The Water, Sewer/Solid Waste, and Highway Committee Workshop Meetings were held on August 15, 2011 in Council Room, 125 South Walnut Street, Slatington, PA.
The meeting was called to order by President Freed at 6:35 PM with the following in attendance:
Kris Burek Eldon Roberts Susan Guedes Mel Gildner Carol Gildner
Bryon Reed Russell Hallman Ed Ziegler Chad Trego
Galen Freed Gwen Neff Daniel Sell David Walker Annette Dooley
Gus Guedes Florence Hoffman Andrew Aris Robert Herzog Jr.
Shirley Wagner George Moyer
Art Grammes Roy/Lori Middaugh
Eldon Roberts – Chairman; Members: Bryon Reed, Kris Burek – Vice-President Reed conducted this meeting in the absence of Mr. Roberts
There were no questions from the committee members, other Council members or the public and so the Water Committee Meeting was adjourned.
Kris Burek – Chairman; Members: Eldon Roberts, Bryon Reed
Mel Gildner – 528 Pine Street – he questioned about smoke testing and was told this was done over 2 years ago in town before the PENNVEST Project started and approximately 5-6 years ago up at Maple Spring Acres. Chairman Burek noted that John Bolton was invited to the next Authority Meeting to give an update on his sewer hookup inspections and answer questions concerning these issues. He inquired of Chairman Burek about the results of the smoke tests and the letters that had been sent out to residents downtown concerning their sewer problems. She replied that she had talked to the previous Borough Manager, but was not given any information. Mr. Gildner expressed his concern that if the whole town is not being smoke tested how this whole thing can be effective and asked her if she felt that they should do the whole town. Vice-President Reed and President Freed noted that at this time we need to prioritize and since the Maple Spring Acres is the section that is currently experiencing sewer backups and water in residents’ basements, that this area should be addressed immediately and that letters need to go out to the residents concerning broken/cracked sewer laterals. Mr. Gildner noted that he had heard that a resident refused to let the crew in to inspect their home and questioned what would be done in that situation, and Chairman Burek stated that we have not exercised the option for a search warrant yet, but feels that most of the people will accommodate the Borough to help correct the problems they are having up there.
Susan Guedes – 1065 Oakhurst Drive – Ms. Guedes noted that she is a borough employee, but is appearing here tonight as a concerned citizen. First, she answered some of Mr. Gildner’s concerns stating that the issues found when they smoke tested downtown had been taken care of by both the residents and Ronca and that the crew had
gone back to check on them. She also explained about the letters that were sent to the residents who reside from Union Street all the way through the Maple Spring Acres area and stated that they are still being inspected, the crew has checked out the ones that had the illegal hookups so far and verified that they had been disconnected. Ms. Guedes expressed her concern about people who may possibly know that their laterals are broken/cracked and asked that if they were aware of it wouldn’t they want to correct the problem so that their neighbors would not have to deal with the sewer backups in their basements, and stated that she would do it if her lateral was broken, which it is not. She questioned one or two of the visitors, did not receive an answer from one individual and was questioned by another visitor. She addressed this individual and stated that according to the borough crew he had a broken lateral and was aware of it, to which he replied “I was never told I had a broken lateral, only that my lateral had roots in it”. Ms. Guedes stated that in 37 years of living in Slatington they have had to deal with sewer backup in their basement 6 times, that they had to block up their toilet and shower in their basement and could not use their bathrooms, because of a possible backup. She also noted that once before when they came in front of Council with this issue in the 90’s they were told that it was not the Borough’s responsibility and they were not liable for the damage. She inquired of Chairman Burek as to why she did not contact or visit any of the homes that had been affected these past few weeks, to which she replied that she had called one or two residents who had originally called her, but that “she was not invited”. Ms. Guedes read an e-mail from Ms. Burek noting that she could not take calls, but that they should be told to come to the next meeting and discuss the issue in a public forum. Ms. Guedes noted that Councilor Hallman had stopped in at her place and that both Councilor Hallman and Vice-President Reed had also visited other homes on Oakhurst Drive that had sustained backup within the past 3 weeks. Chairman Burek noted that Ms. Guedes worked for the Borough and was given a direct order from her and she was obligated to follow this order and also stated that she had been told by various people that Ms. Guedes’s attitude in the office is disgraceful and that many people do not like her to which Ms. Guedes replied “I don’t care, those people may not like me, but there are more that like you even less”. Ms. Guedes reminded Chairman Burek that she is aware of how some of the people treat the office staff and that people get angry and difficult when they don’t like the answers or the rules. Ms. Guedes also reminded everyone that she is also a taxpayer and that there are ordinances and they should be adhered to. At this time, Mr. Guedes approached the podium and noted that they have to understand that Susan and he are both very upset and are tired of having to go to the bathroom in their backyard and that something needs to be done now. Chairman Burek noted that she is trying to work with the residents, but that she did not create this problem and that they should not hold her accountable for it and Mr. Guedes stated that it was all of Council that is accountable and we need the cooperation of the entire Council. He noted that he had a plumber come in and paid $350.00 to have his lines and lateral televised and the plumber showed him how the water was running down in the main and Mr. Guedes then noted that it seems that the sewer lines are still filled and nothing has changed. Chairman Burek stated that everyone is welcomed to attend the monthly Borough Authority Meeting to discuss their issues.
David Walker – 1048 Oakhurst Drive noted that we are finished talking, we need action!
