A+ Schools 2017“Your Art, Our Schools”
Report Cover Art Competition
A+ Schools, Pittsburgh’s advocate for equity and excellence in public education, seeks submissions for its 2017 “Your Art, Our Schools” Report Cover Art Competition. Student artwork has been on the front and back covers of our annual Report to the Community on Public School Progress since 2010. This publication and its executive summary are distributed to over 60,000 households and can be found at libraries, schools and local elected officials’ offices across Pittsburgh and on the A+ Schools website.
Students from Pittsburgh’s public and public charter schools are invited tosubmit an original work of art to be considered for the front or back cover of our 2017 Report. Eligible work would consist of any art that touches on the themes of education, learning or school created for any class assignment.
Students and teachersshould feel free to submit works of art previously created that they believe would work on the cover of our report. Please read the attached guidelines for more information.
A jury of local artists, curators and community leaders will judge the submissions and pick ten (10) finalists from students grades PreK-12.
- All finalists will receive $25 and will be invited to a public event on February 11during which guests will vote for winning entries.
- The student with the winning submission will receive $100 gift card and their work will be on the cover of the 2016 Report to the Community on Public School Progress.
This packet includes the following:
- Competition Guidelines/Timeline
- Declaration of Originality and Artist’s Statement
- Consent and Release Form
If you have any questions, please contact me at 412.697.1298 ext. 100 or for more information.
James L. Fogarty
Executive Director
A+ Schools 2016 “Your Art, Our Schools”
Report Cover Art Competition
Guidelines and Timeline
Deadline for submissions:*New Deadline*Friday, February 3, 2017
Procedure for submissions:Students or teachers must complete the following three steps no later than 5 pm on February 3, 2017. Please use the following checklist to ensure a complete submission.
Check Box- Complete the Declaration of Originality and Artist’s Statement (print and complete or online at
- Complete the Consent and Release Form (print and complete or complete online at
- Submit the entry online (high resolution .jpg, .png, .gif, or .pdf formats preferred) or by mail to:
1901 Centre Ave., Suite 302
Pittsburgh, PA 15219 / □
Eligibility:Pittsburgh Public School or Public Charter Students grades PreK-12
Criteria:Students art that touches on the themes of education, school or learning
Artwork should be submitted in full color
All work must be ORIGINAL
The original work must be available to be exhibited February 17.
Media:All works must be in full color.
February 3, 2017
Submissions DeadlineSubmissions must be received by A+ Schools online or in person by 5:00 PM.
Week of February 13, 2017
JudgingJudging is based on quality of graphic, layout and general presentation, suitability for printing on newsprint, and suitability of content for report covers.
Jury is composed of noted artists and community leaders.
February 17, 2017
Finalist NotificationFinalists will receive notification from A+ Schools
March 9, 2017
Public Gallery ShowAll finalists will be shown at BOOM Concepts (5139 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15224) with the winners being voted on at the event.
A+ Schools Report Cover Competition
Declaration of Originality and Artist’s Statement
This form must be completed and returned with your submitted artwork.
Work submitted without this form will not be accepted.
This artwork entitled, / Title of Artwork / is an original work by
Student Information
First Name / Last Name / Grade Level (PreK-12) / Signature of Student (electronic or in writing)Student’s Statement related to the process of making the artwork:
A+ Schools Report Cover Competition
Student Name: (Please Print) Grade:
Title of Artwork:
I give permission for my artwork, any quotes I may give in interviews and any photographs or videotapes of me or my artwork displayedat public gallery or the offices of A+ Schools, to be used on the A+ Schools website andin any A+ Schools production or publication (including online. I also grant permission for A+ Schools to photograph and videotape me and my artwork as well as edit, useand reuse said photographs, videotapes and quotes for all purposes of A+ Schools, including on its website, withoutcompensation. I understand that A+ Schools will make every effort to take care of the above-listed artwork and its return to me but is not responsible for any loss or damage to same, nor the return of same to me. I hereby releaseA+ Schools and their agents, employees, volunteers and directors, from all claims, demands and liabilities whatsoever inconnection with or arising out of the above. I understand that I retain ownership of all of my submitted artwork.
Signature of Student: Date:
Parent/Guardian Consent (To be completed if the above student is under the age of 18).
Name of Parent/Guardian (Please Print):
Address of Parent/Guardian:
I hereby consent to the participation in interviews, the use of quotes, and the taking of photographs or videotapes of my son/daughter and his/herartwork by A+ Schools to be used on their websites or in any A+ Schools productions or publications (including online). I give permission for child’s artwork to displayed at a public gallery or the offices of A+ Schools. I also grant to A+ Schools the right to edit, use and reuse photographs of my child and his/her artworks, videotapes and quotes for all purposes of A+ Schools without compensation. I understand that A+ Schools will make every effort to take care of the above-listed artwork and its return to me but is not responsible for any loss or damage to same, nor the return of same to me or myson/daughter. I also hereby release A+ Schools and their agents, employees, volunteers and directors from allclaims, demand and liabilities whatsoever in connection with or arising out of the above. I understand that my child retains ownership of all ofhis/her submitted artwork.
Signature of Parent/Guardian: Date:
1901 Centre Ave., Suite 302A ● Pittsburgh, PA 15219 ● 412.697.1298 ●