“Every Child, Every Day”
2011-2012 Social Studies Long Range Plans—Grade 3rd
School Calendar / Days / Topic / Resources/ AssessmentsAugust 2011
10 / 11 / 12 / 1-3 / Unit 5-Communities at Work (Economics)
15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 4-8 / Chapter 9-Making Choices
Lesson 1-Earning, Spending, and Saving
Lesson 2-Choosing Wisely
SS-EP-3.1.1 / Earnings, Spending, Saving Money, Budgets, Needs Vs. Wants, Income, Economic Choices, Goods and Services, Opportunity Cost
Resources: Social Studies Book 281-305
WB 64, WB 65, WB 67
22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 9-13 / Lesson 3-A Community Business
SS-EP-3.2.1. SS-EP-3.3.1
Chapter 9 Review / Supply and Demand, Production Cost, Operation of Simple Businesses, Goods, Services, Products, Supply, Demand, Profit
Resources: Social Studies Book 306-315
WB 69, WB 70
Chapter Review
29 / 30 / 31 / 14-16 / Chapter 10-Making Goods
Lesson 1-Using Resources
SS-EP-3.1.1 SS-EP-3.4.1
Lesson 2-Depending on Others
SS-EP-3.3.2 SS-EP-3.4.3 / How Producers Use Natural Resources, Human Resources, and Capital Resources to Produce Goods, Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources, Producers, Scarcity, Interdependence,
Resources: Social Studies Book 316-333
WB 71, WB 72, 73
1 / 2 / 17-18
X / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 19-22 / Lesson 3-A World of Trade
SS-EP-3.4.1 SS-EP-3.4.2 SS-EP-3.4.3 / Trade, Communication, International Trade, Importing and Exporting Goods and Service, Free Markets, How the Production, Distribution and Consumption of Goods/Services have Changed Over Time
Resources: Social Studies Book 334-347
12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 23-27 / Chapter 10 Review/Unit Review/Unit Test / WB 75, WB 76
Chapter/Unit Review
Unit 5 Test
Culminating Project-KIVA
19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 28-32 / Citizenship Skills
Students will identify and explain the purpose of rules within organizations (e.g., school, clubs, teams) and compare rules with laws.
Students will define basic democratic ideas (e.g., liberty, justice, equality, rights, and responsibility) and explain why they are important today.
Students will identify and give examples of good citizenship at home, at school and in the community (e.g., helping with chores, obeying rules, participating in community service projects such as recycling, conserving natural resources, donating food/supplies) and explain why civic engagement in the community is important.
Students will describe various forms of interactions (compromise, cooperation, conflict, competition) that occur between individuals/ groups at home and at school.
SS-EP-2.3.2 Students will identify appropriate conflict resolution strategies (e.g., compromise, cooperation, communication / Classroom Rules
Common Area Rules
Attributes of Good Citizenship: Respect, Caring, Responsibility, Fairness, Courage, Honesty
Conflict Resolution
Social Studies Book H2-H3
PRIDE Handbook
School Handbook
Social Studies Book 184-185
WB 40
26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 33-37 / Geography
Students will use geographic tools (e.g., maps, globes, mental maps, charts, graphs) to locate and describe familiar places at home, school and the community.
Students will use geographic tools to identify major landforms (e.g., continents, mountain ranges), bodies of water (e.g., oceans, major rivers) and natural resources on Earth’s surface and use relative location.
Students will describe places on Earth’s surface by their physical characteristics (e.g., climate, landforms, and bodies of water). / Five Themes of Geography, Globe, Flat Map (Map Features: border, title, symbol, key, compass rose),Political Map, Physical Map, Landforms, Bodies of Water (oceans, gulfs, rivers, lakes, etc.), Grid Maps, Natural Features, History Maps
Resources: Social Studies Book H10-H20, Student Atlas, Globes
WB 6, WB 21,
3 / 4 / 5 / X / X / 38-40 / Geography / Continents, United States (Locate states on map)
Resources: Student Atlas, Student Maps
X / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 41-44 / Unit 1: Our Community
17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 45-49 / Chapter 1: What Are Communities?