President Freed noted that in defense of all the Councils that they were not responsible for the conditions and situation up there, that there was one person who is long gone that was the one responsible and that the main lines are the Borough’s responsibility and that from day one the lines that were put in should not have been installed, the workmanship was shoddy and in those days there were no inspections, but he noted that we will deal with the problems.
Roy & Lori Middaugh – 1309 Pin Oak Lane – Mr. Middaugh noted that their problem doesn’t sound nearly as bad as some of what they have heard so far. He lives next door to Mr. Grammes and he also sustained water in his basement. President Freed noted that they cut off the egress point by cutting off the water when the PENNVEST project was done, so the water has to go somewhere else. He asked if the street had been paved or patched since the project and it was noted that it had been patched. Mr. Middaugh stated that he would like to make the area on his lower level a living space again and asked what he could do. Vice-President Reed noted that he will explain some ideas later.
George Moyer – 231 Main Street – he noted that through most of the meeting one person was being chastised for the problem and that it is all of Council’s. He noted that he feels that Vice-President Reed is doing a good job and that when Penn Quaker did the project behind his home on Factory Street he noticed that no one was there to check the job. He also noted that now there are questions about the sewer project on South Walnut Street and that these inspections should be logged in so they can go back and check on issues and Vice-President Reed stated it is being looked into.
Daniel Sell – 259 South Walnut Street noted that he had the same problem, but since they have repaired it his house is dry. He did state that he’d rather see the problem fixed and that everyone should work together. They should all go to see where these issues are happening to make sure where the water is coming up – either through the sewer line or the ground.
Annette Dooley – 1030 Shadow Oaks Lane – noted that on August 8, 2011 she awoke at 5 o’clock in the morning to 3-4 inches of sewage in her basement and it was coming from the toilet. Vice-President Reed informed her to contact her insurance company and her insurance company should contact the Borough insurance company. She also inquired about the $500.00 for a check valve and was told that the individuals who had received this money were the residents who live at the lowest part of the system (Oakhurst Drive and Shadow Oaks Lane) and it would need to be discussed at the workshop meeting. She also noted that Councilor Hallman had come to her home.
At this time Mr. Gildner requested to speak in rebuttal to a statement that was previously said about his lateral and President Freed noted that no, he could not speak and that he needed to stop.
Chairman Burek noted that we had improved the one end of the flow going to the Sewer Plant and we may possibly need a new line to accommodate the flows, which is a major fix.
Vice-President Reed read an article from a magazine he had brought in with him, about the community of South Williamsport PA and the procedures they applied for addressing their I/I issues: checking for breaks, how to repair/replace the laterals, cost to the homeowners and their options, and information concerning loans for the residents. He noted that we built the system and we have to maintain it, and the word afford should
not even enter into the conversation. He noted that correcting the I/I problem will prevent higher costs to treat the water, prevent the overflows, sewer backups in basements and potential fines. He also noted that both the Borough and the Authority have been aware of these problems/issues dating back to the 90’s. He noted that he had gone out with the crew to inspect manholes, and private laterals, and they had found several serious leaks which need to be addressed and repaired.
At this time they showed a film of a residence up in Maple Spring Acres where clear surface water was getting into the sewer line and that all laterals need to be televised so that when the letters go to the homeowners, they are going to the right residents.
He read a draft of a letter he wrote and has requested Attorney Healy review it and advise on legal issues. It was decided that they have to prioritize which area should be addressed first.
Ed Ziegler – 102 Chestnut Street noted that when Washington Township had issues about 50 families never had to pay because of their income and they should check and find out what organization had handled that.
Chairman Burek requested that the draft letter be sent to the solicitor to check all the legalities, which should get the letters, and how many days will be allowed. She also inquired as to why the Ordinance Enforcement Officer was not handling these issues, since it was noted that there is an ordinance violation involved with these issues. She stated that they are still cleaning out the Pumping Station by hand and that the flows were very high. She stated that the impeller on one of the pumps is not functioning properly and that the whole pump will need to be replaced; which could be assessed when the pump station is cleaned and that there is money left from the EPA Grant for a new/rebuilt pump. There were no further questions from the committee members, other Council members or the public and so the Sewer/Solid Waste Committee Meeting was adjourned.
Bryon Reed – Chairman; Members: Eldon Roberts, Kris Burek
Chairman Reed stated that he informed John Bolton that the line in front of Mrs. Hoffman’s home and Mrs. Bowers on Oakhurst Drive collapsed and it needs to be fixed and that the basins in front of the Walker home and the Guedes home need to be cleaned out so the storm sewer drains are clear and open when we get the heavy rains. The 2 drains in front of the Elementary School were mentioned and it was noted that the contractors covered them with netting across them and they would need to be cleaned also by the contractors, because it prevents the water from entering the drains and it flows down to the lower part of Shadow Oaks Lane and creates a water overflow at the corner of Shadow Oaks and Oakhurst Drive.
Chairman Reed noted that he will get in contact with Roy Trone about them possibly doing street patching and he will check about using Liquid Fuels Funds and they must prioritize which streets need to be done. He noted that at the bottom of Chestnut Street and Scout House Road it was washed out due to heavy rains and they might check into getting someone in to fix this section. He suggested fixing both patches (one in front of the Baptist Church and the one at the bottom of Chestnut Street and Scout House Road) and it should cost less that $4,000.00.
Chairman Reed stated that PENN DOT will start overlaying Rte. 873 (Main Street) but they will not be doing any milling. Daniel Sell noted that if they don’t do milling, we will have problems after the street is overlaid. He also asked if curbing is replaced do they not have to meet the specs. Chairman Reed noted that this is a PENN DOT project.