PRMeeting Minutes


  1. Call to Order, WelcomeGray

Gray called the meeting to order at 6:33P.M.

II.Roll CallInformationalGray

Gray performed the roll call, 13 home groups and four facilities attended the meeting.

III.Approval of Minutes, August 28, 2015ApprovalGray

August 28, 2015 minutes reviewed, Gina made a motion to approve the minutes as written and Kyle seconded, approved unanimously.

IV.Old Business


IV.New Business

  1. WebsiteDiscussionCyndi

Cyndi put the updated guidelines on the website. She suggested putting contacts for the PR members on the website as well. The group discussed who should and who was willing to have their contact information on the website. The group agreed that chair, vice-chair and anyone willing should be on the website. The secretary will email Cyndi the corrected contact list upon completion.

  1. SchedulesDiscussionKathy

Roughly, one third of the schedules are left.

  1. H & I ReportDiscussionMark

Three H & I facilities report their meetings going well. ARCA is creating a mandatory orientation for their H & I due to people bringing drugs in to the facility.

  1. LiteratureDiscussionAngela

Debi placed an order on September 21 for $326.23 leaving $2,673.77 in the literature budget. The group suggested placing literature orders through Michigan for faster delivery.

  1. Phone LineDiscussionGroup

The representative was absent but a group member noted that the phones are ringing and the list has been updated and rotated.

  1. Special ProjectsDiscussionGina

Gina told the group the artwork for the buses will go through API printing and be 11 x 28 in size and put on the inside of the buses. One bus will cost $9, but the bulk price for all 50 buses is $7 per bus. They use a specific company for installation that will waive all but the materials cost because we are non-profit. The materials for installation cost $5 per bus. This makes the cost of putting artwork on all the buses $600. Gina will research how long the artwork will stay on the bus and if there is an annual fee. In addition, she will create artwork choices for the group to vote.

  1. PIDiscussionPaul

Paul discussed the presentation rules and expectations with the group. Presentations need to have two people per presentation, without deviation from the intended script. There have been issues with the rules of the facility conflicting with traditions. Whenever that occurs, traditions come first and we may have to stop utilizing that facility.

  1. Area ReportDiscussionGray

The area wants our budget report. Schedules may save money with ordering less in the future. Special Projects would like to increase their budget due to the high number of projects currently in the works. The budget report is on hold until next month, more information is needed.


Gina will research how long the artwork will remain in the buses and present a few artwork choices for the group to vote. Gray will continue to work on the budget report for area. Angela will get a corrected contact list to Cyndi for publication on the website.

VI.Adjourn ApprovalGray

Gina adjourned the meeting at 7:32 P.M. on a motion.

Created by:

Angela P

Angela P, Secretary