Lesson 1-Communities
SS-EP-2.1.1 SS-EP-2.1.2 SS-EP-2.2.2 / Communities, Culture, Location, Geography
Resources: Social Studies Book 8-15
Leveled Readers
WB 2, 3
24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 50-54 / Lesson 2-United States Communities
SS-EP-2.1.1 SS-EP-2.1.2 SS-EP-2.2.1
Lesson 3-World Communities
SS-EP-2.1.1 SS-EP-2.1.2 SS-EP-2.2.1
Chapter Review / Communities Across US, Culture, Map Scales
Resources: Social Studies Book 18-35
Leveled Readers
WB 6, WB7,
Chapter Review
31 / 55
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 56-59 / Chapter Test
7 / X / 9 / 10 / 11 / 60-63 / Unit 6:Government
Chapter 11- Rights and Responsibilities
Lesson 1-Governments in the Past
SS-EP-1.3.1 SS-EP-1.3.2
Lesson 2-United States Government
SS-EP-1.3.1 SS-EP-1.3.2 / Athens, Direct Democracy, Republic, England, Monarchy, Magna Carta, Plymouth, Mayflower Compact, William Bradford, Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Amendments, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, Rosa Parks, Thurgood Marshall,
Resources: Social Studies Book 350-375
WB 78, WB 79, WB 80, WB 82
14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 64-68 / Native American Webquest
X / X / X / X / X
28 / 29 / 30 / 69-71 / Chapter 12-Your Local and State Governments
Lesson 1-Community Services
SS-EP-1.1.1 SS-EP-1.2.1
SS-EP-1.3.1 SS-EP-1.3.2
Lesson 2-Community Leaders
SS-EP-1.1.1 SS-EP-1.2.1 SS-EP-1.3.2 / Local Governments, Community Services, Financing Services, Community Helpers and Leaders-Police Chief, Fire Chief, Superintendent, School Board, , Local Government Officials-Council, Mayor, Electing Leaders, Candidates, Consent
Latitude and Longitude
Resources: Social Studies Book 382-397
1 / 2 / 72-73
5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 74-78 / Lesson 3-State Government
SS-EP-1.1.1 SS-EP-1.1.2
Elections, Unit 6 Review / Three Branches of Government-Legislative. Executive, and Judicial, Governor, Veto, Humanitarian, Jimmy Carter, Presidential Election
Resources: Social Studies Book 398-409
WB 90, WB 91
Chapter/Unit Review
12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 79-83 / Unit 6 Assessment
School Calendar / Days
January 2012
X / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 84-87 / Chapter 7-Communities and Their Histories
Lesson 1-Explorers Come to North America
Lesson 2-A Spanish Community
SS-EP-5.2.2 / Native Americans, European Explorers-Christopher Columbus, Hernando de Soto, Juan Ponce de Leon, explorers, How Natural Environment influenced the Way Native Americans dressed, Built Houses, and Obtained Food, Iroquois, St. Augustine, Fleets
Resources: Social Studies Book 199-223
WB 45, WB 46, WB 48
9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 88-92 / Lesson 3-A French Community
SS-EP-5.2.2 / French Explorers-Jacques Cartier, Samuel de Champlain, Fortifications,
Resources: Social Studies Book 224-229
WB 50
X / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 93-96 / Lesson 4-An English Community
SS-EP-5.2.2 / English Explorers-Christopher Newport, James River, John Smith Native Americans-Powhatan, Pocahontas, European Settlements, Jamestown, Representative Government
Resources: Social Studies Book 230-235
WB 51
23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 97-101 / Native Americans, Pocahontas Changes a Community, SS-EP-5.2.2
Chapter Review / How Pocahontas Changed a Community
Resources: Social Studies Book 236-239
30 / 31 / 102-103 / Chapter 8-Technolgy Changes Communities
Lesson 1-Transportation Over Time
SS-EP-3.4.2 SS-EP-4.3.2 SS-EP-5.2.3
Lesson 2-Communication Over Time
SS-EP-3.4.2 SS-EP-4.3.2 / Westward Expansion, Lewis & Clark (Meriwether Lewis, William Clark), Sacagawea, Transcontinental Railroad, Henry Ford, The Wright Brothers, Using a Time Line, Communication Over Time, Inventions, Benjamin Franklin, Pony Express, Samuel Morse, Morse Code, Telegraph, Alexander Graham Bell
Resources: Social Studies Book 240-255
WB 53, WB 54, WB 55, WB 56
February / Chapter 8-Technolgy Changes Communities
Lesson 1-Transportation Over Time
SS-EP-3.4.2 SS-EP-4.3.2 SS-EP-5.2.3
Lesson 2-Communication Over Time
SS-EP-3.4.2 SS-EP-4.3.2 / Westward Expansion, Lewis & Clark (Meriwether Lewis, William Clark), Sacagawea, Transcontinental Railroad, Henry Ford, The Wright Brothers, Using a Time Line, Communication Over Time, Inventions, Benjamin Franklin, Pony Express, Samuel Morse, Morse Code, Telegraph, Alexander Graham Bell
