Our Lady of Ransom Parish Pastoral Council

Minutes of meeting: Tuesday 5th April 2016


Fr. Paul, Ken, Ann B, Jennie, Emily, Cecelia, Jane.

Apologies: Ashley, Glen. Absent:Ann R, Emily.

Paul Maynard has resigned and Ken sent him an email thanking him for hisservice.

Opening prayer

We all said the ‘Our Father’ then Fr Paul said a short prayer.

Minutes of last meeting

These were agreed as being correct.

Matters Arising:

  1. Blessed Sacrament Aisle Screen

This agenda item will be discussed at our next meeting.

  1. CRB Checks

DBS is the new name for CRB and Mary Gajewska, our Diocesan Administrator for Safeguarding, is based at Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society at the convent by OLOR School. Mary has agreed to manage our DBS checks and those needing new or renewal checks should get a form from the convent. Return the completed form plus our passport to Mary at BCCS.

  1. Children’s Liturgy Hymn

Oh, When the Saints (marching in changed to marching out) has been sung now for several weeks. To avoid confusion as to whether or not we sing the other verses it was decided to repeat the first verse until all have marched out.


  1. Lent and Holy Week.

The services during this period went well. The slight change to our Good Friday service was liked by many. The Good Friday children’s Stations of the Cross were very successful. One parishioner thought the Maundy Thursday service was the best. Storm Katie caused a few problems at the lighting of the Pascal candle and could have been serious. If necessary, umbrellas will be used to shield the fire from the weather.

The attendance at the Saturday Stations of the Cross was generally lower than had been when previously held on Sunday. However, it was decided to have it on Saturday next year and it is hoped that with better promotion attendance might increase.

Fr.Paul participated in the Good Friday ecumenical service at Rayleigh Methodist Church. Fr. Paul will be attending the meetings with other Rayleigh ministers and is keen to host the service here at Our Lady’s next year.

  1. Young Ushers

At the 10am Mass our young ushers are doing well and they were extremely good at the Easter services. There were a couple of occasions when the reader couldn’t be heard but this has been addressed. Going up for Holy Communion is nicely managed by the children. The ushers who are interested in serving on the altar will commence training shortly.

All ushers will be welcomed and receive badges at a brief ceremony soon.

  1. Saturday 6pm Ushers.

Ken reported that he’d had complaints from the 8am Sunday Mass ushers that the church was left untidy after the Saturday Mass. Following the complaints Ken inspected the church after Mass and found it clean and tidy. Fr Paul said that he locks the church on Saturday evenings and said that the church was tidy. Fr Paul felt this was a trivial complaint and to move on. The PPC said that as long as the church was clean and tidy there was no reason for complaint. Ushers are expected to sort out their own Masses.


Cecelia asked if a glass of water could be made available for Fr Paul. This was agreed and the servers will be asked toplace the water next to his chair.

Date and Time of Next Meeting:

Tuesday 28th June at 8pm.

The meeting ended with us saying the ‘Glory Be’ and a blessing from Fr Paul