In the rare instance that an extension past the due date is authorized, theauthorization must come from a member of the Special Education Data Unit. Authorization does not mean that the district will not be considered late for the collection.

The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) requires states to make an annual determination for every district/program. As part of that process, OSEP requires the consideration of timely and accurate data in determinations. Untimely data submissions may adversely affect district and program determinations made by ODE. Call a member of the Special Education Data Unit early if you are having problems.

Final Submission Steps in Consolidated Collections

After all errors have been corrected under the ‘Review Errors’ tab, click on the ‘Status Tracking’ tab. Under the ‘Status Tracking’ tab, be sure the ‘School Year’ shows the correct school year for the data being submitted. The next step is to approve the reports. You can find the SECC, June Exit, or Find reports by clicking on the small triangle ‘bullet’ located to the left of the collection name. Verify each of the reports by checking the box to the left of each report and approve each report by clicking on the ‘Approve Report’ button located below the report. After each report is approved, click the verify submission button.

Signature Required

After approving your Special Education Child Count and June Exit Verification Reports, don’t forget to print, sign, and mail the original Submission/Correction Form to ODE. Your submission is not considered complete until ODE receives your signed form. There is NO submission form to be signed and returned to ODE for the Child Find Collections.

Faxed or e-mailedsubmission and correction forms will NOT be accepted.

Electronic Correction Report

The Electronic Correction Report (ECR) period opens in January for the SECC and in August for the June Exit and Child Find collections. During the ECR period, the collection is re-opened for districts to make improvements to the validity of their submitted data. ODE will also ask districts to review audit messages under the ‘Student Collections’ > ‘collection name’ > ‘Error Management’ > ‘Review Audits’ tab in Consolidated Collections. These audit messages generated by ODE are targeted toward specific records that may have been reported in error and are designed to catch possible duplicates, miscodes, under reported students, over reported students, demographic mismatches, etc. After all audits and errors have been cleared, follow the final submission steps described in the above paragraphs to finalize your submission.