Resources: Social Studies Book 240-255
WB 53, WB 54, WB 55, WB 56
1 / 2 / 3 / 104-106 / Lesson 3-Inventions Over Time
SS-EP-3.4.2 SS-EP-4.3.2
Lesson 4-Medicine Improves Over Time
SS-EP-3.4.2 / Inventions that Made Life Easier, Scientists and Inventors, Lewis Latimer, Thomas Edison, Cyrus Hall McCormick (Invented the Reaper), Louis Daguerre, George Eastman, The Information Age, New Medicines Improved Health, Edward Jenner, Louis Pasteur, Pasteurization, Jonas Salk, Gertrude Elion, Vaccines
Resources: Social Studies Book 258-269
WB 57, WB59, WB 60
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 107-111 / Historical Figures Who Exemplified Good Citizenship
Unit Review/Unit 5 Test / Helen Keller, Braille
Resources: Social Studies Book 270-279
WB 61
Chapter/Unit Review
Unit 5 Test
13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 112-116 / Unit 2-People in Communities
Chapter 3-People Move from Place to Place
Lesson 1-Moving to a New Community
SS-EP-2.1.1 SS-EP-2.1.2 SS-EP-2.2.1
Lesson 2-Learning New Customs
SS-EP-2.1.1 SS-EP-2.1.2 SS-EP-2.2.1
SS-EP-2.2.2 / Ethnic/Cultural Celebrations, , Immigrants -Reasons People Relocate, Opportunity, Ethnic Groups-Origin, Customs, and Traditions
Resources: Social Studies Book 66-83
WB 16, WB 17, WB 18
X / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 117-120 / Lesson 3-Where Did They Come From?
SS-EP-2.1.1 SS-EP-2.1.2 SS-EP-2.2.1
Lesson 4-A New Life in America
SS-EP-2.1.1 SS-EP-2.1.2 SS-EP-2.2.1
SS-EP-2.2.2 / Ancestors, Symbols, Civic Responsibilities, Citizen, Migrations, Great Migration, Intermediate Directions
Resources: Social Studies Book 84-101
WB 19, 21, 22
27 / 28 / 29 / 121-123 / Chapter 4-Celebrations
Lesson 1-Celebrating Cultures SS-EP-5.2.1
Lesson 2-Celebrating a Community’s Past SS-EP-5.2.1 / Cultural Celebrations, Holidays, Traditions, Sphere, Equator, Hemisphere, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Prime Meridian, Livestock,
Resources: Social Studies Book 102-119
WB 23, WB 24, WB 25
1 / 2 / 124-125
5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 126-130 / Lesson 3-Celebrations Across Our Nation SS-EP-5.2.1
Unit Review/Unit Test / Memorial Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day , Civil Rights Movement
Resources: Social Studies Book 120-131
WB 27, WB 28
Unit Review/Unit Test
12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 131-135 / Unit 3-Where Are Communities?
Chapter 5-Community Environments
Lesson 1-What is Your Community’s Environment?
SS-EP-4.3.1 SS-EP-4.4.1
Lesson 2-Living in Different Climates
SS-EP-4.3.1 SS-EP-4.4.1 / Five Regions in US, Physical Environment (Climate, Landforms, Natural Resources), Ecosystem, How People Adapt to Environment
Resources: Social Studies Book 134-157
WB 31, WB 32, WB 33,
X / X / X / X / X
26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 136-140 / Lesson 3-Communities and Resources
SS-EP-4.3.1 SS-EP-4.4.1
Chapter Review / Natural Resources, Minerals, Fuel, Gold Rush, Conserve, Recycle, Conserving Natural Resources, Recycling
Resources: Social Studies Book160-169
WB 35, WB 36
April / Chapter 6-Places Where Communities Start
Lesson 1-A Mountain Community
Lesson 2-A Water Community
SS-EP-4.4.1 / How People Adapt To or Modify Physical Environment, Miners, Rocky Mountains, Daniel Boone, Logging, Lumber, Ports, Industries, World Climate Regions
Resources: Social Studies Book170-183
WB 37, WB 39
2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 141-145 / Lesson 3-A Crossroads Community
Unit Review/Unit Test / Transportation Needs, State Capital, State Government, Crossroads, National Road, Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman
Resources: Social Studies Book186-197
Pecos Bill WB 42
Chapter/Unit Review
Unit 3 Test
9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 146-150 / Current Events/Scholastic
16 / 17 / 18 / X / X / 151-153 / Current Events/Scholastic
23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 154-158
30 / 159 / KCAS
May / Rectangular Numbers, Triangle Patterns
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 160-163 / KCAS
7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 164-168 / KCAS
14 / 15 / 16 / 169-171
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